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Posts posted by Yummymango

  1. Biochem is very useful profession and I think it is a good idea by BW to have this kind of profession.

    But I don't see any point in nerfing it because it is just fine. So here is what I think should be done to even out the things -


    1) Make sure that every profession is usable by all kinds of classes and players. Biochem & Cybertech are good examples.

    Biochem players should have an added advantage of leveling Biochem by having some extra buff from their stims and health kits. (Which I think they have)


    Cybertech should be able to craft some special BOP mods for their gear which will provide them extra buffs (similar to bio chem to balance it out). So they are losing something by not picking biochem but gaining same thing by picking up cybertech.


    2) Other crafting professions should also be given some similar utilities, give armortech ability to add extra socket so that they are losing from not having cybertech or biochem buff but they can add extra socket in their gear and make up for that loss by adding a mod or gem (will benefit trade). Similar sockets can also be applied to gear of other players but they will get less benefit if they are not armor tech. Just to even out the things.


    3) Sythweavers can apply some kind of enchant to their gear to even out the loss. That enchant can be applied to other players also but less benefit. (it cant be enchant. It can be a totally diff thing. But I hope you got the idea)


    4) Atleast 1 item from full set of gear to be BIS and should only be crafted or a drop from raid boss. This will give people option to buy it from crafters.


    And so on for all crafting professions.


    Benefits -

    1) It will make all professions profitable and will increase trade between players. Every profession will need help from other crafting profession so that all will be in use.

    2) It will also even out the loss or gain from picking up one profession over other. People will choose what they like. They will get exact same benefit as any other profession.

    3) All schematics that drop from Raids should be BOE. (regular mode specially)


    Some of the above things might already be in place. What do you think?

  2. This is not a QQ thread


    Random loot is random which is fine but I have observed in WOW that when you are running any raid if tank gear starts to drop from first boss, almost all the pieces that will drop will skew towards the tank in the subsequent bosses.

    I have seen this numerous times.


    It seems that same is the case with TOR thats why lot of people are reporting that they keep on getting loot for 1 class only. Other pieces will also drop but the number will be super low as compared to the main class who got lucky.


    I ran Regular Ev last week and I got 4 pieces of loot. All tier. BH loot was everywhere.

    Hard mode Hutt palace, same thing

    Nightmare EV yesterday , almost all loot was for sithwarrior dps and tank.


    These are few example but these are the only ones that I actually tried to track.


    I know it is random but did anyone else notice this?


    And if this is true I think it will be nice for BW to take a note of this and make some changes if necessary.

  3. When I hit 50 I bought high level purple mods for my gear (blue/orange) to boost stats little bit.

    Dailies are good idea but I will advice to give priority to daily and weekly pvp quests. From the quests you will get bags and from bags you will get badges to buy gear and chance of gear drop which is decently high.

    If you are lucky you will be decked with full set may be in a week :)


    Normal mode EV raid is very easy and you should be able to run it with orange and blues if you know what you are doing. You will be able to get gear from there also.

  4. I support an LFG system, but I'm completely against it being cross-realm. One of the things I've really come to enjoy about this game is that reputation matters again. Treat enough people like garbage, and you'll have to roll a new character. I love that.


    No one rolls any new character just like that. I have seen enough POPULAR ninjas. People like those dont give a flying **** what you and I think.

  5. Why do you think the crafting skills in WOW were worthless. I am just surprised.

    In each and every content release new patterns were dropped in raids which can be used to craft gear and sold on auction house. People buy that stuff all the time.


    I think BW is also doing the same thing. The only thing they need to do is make the Schematics BOE and not BOP.

  6. No JUST NO. If you want an easy mode game go back to wow. For making credits you should earn it and should not get it easily by making it more accessible. Also I think republics are my enemies, I dont want anyone to help them by supplying goods. This is just wrong!


    Selling and buying should be hard because thats what is hardcore. I feel so good after I sell something. My ePeen gets bigger and stronger. I feel as if I have opened a Walmart store. Thats how hardcore it is.







    P.S. Yes please introduce it.

  7. Although Bioanalysis mats sell for good price I found Biochem to be highly highly profitable. Why - No need to farm, buy mats from GTN, make stuff and sell it right away.


    What sells -

    Adrenals - If people are raiding, they need it and I honestly believe that their demand will increase as more content will be released.

    Medpacks - Funny but true, people do buy the high level med packs

    Stims - Another high seller item like adrenals.


    Thats all you need. Just to give you an idea 1 adrenal sells for about 15K on our server, imagine the amount of credits that you can make if you price it right. I think I have made around 300K in the past few 2-3 days without even trying. Just selling the crafted high level junk in my bags while leveling biochem.


