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Posts posted by Blacklynx

  1. I agree, i would love more interaction with, at least, our li's (would also like more companion interaction but i guess that's more time consuming). I would love to see the reaction when you go saboteur (still working on mine through kotfe/kotet since i refuse the cheesy way BW chose for skipping it, at least on my light side empire characters).


    I don't recall any flirt options with Lana in onslaught, there was a cute moment when Anri and Lana met but nothing else, did i miss something or that was it?

  2. Bioware could have created two new classes, force user and non-force user, with kotet+kotfe, and spare some time making them as WoW hero classes. They would start at 50 with a personal story that would take them to 55-60, maybe 1-2 hours story, and instead of outlander, something else till comander.


    It's a pity, i would really like new classes to play with, plus new individual stories, obviously, but i don't think BW has the manpower/budget/time/writters to pull it off.

  3. I agree that kotfe+kotet was a fresh take on the story, however it laked in replayability (mainly because of the lack of class/personalized story) and, quite frankly, made very litle sense for non-force users. I've run them about 4 full times, very slowly, because i quickly get bored of all the trash cleaning, in small areas, almost like going corridor-slighty large area-corridor-tidbit of story-corridor and loop it. I don't have this issue with Vanila, i still create characters from the beggining to run the stories including most planet stories, and usually park them at kotfe start.


    Unfortunately if i want my characters to remain true to themselves i have to run the thing with my empire characters, and a couple republic, because i usually tend to the lighter runs and the way BW "arranged" to skip it is republic=good/empire=evil.


    I know that BW currently doesn't have the budget/personnel/time to do a full replayable grand story but i hope for some class favor (1 or 2 quests per planet/area) to increase replayability. And let's not forget that you'll probably be able to change sides, so i hope there's something fresh there, because going from empire to republic, and vice-versa, and just do the new story just like you were always from that side, is going to be quite a disapointment.

  4. When i heard the Nautolans where going to be the next playable race i started deciding more or less the looks for the one i was going to make, based on the npcs we fing ingame. The idea i had was a character similar to the one in Mageraah post. I can't do that currently, the faces seem just off, and we don't have that many (6?).


    I like the montral options, even if the "ponytail" option seems weird, i also like the skin colors, but the rest is just off to me. I prefer some of the cathar and togruta options (more options to them would be nice tho) to any of the Nautolans, as it it right now. Hopefully BW can correct some of it, or i'll have the first race i'm not making a character off.


    Usually there's at least one face or variant i really like in the races, but can't seem to find one in the Nautolans so far, and that's a bummer for me, already had the class and personality chosen for my next playtrough.

  5. I really like the Nautolan npcs models there are ingame, so i was quite happy when it was announced they were the next player race (still hoping for the Voss someday). However the design we have at the moment, in the character creation just seems off, face too big, huge lips on some, some eyes seem like someone glued lenses on the face, it just seems weird all in all. I like the varied leku (not sure if it's the right term tho) options, even if the ponytail seems strange.


    Since they're only on one class so far, hopefully they'll be improved. I would like my character to be similar to the npcs, but i don't think i can do it with the current options.

  6. Absolutely not signed.


    If players in group are that bad, how about you, and others like you, teach them, or is that asking too much?


    Leave the companions alone, they're fine as they are, they're the only thing keeping me playing this game while i wait for the next scrap of story, mainly because they do a good job and i don't need to spend time recuperating after every trash fight, done that before, not really interested in it now, i'm just here to have fun playing the story, waiting for what comes next (and hoping that it's highly replayable like Vanilla instead of just repeatable like kotfe+kotet).


    Again, leave the companions alone.

  7. Each person has it's own views about fun, engagement, worth, etc, that's why developers of mmo's always have more ups and downs than most, as time go by. The writer seems to have good fun playing through kotfe+kotet so kudos to him, i also had a lot of fun on my fisrt 2 playthroughs, then ic«t became a bore. I consider kotet+kotfe as repeatable conten instead of replayable content, wich is what the vanilla stories are, to me.


    My only issue nowdays is, if i want to level a grey or darksided republic or a grey or lightsided empire, i need to go through all of the episodes because the way bioware has for skipping kotet+kotfe won't fit their story (unless they changed something and i didn't notice), wich is an incredible annoyance, making me play one episode at a time every few days because it's boring.


