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Posts posted by GeneoN-

  1. I truly appreciate all the feedback I have received in this thread! Thank you all for being civilized for the most part :p

    I've gone ahead & rerolled on Harbinger & found it to be quite populated. I've taken everything you folks have said into consideration, so i'm just going to play out my sub & see how I feel at the end and formulate my own opinion on the game & if returning was worth it :rak_03:

  2. So i'm just now returning for the first time since 2013 mind you I played the game at launch as well


    So I just have a few questions for you gentlemen


    I'm seeing a lot of disdain & negativity for SWTOR after 5.0 was this just a terrible time to resub & I should reconsider at some point?


    Also keep in mind I never finished a class story to completion so everything after starter planets feels super fresh & new too me.


    I'm still deciding on a main toon so i'm in process of choosing faction & going through start planets to see which gameplay style suits me & seeing which story grips me the most.


    1. In regards to Story mode FP's do they not award gear drops other than the speeder reward at the end of The Essles for example?


    2. Did the boost XP gain since lauch? I feel like I never use to leave Tythos or Korriban at any level past 10 but now that seems to be the case every time if you do all bonus objectives & side quests?


    3. The game world feels super empty...is it because my main server population is dead? (Prophecy of The Five)

    or is the userbase just dying off?


    I'd be super interested if anyone would like to level a new toon alongside of me the more the merrier :D:D:D

  3. Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer, right?


    You got it bub! (In all honesty people have been clamoring for them to increase the amount of quests you can retain in your quest log from 25 to 50 quests but based on a BW response they said they could not up the amount of quests you can have as active due to the fact that it would affect performance in term of lag so I assume the same thing applies to the Friends list.)

  4. Yep, that says it. i just knocked back a sage into a firetrap and rooted him there with overlapping roots only to have him simply put up force barrier. I logged. I got zero guilt about that. I mean, what moron thought up that move and thought it had a place in PvP? Just curious. Looking forward to developer reply. Much love.


    Translation? I'm terrible at PVP and should unsub.

  5. I hate first person shooters. playing a single map over and over again until you have it memorized and know where the best weapons are, what angle you have to be at to throw the grenade into that window, etc. that is not skill, thats memorization. Thats the same as people that memorize everything before a test and then forget it the next day. you didnt actually learn anything. If I wanted to play a first person shoot game, It wouldnt be star wars.


    edit: also the part about "you dont have gear or **** tp level up" this is an mmorpg. I think its fair to say a large number of people play mmorpgs because they like to get gear and to level up.


    You have obviously never watched a professional Counterstrike match in your life.

  6. In regards to the Boston Marathon Bombing, those of you that are "shocked" by this please educated yourselfs that this has been going on around the world in places like Syria, Lebanon, and Middle-eastern countries around the world. Understand that this may be a home grown threat (based on the size of the blasts one can assume Al-qaida is not involved plus they publically denied involvement.) But do not live in fear I ask you to merely arm yourselfs with knowledge and weapons if need be. and live with a heightened awareness.
  7. I don't see how you would be screwed. . .


    While the expac only brought in stuff post-50, you'll never be able to access end-game without the expac. Makeb will be waiting patiently for you :-D


    That's what I figured I just wanted the reassurance for my own mind and sanity :rak_03:

  8. I don't have a level 50 character. Am I screwed or did I just make a decent purchase for the long haul when I can actually acess the new content. Either way I'm looking forward to all the changes and bugs that are being adressed I have faith in EAware going forward no matter what they do.
  9. Are you running Windows 7? If so, there are some compatibility issues with Windows 7. After one version of the game client that was released awhile back, I could no longer switch servers. I was stuck with the server that the game automatically logged me into. CS could never solve the issue, but after some research on the net, I found out that running in XP Service Pack 3 mode would fix the problem....and it did. Never had that problem again.


    Indeed I am running W7 and running XP SP3 fixes everything lol.

  10. Ok first off


    Core 2 Duo (3.16ghz)

    4 GB of DDR3

    EVGA 550TI Stock OC

    1TB HD


    ever since patch 1.7.3a when I simply lauch the game as admin it would CTD during the Malagus/Steele loading screen. But when I launch it with XP SP3 it works just fine anyone care to tell me WHY this is? BioWare if you're reading please assist a brotha.

  11. We've been battling with this memory leak just as hard as any Nightmare Mode Operation. We've searched forums, Googled, ran virus scans, reinstalled the game, tweaked the operating system, and purchased new hardware to deal with the issue. Now it's the end of the movie and all of the zombies are dead. We limp towards the sunrise as the cavalry arrives. We're thinking "Where have you been all this time!?" but are too tired and relieved to protest.


    Thank you Bioware.



    This sounds like to ending to most good action / horror films it definitely got a smile and a chuckle out of me well spoken OP :D

  12. So you want SWmoniTOR and/or MoX?

    Download it, run it, love it. In-game parsers will only create "Lol u suk, ****" attitudes that this game doesnt need. There are tools out there for ya so use them :)


    3rd party addon is not an option. That's why I'm asking BioWare to implement them via Raid Frames. you silly goose.

  13. no thanks, if you want that stuff then go back to...well you know :rolleyes:


    spent enough time in azeroth (06-2011) (vanilla-cata) but that game is now geared to casuals which is the main reason I left.

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