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Posts posted by Katlin

  1. Banks and their credits are what caused the economical crisis... roughly said. Banks are evil. And people who defend credits are very confused.


    That aside I am interested in seeing if there will be a more detailed response regarding Greendot and maybe even more about their payment policy. I've been having trouble paying with debit cards in perfect standing and money in them.

  2. After your starting planet, you will indeed meet up on Coruscant. Your class quests are indeed individual, but they do have a similar track record.


    I will try to explain this as easily as possible:


    Each planet is usually divided into sections. These sections can be identified by the binding points for travelling and/or the Taxi Access Terminals. All of the class quests follow this logic.


    With that in mind, you and your friend can easily level together in the following manner:


    0. Make sure you are grouped.

    1. You both arrive on the planet at the same time.

    2. You both go to your respective class quest giver on the planet.

    3. When the quest has been given, you meet up again.

    4. If desired, pick up other quests together (the triangles on the maps are quest givers that everyone can access).

    5. Check your map: You should be able to see both your missions as well as the missions of your partner (if you are grouped). Notice how they are usually not in the exact same location, but they are on the same section of the map.

    6. Go do all the quests that are on the map. Both you and your friends should also help each other with your respective class quests.

    7. When all quests have been done (note: each mission will say something like "Return to xxx" or "Speak to xxx") go back to hand in all the quests you have fullfilled. (note again: on the map, your quest givers will now show as a triangle with a green center).

    8. You have now finished a section of a planet together. Your class quest will send you to your next section, and usually, your partner will receive the same kind of message in his/her class quest.

    9. Do the same for the next section :-)


    As for your Level 33 friend. Don't let him group with you unless you are Level 30+ as well. He will seriously gimp you and your friend in the following ways:


    - If you group with him, your experience gainings will be significantly reduced, meaning you will very soon be underleveled for the content, and he as well as he's not gaining any experience.

    - If he keeps on destroying all your enemies and you do nothing, by the time you're 30+, you will have no idea what your class can do.


    Good Luck and if you have further questions, don't hesitate to ask.

    I want to comment on point 2. in case it is unclear: you can go to the class quest givers -together- you can enter the phase together, watch the scenes together too. You can't pick dialogue options in each other's class story, but since you're there together you could comment on what the other can/should chose to do or say.


    You can level from 1 to 50 while being together 100% of the time in all missions, class story or not.

  3. I have a solution that BW is probably considering...


    Put some worthwhile stuff in the CE store, and also allow people to upgrade their accounts to CE status.


    This is a solution I totally support. Maybe with a lower price than the original CE, because a digital upgrade will not include physical things like the Malgus statue, the lore book, metal box, etc.

  4. Let me see...




    Lt. Pierce

    Malavai Quinn





    Jaessa DS

    Lord Zash (that includes my wish that she were a companion)


    I don't include Republic ones, because I don't know them yet. My opinion so far is that most female companions are poorly and stereotypically written. Mako, Vette, Ashara, LS Jaessa - sissy whimpering girls who need taking care of like a pet and frown each time your character is not a sparkling Sith. They are all the same like a single character, even their voices are very similar.


    I can't say that for the males, though. They are quite distinct and you can really see a unique personality in each of them. Lack of SGR is such a massive missed opportunity, tsk, tsk.

  5. This is an especially convenient and in my humble opinion an easy to implement feature.


    Asking 16 people to jump around is very... unprofessional, as is asking them to write or "aye" over the voice com.


    Since it was said on the guild summit nearly an year ago that the readycheck will be included in the (then) near future we've heard nothing. I believe it is still a very valid suggestion hence I am posting here.

  6. Kaon Under Siege without doubts. It's the best short piece of content I've seen in any MMO (and I've played at least all big names). The lighting, atmosphere, environment, sound, voice acting, all of it has an outstanding quality. I feel the design is so thick that it's unlike an MMO game (where dungeons/instances feel like a tube), it could be a Mass Effect mission and no one would tell the difference!
  7. As a guild recruiter myself, I'd have to admit I'm surprised to see people from different guilds around but barely any guild recruitment. If there is some Force technique to materialize members for your guild I'll be willing to sacrifice innocents to learn it.

    On the other hand my guild restrains from spaming recruitment messages too often in General, a system guild recruitment channel would have been great.


    Regarding the friendliness of Imperials - these are not the players you're looking for. Ahem, the Empire does have its islands of nice, they are just not on the map. :jawa_angel:

  8. Hello,


    Would it be worth applying as a leveling tank? I'm just wondering as whether that would still give me a chance to run Ops with Nestinar as a tank, tanking is my favourite playstyle in MMOs and I just haven't had much luck finding a Guild in SWTOR.

    Hello, MikanDelwynn,


    I am sorry for the very late reply, we've been incredibly busy with very intense weeks in the guild, from operations to heavy RP.

    As per your question, I am afraid we can't accommodate another tank at the moment. The tanking department is very healthy and there are no spots. If the DPS role is something that might also appeal to you then I can definitely say you will get to join our operations. Especially ranged DPS we need by the dozens!

  9. This is kind of an emergency update/bump to say that for the next week we will essentially be missing one decently geared DPS for a 16man team for Hard Mode Denova/Terror.


    If you are thinking about joining, now is the perfect time to become part of the Operations team.


    Also, our Operations schedule is getting expanded with one additional day! In addition to Sunday and Monday, we're now going to include Wednesday. The time remains the same - invites at 18:45 CET, start at 19:00 CET.


    Haderach will update the first post with the new schedule as soon as he can.


    Clarification: Of course as current members level up and get ready we will have more than the minimum number of people for the Ops team. But as we know a healthy team should always consist of more than the bare minimum of players. This allows us to sometimes skip Operations in favor of real life without leaving 15 other players unable to start, and also serves as a guarantee in case of connection failures that there will be someone to step in for the missing player. We have a special rule about reserves rotation which you can find on our website.

  10. No, don't blame the RP servers for this useless feature. Roleplayers don't look at the character's faces because our eyes are busy following the chat box instead of chat bubbles where our characters are, while they stand near the chairs on which they can't sit. I don't know a single person on my RP server that cares bout facial expressions, but I could name 'a few' who care about chat bubbles and chairs.
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