    I sincerely hope 6.0 is replayable content, so this issue won't become a problem for my enjoyment of this game, the only mmo i bother playing at this time,

  8. Interesting, which ones are these? Looking over at the second monitor right now, I have DDO, GW, GW 2, ESO and Neverwinter shortcuts up, and none of those do this, Rappelz didn't do it either. The only game that I played that had procedurally generated content was Diablo, and a NWN mod that I worked on that generated mobs on an OnEnter script that varied according to player level. All of my MMO experience is exactly the same as it is here. This would include games like Aion, and Runes of Magic off the top of my head.


    My first MMO, Anarchy Online, has a terminal in the cities that would allow you to randomly choose a mission to do, if you knew how to use the sliders it would even allow to choose the type of enemies (humanoid, animal, robot) and the type of mission (kill, find an npc, grab an item, etc), it even allows you to choose the level of the mission (higher or lower than you by a certain amount). Always baffled me why i never saw anything remotely similar in other mmo's i played.

  9. I understand the reasoning about Bioware talking about gearing first, after all it has been a tremendous mess in the past couple years. It's also something that is important in retaining endgame players.


    That said i'm eagerly expecting anything related to story since it's what i play SWTOR for, my questions for them about it would be:

    1. Is the new story replayable (like vanilla with the choices/class story) or repeatable (like kotet/kotfe)?

    2. Are the companions more involved (like the main companion in vanilla), especially the LIs or just there as flavor?

    3. Any semblance of class story in 6.0 ( i know a full class story is probably impossible, but maybe a few simple quests with class flavor here and there)?


    I sincerely hope 6.0 will bring fresh air to SWTOR.

  10. Good story with good replayability (basically more like vanila, less like kotfe+kotet)

    Class Quests

    More companion story/interaction (and maybe a couple new companions with story to them)

    More races

    A couple new classes (maybe like wow heroic classes, starting at higher level with a specific starter story before the main story)

    More ingame customization options (i know they need to make money in the shop but would it kill them to have some good stuff ingame?)

  11. 1. A good quality story, with meaningful choices so it adds replayability with some class specific moments (nothing like class story, i would love that but it's probably quite difficult at the moment)

    2. More intraction with your companions and double that for LI's

    3. More planets to explore

    4. New races

    5. A way to change/choose/buy a travel ship

    6. Probably impossible but new classes 1 force sensitive and 1 not, mirrored of course (could be like WoW's heroice classes starting at 50 and just about 1 hour of tutorial, always wanted a beastmaster and droid engineer class, and there have been good suggestions in the forums)


    And most of all, to have a great time playing the new story with more to come down the line.

  12. Thak you for showing how feedback is gathered, it's an interesting process as well as complicated, and for those involved must be quite annoying at times as well.


    However, and i hope you don't take it the wrong way, what the heck happened with the big amount of feedback, mostly negative, about the introduction of the Galactic Command Crates. What missed there? especially since after it's introduction you rushed with fixes and improvements and nowdays is almost as it was before, except pvp still needs some twiking.


    Was it so far ahead in developement that you could do nothing but implement it, despite our feedback?


    Again, i hope i didn't anger or annoy with this question, and big thanks for the greatly improved communication, but this is something that naggs me.

  13. Players nowdays detest the idea of forced grouping, make it optional, like raids and flashpoint (and uprisings now) and plenty of players try them, some will like them and keep doing them, others won't. We are not on the age of "if you don't group you can't do anything" like we had in the begginings of the mmo genre, most players are older with limited time and the younger ones just want to login and play immediatly what they like.


    Any mmo nowdays that caters mostly to endgame content either fails or is in maintenance mode, a single player experience or the capacity to play solo is a must, however focusing only on one aspect and foregoing the other is also a recipe for disaster. Swtor brought an amazing story and that, plus the fact it's star wars, is what kept it going, and it was the rpers, the story hungry, the altoholics that kept this game afloat when it was sub only, it just wasn't enough for the predictions and things changed to f2p, and the nickel and dime started.


    The notion that an mmo only starts at endgame (besides being an idiocy, in my opinion) is what made many unsub at start because it was the norm, and they gave no chances to what Bioware tried to do, an story rich mmo where the voyage to endgame was, and is, the best part, while the endgame was there for you to have fun chalenges while new story was being made. As for the raiders being a vocal minority just chack the data of any big mmo, they sometimes do that, as for swtor specificaly if you can find the first video where developers are talking about the game they showed data that, after one year (or close to that) around 1% or 10% of the playerbase atempted ops,not completed, atempted. The % might be more now since there's less players but don't kid yourself, raiders are not the majority of players.


