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Posts posted by Paulius

  1. I think instead of asking to leave the affection max achievement, which is likely being removed due to switch to influence or something, you should ask for a new achievement centered around the Legacy presence unlock for completing companion stories.


    Afterall, the most important part is companion story, not force feeding gifts just to hit a magical affection number.


    I like this. This is a great idea. It deserved me reading it again and posting on the forums again about how much I think this is a great idea.

  2. Hey guys thanks for all the awesome responses. Here's a few things that rattled in my brain.


    First I would like to publicly apologize to all those with basic math skills. I did the title wrong. I'll admit it.


    Next I play on one of the few RP servers left and I was brought up in a roleplaying household. My grandfather taught me AD&D when I was around 8, which means my math skills should be higher I know, so I have always tried to imagine what it was like for the other guy. You wanna know some weird things to think about? Those stormtroopers that die in Episode 4, at least half of them were thinking they were going to live through this. What did they do to psych themselves up to storm an unknown unfriendly starship? Did they chant? Did they sing the galactic anthem? Or was it Vader's aura of fear alone forcing forward into the breech?


    Anyways that's why I think about how my companion thinks. I know its a bit weird but I'm pretty sure anyone who read this far knows I'm weird.


    Sorry to the guy who thought I was being rude. It really wasn't my intention. I can't convey tone through text well.

  3. the rest if the quote is spam, this is your point? that swtors kotfe is NGE? lol not a very good trolling.


    That is not my only point but a little anger coming out that I've felt before about similar things. Also can you tell me what you meant by the first half of your response? I don't mean to be rude but I'm having trouble deciphering it. I will gladly respond.

  4. 1, How are you suffering for having an achievement removed? You don't lose any points as the other achievement has increased in the points it gives.


    2. Everything after that seems rather trolish...


    3. Yes....know some are opposed to violence....damn you, Theran...


    I don't mean to sound trollish and now I am realizing that this is how everyone will feel after seeing a lot of similar threads on this board. I am not trolling, I do love SWTOR and have every intention of playing KoTFE until my sub runs out. My opinion may change by then, but if it doesn't I'll just resub for the next drop and do that content and wait a bit again. Not a huge deal I guess I just feel the work I put in isn't valued by the developers.


    Once again its not so much the achievements but the title I don't want to grind again. I don't feel I should be penalized for doing it the original way. People who have done it should either keep the titles or get ones that reflect the work they already put in.


    The NGE was a stretch but sometimes it feels like that with the amount of changes a "free" expansion is doing the game and not all of the changes are beneficial for all people. I'm sure there are more people than not that are excited to have to just kill some guys and get the same titles. I'm not one of them. I enjoyed the fact it was a difficult to achieve title.

  5. Uh, yeah, but... it's just a title. Hardly a reason to rage quit. I mean, really.


    I'm not rage quitting, if anything I'm more sad than anything. More than likely I'm going to end up staying which is why i said I don't know if I'm going to resub. Why should I have to earn these titles again though? Other MMOs have titles you can no longer earn as they would have been made trivial by the next expansion (examples available on request). I'm already subbed until Novemeber no matter what so I'm going to play through KotFE and probably wait until the next drop of content and resub then if anything.


    I know that it seems ridiculous to you, and I can see why. You may or may not have done these things but why do I have to suffer for those that didn't do it? Also why do I need to use all my companions in battle for 1000 kills? Can you actually imagine your companion being ok with you just taking them out to slaughter 1000 people? Some of them are actually opposed to violence (as they openly state when you summon them).


    Sorry it was awkward to the first guy though. I didn't think of reviewing it with another set of eyes that aren't neck deep in companion affection. I can see why its a touch awkward. It wasn't my intention.

  6. Hi guys!


    I don't post often. In fact one of the only posts I can remember is my old Windows 7 theme I made during beta. I have been subbed since then, and some of those months were a lot more difficult than others.


    SWTOR means a lot to me. It helped me get over some really hard times and I used it as a crutch when I was dealing with some serious problems in my life. It became part of mine and my fiance's family. We talk about it daily, we discuss different things we want in the game, we discuss our outfits, our achievements, our companions. We have head canons that involve intricate love triangles with companions that have nothing to do with each other.


    With all this said, I love SWTOR even after some questionable decisions. I was at the opening release party in New York where the announcer couldn't pronounce Tatooine. I was there at the first Rakghoul event and the constant whining from other players about being infected. I remember when Kaon Under Siege required actual strategy and so help me its still one of my favorite instances.


    But as of now I don't know if I'm going to resub after this current subscription runs out.


