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Posts posted by Freak-X

  1. 1) I purchased/unlocked strongholds with credits rather than CC, and after transferring a character to another server, I was able to activate the strongholds I already had without paying any additional credits, and all rooms were unlocked.


    2) The other unlocks you mention, are specific to legacy rather than server, so if your legacy moves, (which it will when you transfer), those unlocks come with you.


    3) Alliance progress is specific to a character, not a legacy, so other than legacy achievements, only the progress made by the character you transfer will come with you, and will still apply to only that character.


    Thank you very much, this was all I wanted to know.

  2. (Not actually new by any means but this still seems to be the best place to ask so whatever.)


    Since the FAQ on transferring characters from one server to another seems to be not only incomplete but also outdated and I'd like to transfer all my characters to a different server there are some things I'd like to know:

    1) Apparently, strongholds are not transferred as they are bound to your sever legacy - I suppose moving all characters will still leave the stronghold on the original server, is that correct? And would room unlocks be transferred?

    2) What about other unlocks purchased with credits, will they stay? I mean stuff like reduced fast travel cooldowns, but also expanded legacy storage.

    3) I think I can guess the answer on this one but better safe than sorry: All kind of alliance progress made in KOTFE stays, right?


    Thanks in advance :)

  3. 1. Manda'yaim (also auf Basic Mandalore ;) ): Für Mando-Fans wäre es absolut cool auf Manda'yaim spielen zu können, außerdem gibt es kaum Informationen, wie der Planet aussieht, das einzige was es gibt, ist ein Bild aus dem Weltraum, das Platz für viel Möglichkeiten lässt. Dass Mandos in den Kriegen vor TOR häufig eine wichtige Rolle spielten ist sicher auch gut für eine interressante Storyline.


    2. Kashyyk (richtig geschrieben? :D ): Pure Jungle-Planeten gibt es ja noch nicht so richtig in TOR, deshalb wäre Kashyyk sehr toll um für noch etwas mehr Abwechslung zu sorgen (und schön aussehen könnte es ja auch). Und, dass Wookies cool sind brauch ich ja nicht zu sagen :D

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