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Posts posted by Nydus

  1. Hey folks,


    After further investigation, we unfortunately will be unable to address the issues with the Rakghoul Plague before the event expires on Tuesday. We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused.


    For those who were looking to run the Rakghoul event, it is scheduled to return on January 12th. Thanks everyone.




    Okay, I've actually not encountered too many bugs over the years and have found the SWTOR Customer Service to be quite helpful so I'm going to give this a pass. Not threats of unsubscribing :).


    However, I just want to point out that this is not an Early Access title. This is the first time I pondered how much I've put into the title (as a subscriber since launch, I'd guesstimate over half a grand?).


    Given that these events are now becoming meaningful in terms of the new expansion, this is the first time I've actually geared up to participate in an event as opposed to just stumbling across it. I'm a little disappointed.


    So that is to say A) good job on making old content relevant again, but B) players are really going to notice these screw ups now. Well, I guess they always noticed but I think they have extra reason to be annoyed :).


    - Arcada

  2. Hey folks,


    Eric... I've been subbed since launch so am not a novice, but I had no idea that this was the intent for companions under the new system.


    I dunno, how about a daily to take your companion or weekly to take out a rotation of companions to complete missions?


    In my mind:


    Heroics or Flashpoints = grouping with other players.


    Companions = planetary content that I can solo when I'm not feeling lazy.


    - Arcada

  3. Well, what is a casual?


    I log-in weekly for a play session of about 5-7 hours, sometimes more than that, and I do hit my weekly fairly often. I have sets of armour for PVP and PVE, and usually am just attaining the top-tier gear when they come out with the next.


    Am I casual?


    In terms of Heroics, I respond to calls to group periodically. I don't feel awkward about testing the waters to do them. I also try out Heroics by myself (2+) every once and a while to see if I can solo them :).


    - Arcada

  4. They have the major events. They know how it'll end. But some of the details might change.


    I essentially agree with you, but its possible they have an ending in mind in terms of a confrontation, etc. but haven't quite figured out the specifics of how that will play out in terms of the future universe.


    Breaking Bad is an example of a show that seems to have an arc, and certainly the writers had an "idea" of how things were going to play out but they apparently didn't figure out the specific ending until they started writing the last episode. Which is a good way to do things if you care about fan reaction; you can really tailor the experience to what people like.


    - Arcada

  5. You know, I really like the Bad Feeling Podcast but they make some sensationalist claims sometimes. Previously they suggested that the pre 60-65 planetary content is going to be deleted or significantly altered to reflect the new story line (which I find extremely hard to believe). Most recently, they've suggested that certain achievements are going to be deleted come Tuesday, and after the expansion, you won't be able, for example, to achieve certain companion achievements, etc. They've even suggested there will be no fleet!


    Is there any documentation to this effect? Sure we've been told of changes to the crafting and companion system, but if we were really headed towards being locked out of content you think they'd have an entire advertising campaign of "LAST CHANCE TO DO X, Y or Z".


    Personally, I'm sort of picturing a "phase" with all the new content but still being able to go the old planets, Makeb, or Fleet. Why the heck would they delete pre-existing content when the concern is not enough content? Are they going to be writing chapters as quickly as we can complete them? Seems to me that is where they got burned in Year One!




    - Arcada

  6. Hmmmm...


    I'm sure the writing team has a pretty solid idea where the story will go, maybe not the final moments of the final episode. Honestly, they might be interested in seeing how the player based responds to the initial chapters before ending it.


    If we buy-in to this storyline and people start subscribing they may take their time wrapping it up.


    If we don't, they might wrap it up sooner and go onto the next master plan to make money :).


    - Arcada

  7. Okay, so fair enough for the systemic subscribers, the expansion becomes a (probably well deserved) bonus.. but for the rest of us who only subscribe when needed.. this expansion is much more expensive.


    Unless you wait for all the content to be released and then sub; then it is relatively inexpensive.


    Personally, I have stayed subscribed since release and have no plans to change.


    - Arcada

  8. Boot all the guys from my ship. Sorry Talos, Andronikos, Khem Val and Xalek! My female Inquisitor Assassin will paint her ship pink and be an all girl crew! Wonder if they will even get on with each other... I know Risha and Ce'na will get on like sisters, Nadia and Jaesa will probably be the same... but i certainly see Elara and Mako having problems... Elara and the Ce'na/Risha combo... that is a problem... i may have issues.


    Have you ever had a conversation with someone who went to an all-girls school? They have this crazy look in their eye.. :)


    - Arcada

  9. So BW, I know it's unlikely to hear anything on this subject, but if you have a moment what's the opinion on this portion of the game?


    I enjoyed them. If there were some new rewards and it was possible to complete the new ones without the Cartel Market (yes, yes, I know it "technically" is but it takes a lot of dedication to be able to craft everything required) I'd be playing them more than once a blue moon.


    - Arcada

  10. These versus threads are interesting but ultimately rhetorical.


    For example, as impressive as Sidious' powers were, the vast majority of his accomplishments are due to playing people against each other and not tipping his hand until he had a reasonable chance at victory. I don't think there is any lightsaber duel or lightning battle between these two folks.


    In other words, Vitiate wouldn't know Sidious existed until he had a plan to combat him, and if that plan consisted of having other people deal with him, so much the better.


    Lets say defeating Vitiate is impossible. Well, Sidious wouldn't even engage in that circumstance. A draw perhaps is the reasonable minimum outcome here.


    - Arcada

  11. I enjoyed Ziost as well. Frankly, it came as a bit of a nice surprise and in some respects I enjoyed in more than the Shadow of Revan (which is always a tricky subject matter to deal with given our love for that character).


    The ending was also fairly epic, and without spoiling anything, the fan base has been asking for some permanent outcomes on the universe so I am really confused by the whining.


    - Arcada

  12. What do you think her role will be in the new expansion?


    Hopefully you get to execute her for treason.


    Don't let her pretty face fool you ;). She's a creepy deceptive Sith who hangs around with republic spies and seems to be able to transfer her loyalty from one Darth to the next with ease.


    Heck, I trust Theron Shan more than her because at least I know what his agenda is.


    - Arcada

  13. Ummm...


    If the Sith Code only spoke to passion, strength, and power and freedom it might be salvageable as an individualistic, if not aggressive, philosophy. However the "peace is a lie" and "victory" portions make it inherently unstable, and speak to a constant state of conflict and violence. The Sith Code needs enemies and it would seem to me that even if the Republic was completely defeated, the Sith would turn on each other and factions of the Empire.


    Heck, that even happens when the Republic is still around!


    Heck, even when you only have two of them they end of defeating themselves!


    So yes, as written it is ultimately self-defeating.


    - Arcada

  14. Sounds like most people have set realistic expectations. Basically, it looks like they are going to deliver a crap-load of personal instance content (which is a good thing), but you'll have access to the old content as soon as you are done with it.


    The only question mark I have is with respect to the companions. However, considering you need them at times to complete the class story I imagine they are staying put until you start the new content...


    - Arcada

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