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Posts posted by Kulraven

  1. "Daniel Erickson:which means we need a simple, flexible system to put players together with other players in their level band. We still want to respect the communities that have developed on servers so it does not support cross-server play."


    As the title to the thread says, ARE YOU KIDDING ME? No cross server grouping tool? So your answer to all those who are holding out hope that their ghost town of a server will at least get a lfg tool and you say NO? What community are you talking about? The 4-6 servers that have population?


    This is a terrible decision and people running this MMO should start losing their jobs over this.

  2. SWTOR started out with so much promise- this is a story of lost opportunity.


    It makes me sad to agree with this. I am a Bioware fan, and have been a Star Wars fanatic my entire life. Ive been trolling these boards and awaiting the release of this game for YEARS. For an uber fan of SW, its just not as easy and leaving for another game. There IS no other SW game. But I have to admit, I am slowly losing faith in BW.


    From a design aspect, almost any team of experienced mmo players could have addressed the problems in this game better than BW is currently doing.


    No cross server group or pvp finder? Goddamn inexcusable to not have in at launch, let alone by now. Wow has had this feature for years.


    No intersecting world pvp zones (like Stranglethorn Vale in wow) that encourages world pvp if you elect to play on a pvp server? Totally asinine.


    Ilum? Its been said.


    Server merges? Why every employee they have is not working on this day/night is a mystery. Perhaps they dont totally grasp how the population issues are bleeding this game of players? People should lose their job over this issue.


    Transfers? Please dont think giving us one free transfer is going to make up for this gross negligence. How about free transfers for two weeks? Dont start charging us for your mistake.


    I love this game and love Star Wars, but I am getting very tired of the mismanagement going on here.

  3. Bioware-you have a pretty nice game on your hands, but your management of the population problem has been about as bad as it can be. Why are you providing updates on minor features such as augments when you have a massive 800lb gorilla sitting right next to your desk? You should have every single programmer, designer and manager working on your population issue. You must merge servers, install a cross server pvp que as well as a cross server ops/fp que. Why are you not communicating with us daily, or at least often, in a frank fashion about the steps you are taking to fix this? Have you even acknowledged how bad of an issue this is? 2 million plus accounts down to 1.3 million accounts should equal some folks losing their jobs. Instead, you communicate with the community on this issue like it just another minor thing that will be addressed. It is THE issue.


    Why must be fix this ourselves by rerolling on Fatman? I have rerolled on Fatman, and that has only served to show me how bad your management of the population issue is. Fatman is everything TOR should have been on every server. Please get this done and speak to us like adults on this issue. We realize you initially threw up a bunch of servers to cut down on the early game queing issues, but we are going on six months and you have about 75% of your servers acting as ghosttowns. Who gives a crap in the long run if you have to change you name and legacy name. We will get over it. Just merge and be done with it.


    Finally, one free transfer is bs and wont solve the issue. Merge servers. This is not rocket science guys.



  4. No, he has methods in place to where there won't be anymore movies the rights will go to his children. Even if there were to be new movies, you would need to wait almost 100 years due to copyrite law. Why though I ask do people want new movies? We don't need any more movies, we got books, comics, games, etc that are covering stuff before and after the movies. Making more movies just invalidates all that work that was put into everything.


    Im no lawyer of course, but I would be interested to know how long someone can control something after they die. Even if rights pass to his kids, kids have a tendency to think for themselves. And there is a ton of money involved.


    As to why we want more movies...Movies seem to be the culmination of a story. The manifestation of a vision. Think Avengers. We have read and read Avengers stories for decades, but seeing it in live action was amazing!


    As for Lucas, I cant think of another comparison of a person who is so hostile or opposed to the very people who built him (and vice versa). It is odd. Both sides love SW, but dont like each other at all.

  5. lucas says no more movies. and when he is "gone", he has measures to still stop new movies


    How, you cannot control property into perpetuity? Once he dies, someone/something will control the rights to the franchise, not Lucas. Its simply too much money for anyone to ignore.