    To finish, have fun with the group content, it's about time you guys got something, i hope you like it, as for me i'll create a few more alts for the story until something i like comes.

  14. Thanks for the roadmap Keith, i must say i haven't read all posts so i'm sorry if these suggestions are repeated.


    I'm the kind of player that prefers creating alts to play the vanilla story, so gc has been pretty much tertiary for me, also the reason why i still have my lvl 70 token unused. Would there be a way to create a character with the lvl 70 token but starting to play in the vanilla story? iIt's not like the level you are means that much nowdays.


    As a suggestion for the gc menu, when i want to do the heroics/uprisings/pvp, why can't i choose wich ones i want to play in from a drop down menu? Like decided to do heroics so i choose from a drop down menu the planet i'm interested, instead clicking the heroics and cancel ad nauseum untill i get where i want to go.


    There were claims when the tunings appeared that there would be different ways to get them other than boxes, any news on what's planned? (thanks for adding them to collections, even if it's expensive)


    Any chances on revisiting the macrobinoculars/seeker droid end missions so they can be done solo?


    This one might annoy some ppl but any chances of doing an ops solo story mode for those like me that want to see the story but can't be bothered/no time/no skill to do a complete ops. No need for achivements or even loot, just want to see the story (mainly the oricon story and now the Iokath one)

    • Planet specific mini games / events. For example, shooting womprats with speeders on Tatooine.
    • New events - period - . We have had the same events for years on end now, it is time for some new ones.
    • Cross faction queues for warzones. The faction imbalance was bad before, but because of the new gear grind in warzones, it has gotten magnified 10 fold. This is way overdue.
    • Server Merges. People are complaining all the time about not being able to get groups for oprations on servers that are light now a days, server merges are the next logical step to drum up a more active community.
    • New Warzone / Starfighter maps. The ones we have are getting pretty stale.
    • New starfighter paint jobs.
    • Ability delay fix.


    I will list more some other time, but these things would help spice up the game significantly.


    It's a nice, and possible, list. I would like to add to it PVE GSF (heroics and flashpoints)


    As for less possible additions, either by lack of funding/lack of ppl in the team/lack of competence or a mix ot these issues i would like to see:


    • new full fledge story with good replayability (simplest form might be adding class missions to it)
    • new classes with personal story (might go the WoW way with the legendary classes, as a hint i would love a sith/jedi beastmaster)
    • more companion interaction and new story with them (the lenght of a vanilla planetary story minimum), at least with the originals
    • more armor and weapon sets unlockable in collections but found ingame not in CM
    • Flairs, weapon and armor tunings, found ingame as well as CM

  15. Some will go empire some will go republic, just whished both sides didn't look like retarded bullies, or that i could have the choice of telling them off for being there.




    even Acina goes back into just another sith trope, was the guy who wrote her in kotet not available?


  16. I sincerely doubt many will return with 5.2, and i'm willing to bet many that do will be like me, subscribe for a month for the tidbits of story, check how things are and probably unsubscribe again. I subscribed a week ago to try to get my trooper through kotet, just to get the full scope of the story (even tho i think there's not going to be much in there) and it's been hard, the valkorion story means little to me at this point and GC doesn't help either.


    From what i read in these posts it seems that, for whatever reason, some players believe that many that left where looking for an excuse or that GC doesn't bother those that are here for the story and little else, so i'm going to share my views. As you might have realized i'm in SWTOR for it's story, and i ocasionally do group stuff and some pvp, never ops tho, i see no point in them, so you might think "BIS gear means nothing to you, why are you bothered with GC?". The simple answer is the carrot on the stick, we all need it or we wouldn't be playing mmo's, the carrot is different for players but i believe gear is one big carrot. Before GC i would simply buy the best gear i could with the crystals, for some toons not all of them, i would do that by calculating how much i needed and from where i could get them and make a plan. After GC there's no way to do that, you're stuck with RNG, and playing my alts makes me feel like i'm loosing and/or wasting time because i'm not playing my main or another toon i wanr geared up. It might be just my perception but it's what i feel. Now you can say "keep doing what you like and eventually you'll get the gear". What i like is making alts and replaying the vanila story, wich means nothing in gains for GC, i can play heroics, a bit of pvp, some flashpoints but i eventually get bored of it and back i am doing and playing alts, wich after a bit makes me feel like i'm wasting time, it just becomes a loop of nothing.


