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Posts posted by Schizman

  1. why is it unimportant that decisions are being made for us that we are actually both entitled and capable of making ourselves?


    most people wouldn't have a problem setting their game to medium if their computer couldn't handle maximum. in fact they would be more happy to do that, knowing that they had the choice.


    They would be, yeah.

    Some people still haven't learned how to be happy without having an outside factor in play :)


    I'd prefer there be high-res graphics too, but its not affected my emotions in an averse manner. Its just a preference :)

  2. Wth?


    People still whining about this? The devs already commented on this, told us why they made their original choices and that changes are in the works because players demanded it. Sit back, relax and stop holding your breath and beating up your teddy bears because it takes a little time for them to implement changes.



    They're not fixing it in my eyes until they change the state of the textures to how they were in advertisements.

    I paid for *those* graphics, not these.

    If they had used these in ads, fine, but I will not be promised gold, and given silver; not as long as I'm paying.


    They can come up with all the half-way ''fixes'' they want, I'm going to keep posting here until I receive what I have paid for and was promised when they posted the ads with high-res textures; the ability to play this game with high-resolution textures enabled.


    No disrespect meant to anyone who disagrees.

    However, I too have an opinion, and I will not keep quiet simply because you feel I'm in the wrong. Feel free to feel that way, feel free to even tell me to stop posting and ''whining'', but do not expect me to actually obey, if you do :)


    Peace ;)

  3. Hello folks, I just thought I'd share this video from YouTube which I found a while ago.

    Its an explanation about how we can use Radeon Pro (for ATI users) to increase the quality of grass and tree textures, making them look crisper :)


    Here it is



    The uploader of the video did say he thought it was likely there was a similar application for Nvidia cards.



  4. Yeah I did notice Skyrim looks ten times better yet runs twice as smooth. Some poor coding and engine this game got, I wonder how long does a game need to be in development to get it right...


    Heh, yeah, so true.


    I do cut them some slack on this account, though... they are first-timers when it comes to making an MMO.


    I don't suppose anyone here delivers perfection/greatness on their first workday at a new job? :)


    I am however still of the opinon that they should re-instate high-res textures, simply because that is what they advertised and hence ''promised'' when they made said ads public.


    Its ok that they make mistakes, and I do not wish them to suffer for it, all I wish is them to rectify their mistake :)

  5. They alreaddy made it clear that the graphics will not be any better than they are now. How is this thread still going? This was clear a while ago.


    We have High and Low. Pick one. Good Job!





    Screw that, I don't care what they said! lol :p


    I disregard everything they said on altering the texture resolution after posting advertisements with high-resolution textures.

    It is against the law to advertise a ''better'' product and thereby promising it in the final product and then sell a -in comparison to the ad- qualitatively inferior product.


    The second they flat-out refuse to restore the high-res graphics *as they were* in the ads, is the second I start googling for a company that can make it very hard for EAware to get away with this. (This being a means to ''persuade'' EAware, not as punishment, because I don't believe in the common notion that punishment is effective).


    An advertisement is, to me, and I suppose many others, a promise, bound by legal obligation, and they failed to deliver what they promised -what they are bound to deliver by legal obligation-


    I will not leave this be untill I am convinced that there is nothing I can do to change it :)


    I do not mean to sound harsh here, I was not angry or upset in any way as I typed the above, I simply believe in honesty, and I will not pay 70 euros + 13 euros a month (+ the 350 euros I spent on new computer hardware with SWTOR specs in mind, coming down to 433 Euros (From an American perspective: 570 USD) for a lie.

    Go ahead, say its my own fault, I will simply disregard and ignore such notions.


    No offense meant, I am simply stating my interpretation, thoughts and feelings on this matter.



  6. bump bump bump


    Just some friendly advice; if you don't want to be reprimanded by a moderator, you should write something instead of ''bump bump bump''.


