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Posts posted by AKfourtyseven

  1. Everybody knows Focus is broken...seen a fresh 50 do 500k...

    Whats the ability called Force Sweep? does like 8k crits.




    The only way you are hitting 8k is for all of the following to be present:


    Set bonus for +10% damage after leap (lots of effort if you are a Sent...)

    All mods swapped for high power mods (+39 WH or better)

    All Enh swapped for low end high power (+27 end/41 power WH or better)

    Might 26 armourings in belt and bracers, or better

    The person you are hitting to be a Sorc/Sage &/or with less expertise than you (prob 1.1k or less)


    Even then, you may need wz adrenal.


    Edit: Anyway, they just need to put focus./smash back to how it was before and everything is fixed

  2. A great player that do amazing things can be always included on a team, but that doesn't mean that there are not better classes with more utility.


    This bubble makes sorc/sage NEEDED in ranked.


    As Feta stated before for ranked you need:

    -Juggernaut Tank (Melee)

    -Assassin Tank (Melee)

    -Carnage Marauder DPS (Melee)


    As healers, at least 1 Operative is needed. That makes 4 AC, 4 left? Well, a PT, a Sorc bubble and a sniper eng are pretty needed too right now.


    It's what I said before, it's about making classes needed for ranked. The onlyone missing is a merc.


    Don't know if I explained myself properly, do you get my point?


    Yeah i get you. It is how the game is going currently, but i personally dislike classes being needed for only 1 spec, or even worse, 1 skill.


    Right now, Sorc/Sage is good either as healer, or needed for the bubble skill itself.


    Marauder/Sent is needed for speed boost only.


    I hate anything that forces people into a particular spec, I hope the game develops that each class, regardless of spec can bring something thats essential, but different.


    High hopes, i know, but still!

  3. You, who claim to play at such higher level, can you give me a reson why you would pick a sorc/sage without stun bubble on your ranked team?


    Normally, im not into name dropping, but...


    Pwny was doing just fine before the bubble change and id still pick him without the bubble.

  4. What I'm saying is, you can counter the bubble. It's your fault for bursting the bubble (or does it stun if the sorc removes it from the buffs???).


    Yeah, it still stuns anyone around you if you remove the buff from yourself lol


    I did it quite a few times in ranked earlier this week, just to see how useful it was as a peel. You are right about having to be more careful not to break bubbles though, its a major counter to currently heavy melee teams.


    Hell, im guessing thats exactly why they havent changed its resolve value.

  5. Let's look at the ranked must haves:


    Juggernaut Tank (Melee)

    Assassin Tank (Melee)

    Carnage Marauder DPS (Melee)


    And because of current state of smashspec, having it on top of the above doesn't hurt:


    Smash Warrior DPS (Melee)


    So, excluding healers, 4/6 (tank + dps) are melee. the other two could be PT/Sniper/Sorc. The PT will be with those melee, and Sniper has no problems being close to them.


    What I mean, is that the game is heavily gimped towards melee, and zerging. So no, I'm not seeing bubble spec as a bad thing.


    Yeah, in that regard I dont disagree with you at all. Currently the game is too heavily biased towards melee and this makes the impact of bubbles even bigger- Our VGs hate it especially. So yes, its good to counter the currently bias in the game. Does that mean its actually correct that the bubble has a hands-down mechanical advantage when it comes to stun duration per resolve filled?


    Id argue no.


    And I don't agree that the bubble should create more resolve. Melee can rootlock people way too easily, and marauders can use stealth as an extra gap closer. When it comes to control, I find it funny that the people with so much CC are complaining about it.


    But Feta... Every other stun in the game of that duration gives more resolve. Come on, we all noticed the huge difference when this went live.


    Like I said, its just a case of putting things on an even level. The bubble itself is not the problem, its how many of them you can eat before full resolve. Trust me, for anyone who doesnt have CC immunity, its a joke :D


    (Also, yes you can try to not break bubbles, but then whats to stop somebody, like me, walking next to you and popping it deliberately, straight after you get out of the stun for popping the bubble on the sage?...)

  7. Say what you want, but anyone who seriously plays ranked knows the impact the bubble change has had on the game. To be more specific, the fact the bubble is now a stun, but only fills resolve like its a mezz.


    Instead of just trying to protect what they have, it would be better if people just accepted facts. Force bubble as it is now is overpowered, because its currently in a state that is effectively bugged. Once it fills resolve how its meant to be, the total time stunned in warzones will drop dramatically.

  8. I'm referring to the gear grind that is necessary, especially if playing more than one character, to go from being completely useless in recruit gear ---> alright enough in augmented BM ---> competitive in augmented WH ---> BiS augmented WH. I'm not including the new weapons and offhands.


    This is a tediously long process for most players, and typically not enjoyable, and goes against the MO of SWTOR, to roll alts and experience all the stories and play-styles.


    It's not good design to be restricted to basically one character to PvP with at 50 unless you have absolutely no life and PvP all day.


    But a "casual" does not need optimised WH. So my statement still stands, that casual players belong in normal warzones, which we have.


    If you want gear faster? Thats an entirely different debate. And if all you care about is grinding gear, then do ranked, get stomped and just collect your comms.


    The real issue here is too many people are scared to do ranked because they got stomped, so they are playing god in 4 man premades in normal warzones and making it harder for people to gear up. On my server there are numerous guilds who we never see in ranked anymore, but roll deep in normal premades.

