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Posts posted by twyztd_valkyrie

  1. There was still cloning after Kamino, Spaarti cloning wasn't it?


    Also, there's real psychology behind the Stormies vs Rebels. Stormtroopers have full helmets with face coverings, while the Rebels had uncovered faces. In studies soldiers are less inclined to shoot a person without a mask than a person with one. Anything that looks in/non-human we find easier to kill. In these studies soldiers will miss - intentionally and subconsciously - unmasked combatants far more than they will masked ones.


    So an argument can be made that legitimate mind-games came into effect, making their aim worse. Which is completely incidental to why they couldn't shoot when they needed to: the main characters aren't supposed to be killed no matter how good the "bad guys" are :p


    As for ewoks in trees, as ridiculous as it is, at least the argument for the fact that Stormie armour isn't meant to guard against crushing and smashing can be offered.


    The NSDAP Stormtroopers were the SA, under Ernst Rohm, which was disbanded in 1934 in the Night of Longknives. The leftovers were absorbed into the SS; the SA under Rohm and the SS under Goebbels were rivals.

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