    I don't know how they can fix this, outside of releasing a bunch of new content, hopefully with engaging and replayable story (don't confuse with repeatable story like kotfe+kotet), or make it as i believe it should have been made, the gear system remained like in 4.0, with some tweaks to take a bit longer, and GC was just fluff items as subscriber rewards, wich i doubt they'll change it to.

  17. It saddens me the situation the game is in right now. 5.0 RNG hell was ill thought out from the start and players told BW pratically from the announcement what a mistake it was going to be. The theory behind it isn't bad, players get stuff from playing what they like however, in my opinion, making it the only way to gear up was and is the biggest mistake of the entire system.


    Their proposal now is to add a convulated system so raiders and pvpers have other/better options to get the gear they need to do the content they want to do. Nothing wrong with that, it is a step in the right direction for these players (i still think it's a mess but they had to do something involving galactic command to save face). But remember that there are no details yet on the token cost or how many tokens you get per crate.


    For myself since i don't raid and rarely pvp means the galactic command mess stays the same, like others have said i could aim for better gear by doing content and gathering crystals, i knew exactly how much was needed and estimate the amount of time it would take me to get it and i could easily plan my alts the same way. Do i need that gear? no, but that doesn't mean i shouldn't be able to work for it at a decent pace but with galactic command? maybe a month (unlikely), maybe a year, maybe never, per character that i have.


    Galactic Command should have never been more than subscriber rewards, fluff stuff, mounts, moddable gear, pets, decorations, etc.

  18. Thank you for this post, it's very welcomed since the mess with 5.0.


    Also a casual player, but from the Progenitor. Since i've played several mmo's i tend to dabble a bit in groups and pvp, but never with a melee character, boy am i bad with those, too many buttons to click. SWTOR has what i always found lacking in most mmo's, a damn good story, and the 8 class stories from the classic are the icing on the cake, it saddens me to see such great replayability getting progressively ruined as the game goes by, but my response to that is alting and going through classic swtor every once in a while. Never did a full dark character tho, some options are just a bit too dark for me and i end up getting more light than dark, so i jut decide what my charater believes in as i start it and keep to it.


    Did one ops (but can't even remember wich one), wasn't bad but too messy for me, did all flahspoints for the dvl thingy and i do pop in a tactical one sometimes just for a change of pace. Did quite a bit of pvp when the pvp gear was actually good looking (for me at least), not many victories tho and as long it's not an arena i can actually try to help.


    Again thank you for this lighthearted post, it's good to know about more solo players having fun playing the game :)


    Do you in the end find it reasonable for them to take every 8 class story outcome into consideration? Every option for each class they may or may not have made to affect what you'll do in kotet and every expansion beyond?

    because the same thing is going to come up with every new story, "why didn't this matter, the choice we made 6 years ago"???!?

    Bioware packed out too big with making 8 different stories, while it was entertaining, it's too big for it to last.

    While a little bit more of diversity would be nice, wanting a complete in depth story for 8 clases and their alignments every year(?)is unreasonable to say the least.


    No it's not reasonable to have 8 complete different stories (and yes it saddens me), but i don't think they need to throw out those class stories as they seem to be doing (in my opinion at least). They don't have the manpower/capacity/skills or a combination of them to do a story with "real" depth and choices, and the consequences always have to be minor because of it, Kotfe and Kotet are the proof of it, the main choices simply determine what companions are with you and, of course, variations depending on those choices but they are still minor as story is concerned.


    Was it painfull, from a personal perspective, to decide who to let die? yes, was it consequential to the overall story? no. Did bowing to the emperor in Kotfe had any consequence in Kotfe+Kotet? didn't see any. Was antagonizing Koth in Kotfe meant you loose the Gravestone? no you got it back without much fanfaire.


    Unfortunately i can't see how Bioware can recover the awe we got with the 8 personal stories and been losing ever since, whatever story they tell will always be compared to it and, in my opinion, always be lacking. One thing i can say however it that Kotet was an improvement on Kotfe, better pacing, a more interesting plot even if quite predictable. All we can do is either wait and see what happens or leave for another game.

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