    Check your forum inbox =P


    I got a warning after doing it once, so now I just write something here everyday, like now :)


    Thanks for giving me the opportunity btw, didn't have much to work with today, untill you came along ;)

  7. didn't they say they are going to make them better somewhere?


    They said something along the lines of ''close to beta quality''


    I just want what was advertised, no more, no less :)


    Really, if if they hadn't ''promised'' us these textures by showing them in ads and having them on during beta, then ''accidentally'' leaving a not-working ''high'' option in the options menu, I wouldn't be here =P

  8. Well if the pictures did not depict the actual graphical quality, which they don't, they should have indicated it with a warning like: "Graphical quality of the elements in the game may not appear as on the videos/screenshots". If they don't, they're wrong.


    Right and Wrong is an endless game of blame and guilt, of accusation and forgiveness, and I've no desire for these games anymore.


    I don't believe in right and wrong, just in prefference.


    I'd preffer it if they activated the high-res textures.

    If they never will, ultimately, I'd be ok with that too.

    But untill a definite answer has been given, one way or the other, I will keep posting, simply because of my prefference :)


    If you want to get upset over a video-game, go ahead, but I personally feel I have more important things to spend my awareness on, so please do not tell me what's what, because I have my own version of what's what, and I preffer mine over what yours seems to be.


    Peace :)

  9. It does smell like false advertising.




    Strictly taken, they didn't say ''These are the graphics/textures you will be playing with'' or something similar (if they did, they're actually breaking the law).

    I'm not sure if that would get them off the hook.. but imo, if you place pictures on any sort of advertisements, they have to be pictures of (a copy of) the actual product you will be recieving.


    If we don't have an answer within a month or 2, I'm going to look up the specifics on this and start writing organisations that can pressure them.


    Oh and anyone willing to help ''protest'' and keep this thread alive, read this humorous and motivational post by daMarek please:



    [DAILY] Mission: Thread Bumping


    The BioWare corporation, once our friends and allies, have turned their back on us. Their newly formed alliance with EA has provided them with a long forgotten technology and they are severely impeding our graphical capabilities. They have already taken out one of our options, the "Medium" option. Even our strongest PCs are no match to their devious tactics. The community is suffering heavy losses, including women and children, and we need your help. Our only hope is to perform the dark ritual of "Bumping". Widely frowned upon in the community, the ritual is often performed by those know as "Trolls" and is associated with the conditions of "flame" and "rage". Do not let these consume you. I sense the posting is strong with you. You must help us keep this thread bumped. The survival of The Old Republic depends on you.





    Provided Rewards:


    [Advanced Graphics] [stim: Critical Gameplay] [Adrenal: Enhanced Fun]

    2x Community Commendation

  10. The choice to compromise was not supposed to be theirs to make, the PC isn't an XBOX with predetermined hardware, its down to the choice of each client and his/her rig's capabilities. Some of us have machines that don't need to compromise, other people might choose high res textures over shadows for example and we know the high res textures exist, why not make these available? It just doesn't make sense. If we feel its pushing the limits for comfortable FPS we'll turn it back to medium res, why not give us the option at the very least?


    Exactly! :)


    + they advertised the high-res graphics in their trailers and screenshots.. if they don't supply what they advertised.. well.. I'm going to have to find someone that will make them :)

  11. Looked exactly like advertised.


    They may have looked like it, but they're not.

    Zoomed out, low textures look good, yes, but up close, they are horrible.

    I suggest looking up a comparison image of beta textures and current ones.

    Or simply stand close to your ship holo, zoom into close range of your character, and then press the holo.



    I'm satisfied with the graphics.


    Good for you :)


    I and many others are not, however.

  12. What I'd really like to hear from Bioware:


    A little honesty and less marketing. If you provide a little more transparency your community wouldn't rag against you all the time. I love TOR. I'm here to stay regardless of the high textures, and I understand development takes time. But I've also lost a lot of respect for Bioware over the high res and release grace period fiasco. Please win back our trust. Is that so difficult to do?