  9. The problem with the Match making system in RWZs is simply the lack of one. They just put random teams who queue against each other, and often scenarios like you have described happens.


    There arent enough teams on servers for proper match-making. On our server, there are often only a handful of teams playing ranked. If a new team happens to decide they want to try it out, like happened tonight? They will get stomped every single game by the top teams, because those are the only teams left actively doing ranked.


    We need cross-server and we need it soon. Thats the only way new and developing teams will face fair competition.

  10. My question is this, does the fact that I am in recruit gear make me a bad player? Or were these guys elitist who want to play with people in war hero only?


    No it doesnt make you a bad player. Sadly, for you, it does mean that even if you are a fantastic player, in certain circumstances, you will contribute less than a terrible player in full augmented, optimised WH.


    Gear matters when you are talking recruit-->WH.


    The main thing however, is this was a normal wz, where people are meant to earn their gear. If you dont want to team with undergeared players? Play ranked... Thats something half of those people will never do however, because then they'd get destroyed and have no excuse.

  11. Currently the way in which CC allows for players to coordinate and take people out of combat for prolonged periods of times in turn with the VERY HIGH spike damage, makes PvP completely one-sided.



    Its only one-sided if they can do it and you cant. In theory you both can, the only thing preventing it is skill.


    There are some issues with PvP, but its not "one-sided". Some players are better than others, end of story. For me, the biggest issue with PvP right now is the sorc/sage bubble and it only granting half the resolve it should.

  12. yeah, we were shouting with easy on ts: "*** u did ? " haha


    nice bug btw...... and there are more important things to fixx in pvp coz season 1 can NOT be started like that, for example when u die sometimes u respawn , u have full hp but u lie on the floor and u are not able to do anything....


    this bug came up since the game came out... more annoying then anything else:eek:


    Yeah, I got kicked from 3 warzones one night because I got the stuck bug. -22 rating each time!


    They really need to sort out bugs before season 1 if they want it taken seriously.

  13. We've seen that instead of acquiring an entire set of gear players would often purchase the "cheap" slots multiple times and simply move the mods over into the "expensive" items, allowing players to acquire their gear much more quickly than intended. Now that most of our offhand items have mod slots we are seeing a similar pattern occur with main hand and offhand items.



    There is a fundamental flaw with that logic when it comes to the PvP off-hands however. The off-hand is set to the most expensive cost for a PvP item. If a player wants to spend the maximum value to grind an item multiple times then how are they acquiring the gear faster than intended? Its actually going to take them longer than any alternative.


    I would like to suggest you go back to those in charge of PvP items and ask them to change belt and bracer to orange, modded items. This would solve a number of issues.

  14. So im sitting on snow in Civil war, close match against a strong team, we're winning 90-80 so far.

    2 shadows comes, 1 zappes me, the other one starts capping. i cc break and force shroud imidetely. there i am, getting sapped while my shroud is up? I'm guessing this is a latency problem as that shouldnt be possible?


    we were having 3k ms spikes during the match, but.. i don't know. fix it. cannot start season 1 like that :)


    EDIT - read post. im lazy like that


    Hi easeyway....


    We were talking in TS and somebody suggested that the 100% chance shroud gives you actually leaves a 5% chance to land due to bonuses on the move itself. If thats true?


    You got owned by RNG it seems.


    (Im in Coral...we were shocked it worked on you also)


    Edit: But if you had lag spike like that? More likely to be the cause, espec since we werent having lag, you likely activated late.

  15. PREACH ON BROTHER MAN!!!! I have been screaming this since 1.2. you will get the opponents that need the gear crutch as a way to win,,, Skill based PvP in this game is only in the pre-50. and before anyone says; "lvl 40+ has more abilities and are able to take down the lvl 20's." well my level 25 GS was showing lvl 45 Mara's & Juggs that i was not such and easy target and got most of them on a 1v1 because I took the time to learn the character and the abilities. Post 50 PvP in this game is all aboot gear and nothing else.


    Im sick of hearing this. At lvl 50, when both sides are full WH, then what? Oooo, its back to skill vs skill.


    Seriously, unless you are actively doing ranked at lvl 50, please dont speak about lvl 50 PvP as some monolith, because recruit PuGs Vs full WH looking for easy wins in regular warzones is not a fair reflection of true endgame PvP.


    In endgame ranked, there is no gear advantage, outside of each players choices of how to min/max, which is all part of the meta-game.

  16. I am on PO5, I was in a pug'd ranked group just a couple days ago. This was on the rep side.

    It took 2-5 minutes to pop a ranked WZ. This was on a weekend.


    We ran into two different rep groups and two different imp groups.


    Is my experience on PO5 not typical? Perhaps I had good luck because it was the weekend. This is not WoW, occasionally servers will only have a limited population and queues could be longer.


    Well, when we do ranked we typically do a 3hr stint. Some nights we will face only 2-3 teams for that entire period. Its not uncommon for us to face the same team 3-4 times in a row. We have waited for 30mins to have a match at the weekends at times.


    The experience differs greatly from server to server and at different times. Sometimes its great, matches all over the place and with variety- other times, the same teams over and over. Thats the entire reason why cross-server would be the best solution for all.


    I will add, im on a PvP server, so when you are struggling to find a match, or more importantly, competitive matches, on a PvP server, something is wrong.

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