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Posts posted by Rdica

  1. Here is my take on the system: It tries to give options but sometimes gimps what players got accustomed to instead of the options given to act with a clear purpose at least for dps specs as follows: Single Target DPS/ Multi Target DPS/ PVP


    Since I do main a lightning sorcerer here is how I would adjust it( will post only options rows instead of abilities granted ):

    Level 15 current: Forbidden Knowledge/Halted Offensive/Suppressive Current

    NEW Level 15:

    Halted Offensive( S T DPS ): Chain lightning is now a single target ability and it replaces shock while also adding shocks damage to the damage output. The ability is passive.

    Suppressive Current( M T DPS ): Chain lightning has a 20% chance per target hit to summon a lightning bolt on each target hit.

    Forbidden Knowledge( PvP ): Chain lightning now slows targets hit by 40% for 2 seconds. Cannot occur more than evey 10 seconds.


    Level 20 current: Overloaded Strike/Cloud Mind/Finish Them

    NEW Level 20:

    Overloaded Strike( S T DPS ): Once every 5 seconds a lightning bolt hits last target attacked by you if the target is still alive.

    Finish Them( M T DPS ): Force Storm leaves a burning debuff on targets hit that stacks up to 5 times. The burn does not apply if only a single enemy is hit.

    Cloud Mind( PvP ): No changes here


    Level 30 current: Off balance/Insulating Blast/Dark Embrace

    NEW Level 30:

    Off Balance( S T DPS ): Thundering Blast is now instant cast and always triggers the second mini blast. Cooldown increased by 4 seconds.

    Dark Embrace( M T DPS ): Thundering Blast never deals the second mini blast but does 20% of its damage in an area around the current target. Cooldown reduced by 2 seconds.

    Insulating Blast( PvP ): Increases damage reduction by 4% and stacks 3 times for 12 seconds. If static barrier is removed while at least one stack is present on you then the value of damage reduction doubles and the timer on the stacks is refreshed to 12 seconds.


    Level 35 current: Overwhelming Force/ Unlimited Power / Overcharged Barrier

    New Level 35:

    Unlimited Power( S T DPS ): For the next 10 seconds all procs available or that can be triggered will be triggered when the appropriate spell/skill or passive effect is used, even probability trinkets. After the effect ends, the following 5 seconds you will not be able to use static barrier.

    Overwhelming Force( M T DPS ): When Force Storm finishes the channeling there is a 50% chance to add 2 extra stacks of burning damage to all targets hit by it.

    Overcharged Barrier( PvP ): Ressurgence is automatically cast when Static Barrier is destroyed. Cannot occur more than once every 20 seconds.


    Level 50 current: Lightning Barrier/ Sith Defiance/ Backlash

    New Level 50:

    Lightning Barrier( S T DPS ): While Lightning Barrier is NOT set on you the single target abilities will deal 10% more damage.

    Backlash( M T DPS ): Force Storm has a 25% chance when channeled to channel 50% faster. Cannot occur more than once every 6 seconds.

    Sith Defiance( PvP ): Damage reduction increased by 8%.


    New Level 70:

    Volt Rush( S/M T DPS ): Add to existing functionality the fact that a stack also increases other abilities damage by 15%, up to a maximum of 30% with 2 stacks if after 2 Volt Rushes you use any other dps ability.



    I belive the above would give more options to mix match for every player out there that enjoys playing a sith sorcerer as much as I do.

  2. Bottom line is that this is something that for me takes all the pleasure from playing sorc... like someone holding a sword for nothing just for stats... replace this with a ring with nothing even... but let the experience be more immersive rather than repulsing for cast skills.... looks extremely odd and out of place with the sword in hand
  3. And here I thought the Emperor shooting lightning from his hands was already a sith sorceror on the screen.


    Lets Quote "from his hands"... not hands with lightsaber in... it looks atrocious... such small detail yet such an important one. What I mean is...can the devs please remove the lightsaber from hands when casting or at least a toggle button... pretty please?

  4. SW The Last Jedi release approaches and we know that Supreme Leader Snooke will have a Kyber Crystal as weapon which he will use for force attacks thus embracing the first Sith Sorcerer role shown on the screen.