    I also have slicing but frankly it is not as profitable as Biochem. I didn't even take diplomacy because I found it to be a money sink in my other toon.


    So my three are - Biochem, Bio analysis to help bio chem and Slicing (keep money flowing even if it is not that much)

  8. Our guild has a totally different issue -


    The pylons WONT RESET


    yes, if they get locked, they just wont reset now matter how hard you try to reset. So pretty much we cant even try the boss again.


    Also anyone who is saying it is a Puzzle is 100% wrong. There is no specific mechanics to it. If you will read the comments you will learn that people have success with all kinds of mechanics and failures with the same mechanics. Just because you got lucky doesnt mean you "Solved the puzzle"


    On Sunday this is what happened -

    We planned the shortest/fastest pattern with south first (that many claim is right way to go)

    we finished south first, and when north clicked their last button to finish the puzzle, the pylon didnt turn. Yes the button was clickable and pylons wont turn at all. By this time we were over run by the bugs.


    AFter that we tried so many times to reset the puzzle but sadly no luck. We were able to see North clickable but south still locked.


    Do you still think there is no bug?


    P.S. - Our guild has already cleared the Hardmode and we were trying to do it on NMM just to let you know that we knew what we were doing.

  9. I took this as the TLDR portion as it basically sums up the problem you're trying to point out.


    I've been following SW for years and I can't remember a single time that they stated that this was one of their goals. They have harped high and mighty about story and character choice (basically 1-49 which is admittedly very good) and I've yet to see a single post about their end-game intentions or target audience.


    Maybe they're happy not having them?


    I agree with you but my question is what kind of content we should expect in future?

  10. I'm in the same boat as far as playtime. I made friends levelling up, now we group and do HMs together. I guess I'm just weird like that, getting to know people, adding them to friends lists, things of that nature.


    I know WoW eliminated the need for spending time getting to know people, but try it.


    I don't think they should quit the game because they want a LFD tool and cannot for the life of them find decent people to do HMs with, I want them to stay - make friends, socialize, get groups going. Or, do non HM stuff, dailies, things like that.


    I guess what I'm saying is WoW created an army of undulating masses that want to experience all content, no matter the time investment, social aspects, or more recently skill.


    I come from EQ, where your reputation on a server was actually important, and you were required to get along with people to even "see" end game stuff.


    TL:DR, you a commie? (:


    My friend everyone had different Idea of "Fun" in a a game. Not everyone wants to take initiative in making random people friends just like that.

    For example -

    I don't mind making friends. If I meet someone nice I will like to run with them again but still I prefer my guildies for community. My idea of fun is kill content and raid.


    So I really don't need to go out of way and spend my time which I should be spending doing content.


    Also my question is whats wrong with a person if they want to experience content with less time involved. Isnt content meant to be experienced. Why a person who is new to mmo scene or is not a great player should go through hardships or should not be allowed to experience content. He is pay as much money as others and has full right to enjoy the game the way he likes. Creating options for casual players is not bad.


    I am a hard core raider and raiding is what I like but at the same time I do support the casual gamers and I think they have every right to enjoy the game they feel like.


    Also I hope you know that LFD tool is option right. You are free to use the traditional method of putting together a group. No one will stop you.

  11. You made your point in the last part of your wall of text.


    Wait for your friends, HM's in this game are quite difficult, I think its intentional. Moreover, I am getting sick of people wanting what WoW has in their game.


    WoW has easy..easy dungeons now, there is no challenge really. Most of this stems from people actually doing them quite a bit and being familiar (which will happen to TOR in the near future) however it also has to do with HMs actually being a bit of a challenge here.


    Please stop asking for cake, take initiative - if you don't want to, by all means go back to WoW.


    Oh and community is lol, there is no community on WoW - only for elite guilds who compare e-peen progression. At least here people are getting known for their PvP skills, and "good" guilds will start getting recognition in PvE on a local level.


    *Edit* I know I'm being defensive, but overall almost every complaint these days (Besides valid ones, i.e. bugs, UI/Action Bar lag, PvP itemization) stems from the WoW generation.



    I like the game but what should I do when I only get to play 3-4 hours maxx on weekdays because I work 10 hours everyday. I want to get as much content done in whatever time I have. Not everyone has all day to stand on fleet trying to "build communities"


    Also OP clearly specified his issue, he waited all day for group and even when he got one the tank left at last boss and they were back to square one. He did take initiative to put together a group.


    There is absolutely nothing big in putting together a group in 2 hours. It is just waste of time. And just because you dont agree with people who want LFD tool, doesn't mean they should quit the game.



    This is a terrible idea and should have absolutely no place in SW:ToR..


    If you want easy mode go back to WoW please.........


    What has easy mode to do with putting together a group.

