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Posts posted by patman

  1. I agree completely on your class balance points. If you bring a healer that is not an operative/scoundrel, it is almost a guaranteed loss. If Bioware wants arenas to succeed, they absolutely need to tone down this class. The advantage of warriors/knights are slightly less obvious then the op healer, but it is still there.


    I think arenas are very close to being an excellent game mode, as long as Bioware cleans up the bugs and fixes up the balance a bit.

  2. Lol @ splinterz and ryu's protection for the games they were deception spec.

    Lol @ pyroman's protection




    I was fighting the offside against almost no DPS that round, which is why my protection was pretty low. Still shouldn't have been that low, admittedly, but I'll just chalk it up to it being a bad game.

  3. Nah, guys, let Watchmen count the win against the team operative, they deserve it, especially after last week, when the team operative 3 capped them on Novare Coast lol


    Thats only because I wasn't there. They sort of fall apart without me. ;)

  4. How is Watchmen #8? Who have they beat to rank above Ubique and Slackers


    We (Watchmen) have beat S Key, Hostile Takeover, LD50, and I AM LEGEND (B team). Hostile takeover has beat us most games we've played them, but we did get them once I think. I think we are 1-1 with S Key and LD50. I'm pretty sure we have beat Slackers a couple of times, and in our only game against Ubique we had 7 people and were down a main healer on Voidstar, so naturally we got crushed. We haven't beat Clutch or Infinite Darkness, but we have had some pretty close games against them. I guess that covers most of the top 10 teams.

  5. I was waiting to talk to Jerc in game about the location, but I haven't been able to contact him yet. So I think I'll play it safe and say Voss-ka because it is a neutral zone (I think). I'll head there and find a more specific spot later tonight.


    EDIT: Ok so I looked around Voss-Ka and I thought the interior of the tower of prophecy might be a nice spot.



  6. I am in love with pyrotech spec, and I am positive it is the best damage spec in the game...


    Here are a couple of brag pics that I have from the past few days (I know they aren't the highest ever, but I'm proud)


    http://i.imgur.com/eqnyx.jpg (post surge nerf)


    http://i.imgur.com/0hNY4.jpg (pre surge nerf) 114-0 :D



    So I guess the question is, what is your best game as powertech?

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