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Posts posted by ksjacksonjr

  1. I reposted this thread here because i realized it belonged here and not in the crafters forum. One other suggestion I would like to add or actually comment on. I play on a pve server, why is the focus still towards pvp. I mis the days when pvp and pve were seperate. I do not like pvp never had and never will, please stop forcing pvp on players who do not pvp. And what I mean by forcing it is why is it an option on pve servers? It seems it is all anyone left on this game cares about. Games like Modern Warfare and Call of Duty have ruined the gamming industry IMO. What I mean by that is because these game have been so popular on consoles everyone seems to trying to capture some of those dollars. I hated wow because of the pvp mechanic, I left eq2 after almost 7 years of play because they started to focus on their version of the WoW battleground, then I come to SWTOR and find the same thing. Trying to combine both worlds is one reason why MMO's are failing. I love that BIOWARE had brought storytelling back to MMO's. But the pvp stuff has go to go back where it belongs... on pvp servers not part of pve servers. This whole game seems to be about racing to 50 then pvping even on pve servers. Finding people who dont want to pvp seems to be almost impossible. Am I the only one who feels this way, or are there others who would like to raid and quest together and doo all the other fun things in this game other than pvp?
  2. I have played SWTOR since launch, left for a month due to finances then came back. I love how BIOWARE has reinvented the story driven game. But as most of us realize, crafting is subpar at best. BIOWARE please take the time to look at the crafting system in LOTRO. Im not saying copy it, but use it as inspiration. The best armor, weapons and such are all player made. The ingredients still require you to raid for them, and you can level your weapon through a point system in place. Crafters are needed to "reforge" your weapons into something better. And they have a guild system in place for crafters that takes time to advance in ranks, but you can learn special recipies to craft. It is not a free for all crafting system. The really good equipment has lockout timers to prevent you flooding the market with items. the point syastem also allows some individuality in what each weapon does. Star Wars lore is full of characters who have customized thier weapons or paid someone to do it. Also the ability to craft NO DROP items for other players in a window so it is bound to the player requesting it would be nice. EQ2 has a system for that. With all the leagcy stuff you are doing what could be more legacy than epic crafted weapons and armor that is passed down. Also as you level you kind of outgrow your epic weapon as you become more proficient with it. This makes replacing weapons throughout the game a must. Just a few ideas to think about.
  3. I have played SWTOR since launch, left for a month due to finances then came back. I love how BIOWARE has reinvented the story driven game. But as most of us realize, crafting is subpar at best. BIOWARE please take the time to look at the crafting system in LOTRO. Im not saying copy it, but use it as inspiration. The best armor, weapons and such are all player made. The ingredients still require you to raid for them, and you can level your weapon through a point system in place. Crafters are needed to "reforge" your weapons into something better. And they have a guild system in place for crafters that takes time to advance in ranks, but you can learn special recipies to craft. It is not a free for all crafting system. The really good equipment has lockout timers to prevent you flooding the market with items. the point syastem also allows some individuality in what each weapon does. Star Wars lore is full of characters who have customized thier weapons or paid someone to do it. Also the ability to craft NO DROP items for other players in a window so it is bound to the player requesting it would be nice. EQ2 has a system for that. With all the leagcy stuff you are doing what could be more legacy than epic crafted weapons and armor that is passed down. Also as you level you kind of outgrow your epic weapon as you become more proficient with it. This makes replacing weapons throughout the game a must. Just a few ideas to think about.
  4. This is going to get me flamed but WTH here I go anyway. The problem with our economy is the ORANGE GEAR. I understand its purpose, but for any toon below 50 it should not exist. Why would any crafter want to take the time to invest in any trade where you can buy 1 item at leve 15 and use it till end game? there is no reason to craft because of this. Get rid of oragnge gear for all levels below 50 then all the other crafted gear becomes viable. At the very least crafted gear should be WAY better than the orange gear. If you want to keep it make crafted gear that much better than orange gear then it will become usable again. The other problem I have with the crafting system is that it is not on par with the leveling system. By the time I gather the resources and craft the items to break down by the time i get most blue recipies you have outleveled what you are trying to make. In what other game can you do the first to areas and by doing so have already outleveled the next two areas? You level up way to fast in this game. I can take a toon from creation to level 50 in a week without really trying too hard.When you have planets set at a certain level range then by the time you finish the quests on said planet you shoud be in that level range. For example my friend and I play together and have done all the quests on all the planets up till Nar Shada, We are not even done with Nar and we are mid 30's the next planet is Tattooine and we have already outleveled the level cap for Tat which is level 28 I do believe. These things are what has hurt crafting the most, the bad interface is just a hinderance, this is not the first bad one I have seen. It looks like crafting was added as an after thought just so the devs can say "Yup we have crafting." These are just my opinions developed from the many different games I have played. I want SWTOR to succeed I love the story lines, but right now that is all this game offers to keep people around.
  5. I have to say that I love leveling my lightning sorc. I do not find it all that hard at all. I am able to kill elites at my level, it just takes a little management and patience. You have to be able to throw a heal at you pet every now and then not to mention shield it. Use force whirlwind on adds, I aolso have the stun added to my jump attack. Some sorcs I think are afraid to close the distance and use all of their abilities. For me it was easy to find this playstyle, in EQ 2 I played cc pet class, and the inq has some of this at their disposal. I also do not have the problem with Khem Val dieing. It just takes a little practice but I find it fun. In pvp I find lightning to be great. I usually end up with half of the other team hunting me down just to get even with me, HEHEHEHEHE.
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