    Well said.

    I don't hate BioWare, I love them. I've played nearly every video game they've ever made and loved every last one of them, including TOR :)


    Its just what you said, they messed up, they'd be best off by just admitting it now :)


    Edit: and then fixing it, ofcourse :)


    I preffer an honest mistake over never having known a mistake was made and having been lied to.


    BioWare is made by people, this game is made by people. People make mistakes, even on the job.

    There's a saying in dutch ''Where there's wood being chopped, woodchips will fall''


    That doesn't mean I wouldn't preffer to have this mistake rectified though :)

  13. Anyone who's posting in this thread, that is willing to ''advertise'' this issue, please feel free to copy/paste the text below into your signature (my current signature)


    (Note that you will need to replace all the red marked + signs with a [ sign)

    (Tested and working)


    +COLOR=Lime]+COLOR=White]Join us in the fight for +COLOR=Orange][High-Res Textures][/color] @ [/color]+URL="http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=286535"][Official High Resolution Textures Post] !


    +/URL][/color]+COLOR=Lime]+URL="http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=286535"]{ACCEPT}[/url] +URL="http://img840.imageshack.us/img840/6521/fu2x.jpg"]{DECLINE}[/url]



    Or, if you know how to add colours/links yourself, feel free to just copy/paste my signature and add your own links/colours as you please :)


    @EAware: I'm going to keep going untill you flat out tell us that the textures from your official advertisements are going to be restored into gameplay.

    It doesn't need to be quick, take your time... But I will not settle for ''close to high-resolution''.. give us what you advertised, or I will contact organizations that can make this very difficult for you.

    Not intending to sound threatening here, simply expressing my course of action should you fail to hold up your end of the deal.

  14. so ....what "satisfying " answer would be good enough for yalll?


    THEY ARE WORKING ON IT , they heard yall...


    what more do you expect?


    srsly man, ill be ingame having fun while you worry about blurry pixels lol you guys are sad, five threads of this horse manure and you guys still dont get it that they are WORKING ON IT


    it aint gonna go any faster no matter how much you guys "ask"


    OH get over yourself. ''Oh look at me, I don't care about this issue, but I do love spending time responding to sh*t I dislike'' - have fun with that.


    I'm not quitting, not even if they never fix this problem.

    And I'm not losing any sleep over it, in fact, I haven't gotten ''upset'' over it once.

    The only reason I am here, posting, is because I'd *preffer* to have high-res textures, and that does not mean I'd not be ok if they were never implemented... it just means I'd PREFFER them to be.


    And no, they are not working on what I'd like; the *full* beta high-res textures *NOT* something ''close to'' (quote).


    But yeah, I get it, I look at an ENTIRE group of hundreds (sometimes even millions) of people, and make one generalizing rant too, -which only applies to a portion of them- sometimes, so its cool.. we're all idiots sometimes... just your turn now :)


    I'm no saint, I've called ''EAware'' idiots, and that would mean every person working there is an idiot; which is not true... in fact, I don't really believe in idiots, just in idiotic behaviour *wink*

    So go ahead and make a generalisation about the vast majority of people posting here; you're free to do so, I'm just telling you that you're mistaken, and that the assumption is an ignorant one.


    PS: thanks for helping us out by bumping this thread *twice*, dipsh*t :)

  15. Oh, for easy quoting here is the post originally made by daMarek in the last incarnation of this thread.

    All I did was copy the text, paste it in a reply box, and re-add colours using Editor Mode (top right of light-blue box in the reply window)




    [DAILY] Mission: Thread Bumping


    The BioWare corporation, once our friends and allies, have turned their back on us. Their newly formed alliance with EA has provided them with a long forgotten technology and they are severely impeding our graphical capabilities. They have already taken out one of our options, the "Medium" option. Even our strongest PCs are no match to their devious tactics. The community is suffering heavy losses, including women and children, and we need your help. Our only hope is to perform the dark ritual of "Bumping". Widely frowned upon in the community, the ritual is often performed by those know as "Trolls" and is associated with the conditions of "flame" and "rage". Do not let these consume you. I sense the posting is strong with you. You must help us keep this thread bumped. The survival of The Old Republic depends on you.





