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Posts posted by Vortech

  1. This will be interesting when the reusable are phased out.


    Not really, more pathetic then anything.. They've nerfed biochem out of viability and now they're killing it. BW should have spent time correcting all the broken crew skills rather then killing off one of the few that made sense. Now biochem will be gutted and left broken for lord knows how long.. They won't adjust mat requirements accordingly and they won't balance everything as would be required.. They're just killing it, they got tired of the uninformed crying 24/7.


    Seems to be BW's mo, nerf it into the ground, let somebody else figure it out.

  2. I sure hope not.. I thought Starsider was RP server..? :p Considering the Bloodfin (PVP) guilds that matter are here I hope there is no more confusion. The Fatman is PVP oriented and will hopefully stay that way! Painfully casuals and RPrs need not apply. :D
  3. Like others have said, known bad bug.. Really unfortunate for us republic too considering how long a string of wins can take against those geared up Imps. Funny story, I was trying to pick up my third before 7AM EST this morning, and I did with 6 minutes to go.. But it didn't count as I didn't credit for it. So I'm out a bag between the two days. I was a general beta tester, I had no clue the beta was still going on, or that I'd be paying to participate.
  4. Following my above post, got up to 43 - 44 blue implants reversed (level 49). I know one epic that I got from reversing about 20 or so (that's 64 ish total). So, just got my second purple reverse, only to be greeted with the nice message of: "You already know this schematic.".


    Are you ******* kidding me!? the system won't just say "Oh, he knows that one, give another one he doesn't instead."


    So annoyed.


    Nothing annoys me more then "You already know this schematic." :eek: Otherwise known as getting trolled by BW! :p

  5. Launch maintenance was completed on time.. Imagine that. I hoped for a patch, no patch.. I then dreamed of standard or heavy population.. Dreamed. It seemed the server was instantly showing FULL with a <30 minute wait. Unfortunately since everyone is getting on right now my number in place isn't changing, it says <30 minutes but I know that is a lie.
  6. Telling your customers to simply change servers is a null argument.. First of this this is early access, you expect everyone to sacrifice their progress because you failed us at launch? You failed us with the "waves", you failed us bringing new servers online, and now you're failing us by not fixing this mess. This is a self inflicted wound, you BW utterly worsened this launch with every decision you made. Mismanaged.


    Moving forward there are measures that can be taken.. Limit new characters to those of us who have existing characters on a server.. Raise server capacity, allocate more resources per virtual box.. Allow guild migration.. At worse and likely a guild killer, allow character migration. Please note those last two as being far fetched and requiring dev resources.


    Whatever measure you choose START talking to the community about this issue openly and STOP talking to us in press release marketing bs talk. We need to know you understand this issue, have a decisive course of action, and care about our progression.

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