    That being said can you please give us the option to use a Ring instead of the lightsaber for Sith Sorcerers? Or at least remove the sword from hands when casting so we get the real feeling of a Sith Sorcerer as in no movie was there a Sith Lightning thrown from a hand with a lightsaber in it

  5. Would you prefer stupid remarks? Actually, with how stupid this thread is, that's probably all you deserve.


    I would prefer just to say that you do not agree with it. I found no movie in which a sith doing lightning spells/abilities has the lightsaber in hands when doing so this is why it is ruining the experience for me. You lack the discipline to accept someone elses opinions and I can feel the "dark side" in you sort to say :D


    And I never said I wanted to be my way only just that it would be appropriate from my point of view to give us the option to have the lightsaber off when casting spell/skills. A toggle in settings or something.

  6. But you aren't Palpatine.


    Man... the thread is about how you feel please don't put smart remarks. I am fine with your opinion about having lightning getting out of your hands that hold a lightsaber that is turned on looks OK to you but for me it kinda ruins the whole experience. I mean more work has been put into something that might never be used by most of the players instead of giving the option to players to not hold the weapon when casting.

  7. I cannot believe that we had so many updates and expansions and not even now you haven't fixed the fact that when a sorcerer cast spells he has the lightsaber on in his hand..... it looks awfull and I do not think is that hard to fix.... it ruins the whole experience of Star Wars play as Palpatine
  8. Yes I have submitted an in-game ticket but sincerely I doubt anyone would answer. Is like they take you money then they are done with you and don't care anymore.

    I sincerely thought they changed but unfortunatelly I was wrong since I love the game but this is making me quit =/

  9. Sadly you method didn't work either. So here I am after i tried everything with more than 2 weeks payed for subscription unable to play after I even created a new email account and trying to use that.

    So the game i paid for only works until level 20. Is there any way to recover from this since it is not my fault they didn't sent an email with validation?

    I did try the specific links to my account too and they don't seem to work either.

    But the mails with the code arrive instant if I try to login from another PC.... this is on their side for sure as I never had problems of that sort since the game launched.


    This should not take more from a GM to fix... but it seems there is none to reply! It is sad because giving even my money back, or anything else won't make up for the loss of time. I lost 1 weekend day pffff.

  10. Swap to another email address, see if validation works then swap the email address back to the original


    changing email address sometimes triggers it correctly


    I will try that but sincerely if you are offering something for sale and you know that there might be issues with something that is not necessarly related to the actual product you might want to warn your customers or post a workaround with sticky on the forums

  11. Man I am the administrator and belive me i checked every section of my email and if it were to be blocked then how would the play code be sent instantly since have my ip on a routing table. So I instantly receive that code but the validation email information never in 4 tries.... this is untested mechanic and there is no way to avoid this... and means I lost a half of month of gameplay because I cannot continue after level 20.... great going Bioware.
  12. Man I tried 4 times and it is the same email as the one I created account with. It simply doesn't work. Good luck with getting them to fix such a "mechanic". Have no idea how such a thing is approved and released without testing and it is the best way to get rid of your customers by stopping them to play with unfriendly mechanics =/ .
  13. So... I was back to SWTOR about 1 week and wanted to level up another character and I did a sage level 20.

    Now I am supposed to "validate" my email in order to be able to play. I did that 4 times and guess what it doesn't work!

    Thanks for making me cancel my subscription due to having a "mechanic" that prohibits me continuing to play... I don't understand why you still have in your team people that came up with such "mechanics" and release them untested. And to think that I was even subscribed.....

  14. I don't know if this has been mentioned before but sincerely this makes me not want to play a sorcerer.


    As I recently came back to SWTOR and I started playing my sorc again I cannot tell you the frustration that hits me when I see my sorc casting lightning while holding the sword in hand. It just takes away that Palpatine type of feeling along with the fact that in almost, if not, all cut scenes in which someone uses a lightning attack with both hands he doesn't have the sword on.


    Can we please have an option to hide the sword for sorc when he is casting spells? Pretty please do that and I will sub forever! Please do not respond only to punish me as I said a button to toggle hide/view on the sword.



    Thanks in advance.

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