    "Yo Dawg, Today I put together such a sick group for Hard mode Black talon that even trade chat was talking about me. I feel like invincible. It is one of the hardest thing that one can do. I am glad I quit wow because that was easy mode. I should get some medals."


    It is a convenience which saves time. And do you really think TOR raids and content is difficult than WOW or any other game!

  12. Eh...maybe I'm playing a different game but my Jedi Knight story is in no way the same as my Jedi Consular and I also see no overlap with my Trooper. But hey, whatever.


    My friend don't confuse story with quests. Stories are different but both (2 characters) stories will make you do similar stuff, send you to similar NPC's, choose similar options etc with a different premise or circumstance.


    So though the story is different, you are essentially repeating same tasks. This applies specially after the Dromund Kaas storyline.

  13. Lot of people are missing the point of OP and I think I agree with him.


    What OP is saying that The idea of "All story quests to be different" is not entirely true. In other words when you are playing with another toon, you will essentially be doing the exact same stuff just with a different circumstance.


    I have lots of characters and just like OP the reason I leveled multiple after hitting 50 on my main was just to get a taste of different stories, sadly the overall quests remain same with some variations.


    Is it good or bad, well I really don't care much personally.

  14. What in the world does being casual have to do with wanting Dual spec? You think it's hardcore to respec?


    "Yo brah, I respec'd so hard core last night that the other faction didn't even see it coming. It was so hardcore you should have seen it. I had to like, go to a vendor in my own factions city! I'm so hardcore it hurts."



    There are no words...


    hahaha love it :D


    I also don't understand how having a dual spec is bad/wrong/destroys the game?

    I still change it when needed. Dual spec is a convenience. If someone thinks that not having dual spec makes you hardcore, just keep 1 spec and re-spec by traditional method even when dual spec is incorporated.

  15. By that I hope you mean their boneheaded move to use cross-server LFG searches. A same-server

    WoW uses a cross-server function; yes it's easier and takes less time, but that just opens the door for people to behave in the worst possible ways and not have to worry about any repercussions. At least with a same-server tool bad behavior in a group means word gets around where it matters. Like one guy who has quit my guild twice, the definition of "noob" in that they don't know their class, refuse to listen to friendly advice, and then lash out at everyone else for their own poor performance.


    You are right but you know what I have many times met great guys on cross server grouping. The "Bad behavior" is imo over hyped.


    Also LFG tool is an option. If anyone doesn't want, don't use it.

    I personally work full time which is 9 hours work time with 1 hour driving. So I get around 3-4 Max to play everyday. In that limited time I want to get things done faster. I really dont want to build my "Community" by spamming and waiting for people. I am part of a great guild (In quality not quantity) and I like each of them and that is enough for me.


    I really don't understand the solid reasons for not implementing LFG tool. I am 100% sure that if it is launched, the whiners will be the ones to use it regularly too.


    I personally dont run instances at all right now unless someone is looking for my specific role and that is only one to fill.

  16. I agree to one of the posts above that let us trade in the item in return of the badges so that we can buy what we like. 50% is even OK.


    Or better the drop should be some sort of epic token which can be traded as any item. This will help people get whatever they need rather than piling **** in their bags.

  17. I know you guys will hate me but the drop rates for tier pieces in bags for me was crazy like 95% or more (the first week). I was getting 1 piece in almost every bag.


    I have 2 head pieces, 2 chest pieces, 4 something relics in addition to full DPS and Healer gear set (PVP only). Same was reported by my guildmates.


    But I have seen that for the past 2 weeks I didnt get anything. Zero. Just badges. Which is fine as I have all gear I need but just wondering if they have nerfed the drop rate or we just got extremely lucky.


    I hope you also get lots of drops hehe :)

  18. Sorry to hear about your frustration here. As far as not being able to reset the instance - I've not seen this before. Usually once everyone has exited area and is out of the instance, the raid lead can just reset all operation phases and it resets everything including trash.


    As far as getting locked out of the puzzle, please try the strategy I have linked below and let me know how it goes. The adds are on a timer, so don't worry about them. However, the South Pylon must be solved before the North Pylon to avoid the nodes bugging out. I hope this helps!



    My friend we did the exact thing you mentioned. South first before north with min clicks possible.

    South was of course done first and right when north guys tried to click their button the colors wont turn. The button was clickable but the puzzle wasn't moving. We did wipe here. When we tried to reset it, it didnt reset. The north was showing as clickable and south not clickable.


    We have tried disbanding and grouping up again, changing leaders, changing to hard and trying (we are doing nightmare) sadly nothing works. Horse ****!


    BTW the EXACT same thing happened to me last week in a hard mode EV pug. The puzzle locked and didn't reset no matter what we try. :(

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