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Posts posted by NikolaiShade

  1. Sounds about right. One only has to do a quick check of dev tracker to see the truth here.


    This also highlights the problems with lead devs hanging out with "the cool kids" (sycophants?) in private Discords. I suspect we are only seeing the tip of the ice-berg in terms of favoritism, elitism, and selective acknowledgement of feedback.


    And we wonder why the changes in 7.0 seem so disconnected from the active player base?


    the "cool kids" in private Discords were pretty vocal and harsh in criticizing the devs' work, there weren't many if any sycophants to be honest

  2. Does this feel like a Jedi Guardian?

    Tried Vigilance and although some abilities are missing it feels pretty much the same as live.


    Is there anything that feels missing or out of place in the combat rotation?

    Again just from a Vigilance stand point the rotation is the same, so nothing is out of place, I really miss Saber Throw, such an iconic skill should have been baseline.

    As a side note - stun breaker and interrupt are missing, honestly seems more a bug than an intended choice, anyway is really a bad change right now


    What are your initial thoughts with the effectiveness of the Jedi Guardian against enemies?

    The damage side is basiically the same, survaivability and damage reduction has been obviously impacted, hopefully a review of the cooldowns removed will ease the transition


    How are you enjoying or not enjoying this class?

    Pretty much the same class as before, there are too few activities engageble right now to judge


    If you have feedback on the different disciplines and ability paths, please note your feedback accordingly so we can track it.

    I would make Saber Throw baseline and review survivability for all disciplines

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