    Provided Rewards:


    [Advanced Graphics] [stim: Critical Gameplay] [Adrenal: Enhanced Fun]

    2x Community Commendation


    *Originally by daMarek*

  16. Esteemed EAware,


    Please activate the high-res textures for those who have rigs that CAN run them.

    It can't be that hard if they were up and running during Beta, unless you've made it hard, in which case you just f'ed yourself over, because you could have foreseen these ''protests''.


    If you're afraid YOUR end of the system may not be able to manage half of your players enabling high res, simply admit it and tell us you're going to fix it.


    Give us a solid explanation as to WHY it is so hard to simply switch them on? Maybe because, like I implied, you've done something to make it hard to do so, in which case I would suggest admitting your mistake like a grown up, and getting to work.


    We are your paying customers, and we demand what we have seen in advertisements.



    PS @ fellow players:


    [DAILY] Mission: Thread Bumping


    The BioWare corporation, once our friends and allies, have turned their back on us. Their newly formed alliance with EA has provided them with a long forgotten technology and they are severely impeding our graphical capabilities. They have already taken out one of our options, the "Medium" option. Even our strongest PCs are no match to their devious tactics. The community is suffering heavy losses, including women and children, and we need your help. Our only hope is to perform the dark ritual of "Bumping". Widely frowned upon in the community, the ritual is often performed by those know as "Trolls" and is associated with the conditions of "flame" and "rage". Do not let these consume you. I sense the posting is strong with you. You must help us keep this thread bumped. The survival of The Old Republic depends on you.





    Provided Rewards:


    [Advanced Graphics] [stim: Critical Gameplay] [Adrenal: Enhanced Fun]

    2x Community Commendation


    PPS @ fellow players: don't simply say ''bump'' or something similar, because they can actually ban you for doing this repeatedly.

    Simply do as I do, and take 10 minutes to write a decent post.

    Its not bumping, technically, its letting your voice be heard.

  17. Lol, if you're willing to quit a game over a few bugs, fine, go ahead, we're better off without you whiney types anyway :)


    I personally never said I *would* quit, I did threaten with it, but did so consciously to get a response (fail's on me).


    Not saying I never whine, just saying when I do, its because *I* feel like sh*t, not cuz of anyone else.


    I couldn't give a flying f*ck about SW, all I care about is BioWare's storytelling skills... and I find them adequate in this game.

    I'm on a self-created PvE tab almost all the time, and if this was a ''normal'' MMO, I wouldn't be playing.


    So keep your absolutes and generalisation statements to yourself, because there's no way you can speak for the hundreds of thousands of people playing this game, claiming knowledge on what they would do ''if this'' and ''if that''.


    If you wanna b*tch, go ahead and b*tch, but don't claim that everyone agrees with you.. I for one DON'T.


    /End Rant :)





    Also, doing mah daileh:


    [DAILY] Mission: Thread Bumping


    The BioWare corporation, once our friends and allies, have turned their back on us. Their newly formed alliance with EA has provided them with a long forgotten technology and they are severely impeding our graphical capabilities. They have already taken out one of our options, the "Medium" option. Even our strongest PCs are no match to their devious tactics. The community is suffering heavy losses, including women and children, and we need your help. Our only hope is to perform the dark ritual of "Bumping". Widely frowned upon in the community, the ritual is often performed by those know as "Trolls" and is associated with the conditions of "flame" and "rage". Do not let these consume you. I sense the posting is strong with you. You must help us keep this thread bumped. The survival of The Old Republic depends on you.





    Provided Rewards:


    [Advanced Graphics] [stim: Critical Gameplay] [Adrenal: Enhanced Fun]

    2x Community Commendation

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