  6. Are we ever going to get another helping of Star Wars movies? I know Lucas is mad at the community, but is he totally done?


    Im not wishing for anything bad to happen to Lucas (and its tough to put this into words properly), but will we have to wait until after Lucas passes away before more movies can be made? What I am saying is, surely Lucas heirs will realize that the SW franchise is a golden goose and sell the rights to someone wont they?


    Has it really come to this, that Lucas will take his toys to his grave before he will share them with us again?

  7. 44, high school teacher and football coach. Been into mmos since I received Everquest for Father's Day in 2002. My wife, an exceptionally talented RN, played wow with me for years, but doesn't like the sci-fi genre so wont tough TOR.




    Oh yes, and I too saw the original Star Wars in theaters...many, many times!

  8. I support the OPs suggestion. PVP is just a social as flashpoints, and much more readily available to the average player.


    I would be ok with being able to earn SPs at a slower rate than those that get to fp a lot (lucky ducks). Social points are just for fun right? they dont make you be able to play the game better. Let us pvpers in on the fun!

  9. Point 1, sure I will agree with this, but they should just merge the 123 US servers into 25 and this wouldn't be a problem.


    3. When they do in fact merge, they should offer everyone ONE free transfer. After that it's paid.


    You're 2nd... is already talked about here:



    As someone with Social X.. I don't want PvP to grant social, you're fighting, not talking to NPCs. Sure you're coordinating or on vent, but that's not how social works. You are awarded social for doing quest and FPs as a group. I agree with everything but PvP granting Social. PvP and PvE are different, Social points are a PvE aspect of the game. Don't confuse the two.


    I would be ok with your point on Social Points IF I could regularly get flashpoint groups. My friends and I fp together sometimes, but with rl careers and family, we are not always on for long periods of time together. I would not mind putting in the time earning social points if I could actually get into fp groups on a consistent basis. I enjoy instances, i only pvp more because I can.


    So my suggestion 1 could help with suggestion 2 as well.

  10. Hello Bioware! I play TOR with a group of 6 real life friends. We are all 40+, professionals, family guys, etc....We grew up together and have long enjoyed mmos and movies. So when we heard Bioware was coming out with a Star Wars mmo we were very excited and began trolling the forums years before release. We played WOW from a couple weeks after its release until December when we began early entry play with TOR. We are not hardcore or elitest, but we play (and pay) month after month, year after year. We bring friends, children and other family members in. So when we get involved we tend to stay long term. We love the game TOR, so I have to put in my two cents about what we would like to see happen in the near future.


    1) This is very important. We are aware that a cross server pvp tool is being developed. That is great and we applaud this. Fast ques and plentiful opponents are a win win for the game. However, and even more dire to the long term growth of TOR, there needs to be a CROSS SERVER flashpoint lfg tool implemented yesterday! From what we understand a server only tool is being developed. This is an absolute failure and will have no impact on under populated servers. One of the best things Wow ever did was put a cross server LFD tool in place. It allowed us casuals (remember, we tend to stay around a lot longer than hardcores) to experience almost all the content. It boggles my mind that TOR would even go to release without such a tool in place. Considering the dwindling subscription base, this should be your TOP priority. Most leave, not because they dislike the game, but because they cant fully play it under the current mechanics. Get this done guys, come on! NO BRAINER HERE!


    2. A much smaller, less crucial request. Social points from pvp please. Pvp is a social endeavor and should be rewarded as such. Social items are just for fun anyway, so let us in on the fun!


    3. Consider some free transfers or merge underpopulated servers. Dont make me pay $25 because you guys expanded too fast. We are talking real hours of our lives that we invest in this game.


    Thank you for reading this. We truly do enjoy this game and plan on being around for the long haul. Please make it enjoyable for the long haul!

