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Posts posted by Tukat

  1. If you could read, you'd see that I said "or" professional gamers and actually you'd also understand that a pro gamers opinion is actually incredibly valuable to an average casual too if they were intelligent enough to realize that better players can create better games in certain aspects such as combat feel due to their greater level of play.


    I can't believe you didn't get my simple Schumacher analogy



    Edit: I should mention that WoW is constantly being developed with precise feedback from top players and CCP actually did fly select players to Iceland... now go away troll.





    cool news ppl stop the kids play


    Hi everyone; I wanted to give you all an update on the ability delay situation.


    Thanks to constructive feedback from the community, including some great videos, we were able to identify an issue that could cause abilities on global cooldown to appear available to the player, resulting in unresponsive/ignored player input. A fix for the issue is currently scheduled to go to the public test server with our next update.


    Additionally, we have located an issue that would cause player input for certain instant abilities to fail in frantic combat situations, resulting in unpredictable and frustrating gameplay issues for the affected player. A fix for the issue is currently scheduled to go to the public test server with our next update.


    Finally, our engineers have identified an issue introducing a significant delay between player input and ability execution in certain game situations, most notably (but not limited to) fast paced PvP. The magnitude of the delay varies with a number of factors, including processor hardware, but can, especially on dual core CPUs, result in a very perceivable reduction in game responsiveness. We are in the later stages of testing a fix for the problem and hope to be able to roll it out to the servers very soon.


    We're still investigating a number of additional issues, along with some usability and quality of life improvements for responsiveness regarding player input, but the above mentioned developments should provide a very measurable improvement in combat responsiveness.


    Thanks again for your patience and support and we hope to see you on the public test server to help us validate these improvements before pushing them to the live servers.


    Georg Zoeller

    Principal Lead Combat Designer

  2. Beyond any doubt there is some kind of problem with abilities and client - server sync.


    Easiest way for anyone(pro or casual player) to experience it first hand is by using a mount.

    If you use your mount ability and then as soon as casting time is over (bar fills) try to move forward, you will get dismounted.

    This is only one example but it's easy to reproduce by anyone with character above 25.


    I guess similar problem is generating "can't do that while moving" if you try to target AOE spell and your character turn in place to face the spot. It appears that animations somehow interfere with ability commands.


    I wouldn't call that "ability delay", cause it's only happening to abilities that have cast, channel, long animations or are fallowing one of those.


    For example I have never experienced this problem simply spamming "affliction" on a target.

    On the other hand "Lightning strike" seems to generate some kind of problem when "Forked Lightning" proc. It seem to somehow interfere with ability queue.


    So yes, problem do exist.


    But is it game breaking?

    I Would like to refer to someone's analogy to cars. He created a division of players to tree categories: 1) Casuals (mom driving SUV), 2) Wannabe pro (people driving sports car for fun), 3) Pros (self explanatory).

    This was great analogy to explain people reasons in this post.

    But it also shows other thing.


    BioWare is company. Company primary goal is to make profit.

    The way they make profit is to collect subs.

    And here comes a simple mathematics that explains why this issue have not been fixed yet.


    Number of subscribers:

    Casual players >> Wannabe pro + pro


    Like you have noticed already Casual players are now around level 20-30. They are enjoying the game and even if they noticed this problem is not their main concern.

    Thus why BioWare can't redirect ALL resources to fix this problem making it top priority..

    For the general game population it is not.


    Reading this topic I saw many extremists, people that have bought new PC just to be able to run this game as smooth as possible. Well, can anyone please show me where BioWare made a statement prior to game release that they will support Hard Core competitive game play?

    I know many game developers do announce stuff like this (for example Blizzard and his SC2 league and upcoming DOTA2). So on what ground do any of you claim that game is broken because it has some issues with 'competitive' play?


    And again.

    I am not saying that you are wrong, problem exist. And yes, it affects gameplay not only for pros and not only for PVP). I also believe that this have to be fixed before BioWare can think of starting any kind of competitive part of the game.

    But there is non at the moment, so calling this game breaking at this point in time is exaggeration. And I see how someone not interested in competitive play can see some of the posts in here offensive. Some (self named pros.) are using very offensive language towards casual players.



    By submitting this post in here I am joining all those who ask for this problem to be fixed.

    But I also ask more passionate people in here, to refrain from releasing their frustration on casual players.





    you dont need to be a pro gamer/super/imba/elite/programer type of ting to know som ting is not right if you cant get you spells to go off.

  3. I play an Assassin. There is absolutely no ability delay whatsoever. Every ability fires the instant I press the button. There is no waiting to finish an animation. Animations in general take never longer than a GCD, so there isn't even an overlap possible. Stuff which is off the GCD interestingly goes of instantly, no matter what my character is doing at that specific moment.

    There's only one tiny problem: it's not possible to"pre-cast" a free targeted aoe ability as long as the GCD hasn't finished. It's annoying, because you lose the time you need to place the reticle, rather than firing it off the instant the GCD finishes. But that's not delay, it's a small flaw in the general design.


    I can't speak for other classes above 10 though, besides that I experienced some weird behaviour with the Agent and his cover, but that was in beta. So I can't comment on anything else besides the Assassin for the moment.


    Based on my observations I'd guess that there is no general ability delay, but rather a problem with some select abilities. Judging from the sheep effect on the official forums I deem it rather possible that the problem got, like all the other ones, blown way way out of proportion. Now you have the situation where all the rabbid followers, with absolutely no clue what ability delay/lag really would look like, are crying and stomping like little cry babies, demanding something fixed that isn't nearly as broken as they make it look.


    If you read too much into all the rage you can easily get sucked into it. I speak from experience, because after not playing for a few days and taking part in the discussion about the high texture detail problem, I started to believe that the game indeed would look like utter crap. In reality though, if you play with everything maxed and some AA mixed into it, the game simply looks gorgeous. Yes, if you look too close textures get blurry. In reality though you would only zoom in that close to make screenshots that you gonna use to complain about the texture quality on the forums anyway. Of course it would be preffered to have the best possible textures available in general. But the current state is in no way as bad as the clowns on this forum are making it look.








    "This issue is under active investigation.


    The complication is that there are actually a number of different issues with very different causes and potential resolutions lumped together in this thread.


    All we can say for now is 'we are actively working on the topic of character responsiveness'."


    Georg "Observer" Zoeller

    Principal Lead Combat Designer

  4. I am playing a sentinel and and when hitting a silver (and up) mob my skills fail about 25% of the time, is anyone else experiencing this. The longer the animation, the smaller the chance it works.

    It would complete the animation but dont deal any damage and no cool down time. This is frustrating because it gets me killed at times.


    Anyone else have this problem?


    you godt the chance on miss in a mmo



    And yes i have times to when i cant hit the mobs i do the animation and it wont go off.

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