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Posts posted by MysticGryph

  1. As the title says. On my main I skipped the last part of the class quest to go to makeb, and couldn't get the Darth title, dropped a lot of cartel coins on that toon and can't just abandon him. I think if you skip any class quests it should automatically unlock the titles. Just an idea
  2. So currently if you are Light IV or Dark IV you get locked to that alignment... but we've seen on PTS that you have to be Dark IV to be a Dark Jedi (rep) and Light IV to be a LS Sith (imp) Basically I have a character that is locked on Dark IV and I wanted his secondary class to be sage, which needs Light IV. Anyone know if there are any plans to unlock this?
  3. Look the whole 4v1 thing was hypothetical. Here's a thing:


    I play a jugg, I call inc as soon as I see anyone anyway (hell I actually sit there with it already typed in the chat box) I know even if there's 4v1 I can individually interrupt, choke one, push another away, then AOE stun the group of guys, to try to buy time, without even using a single DCD. But then they all hit their breakers at once, and knowing that they can't be interrupted by AOE they choose not to even bother trying to kill me. As long as they keep spam capping I won't be able to keep up, and if one of them stuns me even for 3 seconds that's it, lost. Even using a breaker takes pretty much 1 GC.


    That makes it almost impossible for melee to guard an objective, unless you're standing on it, and even then that makes it easier for them to cap, because if you're at least 10m away at least they won't get a chance to get the full cap when they stun you, but if you're standing on top of it so you can interrupt every person capping, yeah whatever I'm wasting my breath here huh.


    That's the new tactic. Get your entire team to just spam cap an objective and one of them will get lucky. That's broken.

  4. Terrible idea. I see the point of it, to stop orbital strike or force lightning spam, but there has to be a better way. You should at least change it so that instant AoE's work, or splash damage. How the hell is 1 person supposed to defend an objective from a team of 4-5 people, when they can't even use AoE to stop them. Even if you tab through every single target you still have roughly a 1.5 second delay because of the global CD, and by then they've capped it! I don't even know where the hell this stupid idea came from but it is a really really bad idea!
  5. It's a pain when you're looking for a particular item in a menu, for example a crafting schematic or even something in collections.


    There should be an option in settings to "Automatically Minimize Tabs", so you don't have to manually minimize them every time you want to look for something

  6. After reading this article about current mara issues:




    More specifically this bit:


    "Fury/Concentration is in the lower half of the PvP spectrum. Like other classes that are underperforming, this is, and shall continue to be, addressed in upcoming class balance updates."


    My suggestion is to fix shockwave. I am aware it will no longer stack, therefore guaranteeing a 15% damage boost on smash/raging burst however, it is still not strong enough. The appeal with rage/fury before was the be able to burst on an opponent. As you are aware the spec has minimum sustain so burst is important.


    In nerfing shockwave reducing the damage you (as well as reducing ravage damage) you took away most of its burst. Yes, furious strike now makes a big crit but it still isnt enough


    Anyway my suggestion is increase shockwave/singularity bonus damage to at least 20%, ideally 25%...

  7. So let me get this straight. When you nerfed rage this was what happened:


    You make it so you have to have a primary target to use smash in one update.


    You then nerf the damage smash does in another (3.0)


    ...while at the same time making a new AOE attack for VENGEANCE which not only doesn't need a primary target, but also does very similar damage to rage smash, and also applies DOTS?!?


    Yeah. Fix that please.

  8. Mad. Worst decision ever made. I understand replacing the skill tree for a more simple version, but not allowing hybrids is just stupid IMO. I only ever play hybrids, it makes me feel like my character has a sense if individuality not just another FOTM build!!
  9. You realize those two abilities can only be used once a minute, right? Your dots can run their full duration multiple times over in the time that it takes those moves to come off of cooldown.


    There are abilities in the skill tree that lower the CD of them whenever you get attacked so scoundrels and operatives are using evasion every 15 seconds... also if you go up against one that is specced as a healer you stand no chance in getting them down at all, as when they're not using evasion to purge they're insta healing themself back to full health...


    Force shroud not much of an issue cos i don't waste my dots when i see them use it, but a pain in the *** that it can purge the dots still.

  10. Realy?!? Why?


    It bothers so much? Do not choose them or choose them and do not track them, this way they will never appear in the terminal! :confused:


    I took "introduction to starfighter" on a couple of my toons and untracked it, but on the ones that i did like 1 match on i now have the daily and the weekly to ignore at terminals, i'm not going to pick them up and untrack them as that's wasting 2 spaces in my mission log...

  11. Can't help noticing more and more players using hacks in war-zones. I know it sounds like i'm a sore looser or a nub but i see this often in my own team. The best evidence of this is a famous 1 minute hut-ball teleport contest (5 goals in under 1 min) :confused: . Can't the support staff introduce a better anti-hack code ?


    L2P issues.


    "Worse than me = noob, better than me = hacker"



  12. If you're interested in knowing how I got this it was in the dark temple on Dromund Kaas, using the "Empowered" buff from the sith relic at the entrance, also triggered Relic of Devastating Vengeance and used a Nano-Infused Crit Adrenal :D
  13. LOSing doesnt seem to work for all skills. I cast snipe, the target runs around and my cast bar breaks, makes sense.

    But when someone channels an ability and I run around a corner, it still hits me. Shouldnt the channel ability break just like when I cast mine?


    Yeah it is lag, I managed to curl a lightsaber throw around a pillar the other day ;)


    Just make sure you run a bit further around the corner and run sooner!

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