    You see I love my companions. My fiance loves her companions. We maxed our affection on both sides on all classes. Not just for the title or achievements but because we cared about the one thing Bioware always does well, the stories. I finished Skadges horrific story which didn't make me hate him any less and I finished Doctor Lokins amazing story which briefly showed how deep a Watcher's mind could go. I remember being shocked by Kaliyo being on my ship as the Jedi Knight and being surprised at how honorable a Trandoshan could really be.


    Please don't take away the achievements and don't take away the titles I've already earned. The titles are more important to me than the achivements but seriously why delete them? I was talking to one of your marketing guys at the New York release party and you know what he told me kept MMOs alive? Cool stuff that people get by being loyal. I have your original Republic and Imperial shirts and you don't seem to be trying to delete my hat you gave me either. Even World of Warcraft retires achievements but they end up in a category called "Feats of Strength." Why get rid of something we've already invested time into? We already bought into your game (I have broken Malgus Statues to prove it) so why are you punishing us now?


    For a game that says "story" is their main focus is this taking away from 40 stories you've already created, voice acted, and paid for. I know two subs don't mean a lot in the long run but in the end I'll just get my Star Wars fix elsewhere.


    If any dev reads this please consider keeping the achivements by putting them in a Feats of Strength Category. You can even make those worth 0 points there but let me keep my titles. I already earned them and if I have to earn them again, especially with some of the companions (please see: Ashara, Skadge, Talos (he talks forever... about nothing), Malavai (I finished this traitors story), and a few other annoying ones), I don't think I can.


    If this the way you're going where you want to just forget about loyalty can we please start calling KoTFE what it really is? New Game Enhancements. I'm sure that'll go over well.


    Edit: Its 40 stories not 20. I don't know which classes I forgot.

  7. Hi there folks! I noticed a lot of you are asking similar questions in general chat and I seem to be answering the same question over and over again. I'm hoping this quick and easy guide will aid you in the galaxy at large.


    This list is compromised of actual issues either seen by myself or been asked in General chat.


    1- My character can't move/I am stuck in geometry (things in the world)- First lets go over the basics of don't get mad, don't panic, realize that no matter what the problem will be resolved. Now calmly type /stuck in the chat panel. Good human. Nice human. Sometimes its as simple as that. If that doesn't work, you'll notice it has a cool down on it, try logging in and logging out (just to character select screen will be fine). These two fixes are at no cost to you but will almost always fix the problem. If you log back in and jumping/moving around still aren't available to you try /stuck one more time (because the cool down should be done) and if all else fails you still have the Emergency Fleet Pass or quick travel. These options are less preferred because they take you out of the world and into... wherever.

    2- My character is falling through the world and I'm panicking and I spilled the kool aid! - You broke the first rule of this, don't panic, as for the kool aid I cannot assist you, but keep screaming OH NO until he blows through your wall. As for falling through the world the solution is /stuck. Its pretty awesome.

    3- My character is stuck between zones and /stuck isn't helping- By zones I mean those big green/blue walls you can go between areas in. Logging out and logging back in will solve this problem. The reason I have labeled this seperately is because technically the area/zone walls aren't really there and can confuse a lot of people.

    4- AAAAA My map doesn't show anything but the walls (as in no elevators, no vendors, no trainers, etc)!!!!!one1!- You'll notice there's a little zoom out map in the bottom right of the map of the current area. Click it. Now click back. Problem should be fixed now. If not try logging out and in again. Always a good back up.

    5- My map is black like the darkness that consumes me (nothing appearing in map area)- Calm down there, the map not showing up is no reason to freak out. The solution to this one is patience. It will show up but it may have #4s problem which I have handily given to you for your solving pleasures.

    6- My character cannot use usable items- Well /stuck won't help you here but logging in and out will. Remember when I say this I mean to character select and back, I would hate to throw you guys under the queue bus.

    7- My companions are stuck/Why can't they follow me?!?- Imagine your character has a leash around your companion, and as you run around those sharp corners with sprint on the leash is bound to get tangled. This is the easiest way of looking at this, back track to your companion and try a similar but slightly different route. Who knows, maybe they can't step on that specific bug.

    8- My warzone won't let me out of the starting area after I die!!! - This is not a bug, if you played World of Warcraft this is the equivalent to being a ghost for a bit. It's to make sure you don't just constantly run in and die, to allow time to strategize and realize what's going on. If you aren't paying attention however and decide to go afk your character will be kicked from the warzone for your lack of patience.


    I am more than willing to research any other problems you guys have had, just let me know how you got there and where you were. I will try to post all solutions you guys give me here too. Thanks!

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