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Posts posted by joneseric

  1. The simple solution is to leave them exactly as they are. This is what the devs have chosen to do.


    If you want those bonuses for a specific character, you will have to find the datacrons on that character. It makes no difference if you've found them on 10 other characters.


    The devs have decided to leave the stat bonuses in the "have to be earned per character" category. IMO, this is exactly where those stat bonuses belong.


    I disagree with your premise. I believe they should be legacy wide and you will not convince me otherwise. I have said it since launch. If you disagree that is fine, but I have postulated my idea for reform of this monstrous time sink in my previous post.

  2. I have a simple solution that both makes the Datacrons easier to get without giving them away. Implement 2 requirements for Legacy Datacrons: 1) Require that someone have the Datacron Master Legacy Title. 2) Require that the player finish the planet quest line for the the Planet that the Datacrons are located on.


    This would allow people who have already gotten that Datacrons on a planet to get them without all of the platforming but still require an investment of time.


    This would also give people an extra reason to do the planet quests, that most people I know ingame skip.

  3. L2R, it's from november till december 1st^^


    L2R "Subscribers who pre-order the digital expansion will receive a Class Experience Boost as a bonus with the following details:


    Players are offered 12x experience gain while playing exclusively through class story missions up to Level 55

    The boost is effective immediately and expires on December 1, 2014"

  4. What if they reduced the durability on PVP gear so that it would not last through an entire HM? Like make the durability 25 on all the PVP gear, and left the stats alone. It doesn't receive damage in WZs anyway and would keep you alive though one or more open world fights if you get caught off guard but would not be viable for end game PVE.
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