  11. Quick question: Im trying to figure out the difference between Explosive Dart and the PT 31 point talent Thermal Detonator. Im only level 29 so I dont have TD yet, but it seems to be included in most PT pvp builds.


    From what I can glean reading the tooltips ED and TD have the same range, heat and cooldown. At level 50 ED does 923 damage and TD does 949. Is that the only difference? 26 points?


    What am I missing here?





  12. I really enjoy Mako. She is a bit naive as others have pointed out, but I find that to be ingratiating rather than annoying. The way I play it in my on mind is that Kree, my BH, isnt a bad guy, but tends toward the ruthless side and Mako is his conscience. He wants her approval (the future romace part) so her presence makes him consider his actions in a way he would not without her.


    Fun stuff.

  13. Until you learn to fix this class-biased mode. Rateds will be a complete joke if you allow this mode.




    Allow the option to pick your own wz.


    I agree with having the option to pick your own wz. That is a no brainer frankly. But like cross realm pvp ques or cross realm lfg tools, it is strange the BW has chosen to roll circa 2009.


    However, I love Huttball. I admit to hating it at first until I figured it out. Now I love it. The three dimensional aspect of the fights is great fun. The deadly hazards are a blast too. I dont care at all if one bg favors one class a bit. Basically learn to maximize your own potential and you can be very effective regardless of the wz.

  14. ^


    There are a lot of times in Huttball where Backpeddling can be critical to placement when it comes to knockbacks compared to circling around and jumping mindlessly.


    A lot of people don't seem to understand that concept though since "Back peddling" has such a stigma for some strange reason...


    On my pyro PT I often backpeddle vs melee types to great success.

  15. Ok, here's the golden rule; the vast majority of the time, when people post on the forums that they're quitting because of X, Y or Z...they're not quitting. Really. I'm serious. They're just doing the Internet equivalent of wailing and rolling around in the aisle at Toys'R'Us to get mommy to buy them that new Tickle Me Elmo plushy. They want Bioware to give them what they want, and they're screaming for attention. Simple enough.


    Despite all the crap you see on these forums, I get nonstop warzone pops when I play. The damn things pop so fast that I get one before I'm even finished loading after leaving the last one! So really...I dunno what timezone you're in, but I'm Eastern Standard, and almost 3/4 of the servers are either Heavy load or Very Heavy (with a few Fulls) at night.


    Don't worry about these loudmouths.


    You are correct sir. Well stated.


    When I quit Wow due to finally having enough of the nerf merry-go-round I didnt make any dire announcements, I just did it and didnt look back.

  16. Sorcs really need to be looked at. Comapred with other classes sorcs get way too much utility.


    They can bubble for 10k health repeatedly which makes them invincible, their light armor has the stats of heavy armor, they can leap to enemy, leap to ally, friendly pull, enemy pull, have 7 knockbacks, 5 stuns, 6 roots, 4 AE mez's, 2 ST mez's, they do 500k dps/500k heals in one round, they can cross guard each other, they can vanish, stealth their entire group, and basically can 1v8 whole warzones. Top that off? They can *********** HEAL which is ridiculous because it allows them to replace the health after I damage them.


    Please look at this Bioware or I'm cancelling.


    Id rather you cancel then support the nerf merry-go-round.


    Adapt, stop pvping or cancel.

  17. And so the nerf merry-go-round begins.


    Bad choice BW, bad choice.


    Why not just make it so all dps does exactly the same damage, all healers heal for exactly the same amount and all tanks have the exact same survivability?


    God forbid something is unique.

  18. I wrote a long post addressing this very subject in the pvp forum a couple weeks back. Once the devs show that they respond to calls for nerfs it never stops.


    It ruined wow for me and is the only thing I can see that will keep me from investing a long period of time into this great game. I cant tell you how many times I spent weeks or months on a character only to see Bliz nerf it and fundamentally change aspects of the class that I was working toward acquiring.


    I hope BW does not go down that road.


    The nerfing merry-go-round never ends and it kills the unique aspects of classes and skills.

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