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Posts posted by iamnoobplzhelp

  1. A lot of tanks forget that the amount of damage you do will increase your threat. So don't skimp out on all the damage skills. You won't be able to hold aggro on all the trash. An off-tank or the DPS' should be able to take those without a problem. Your main goal should be the boss. Make sure you're using your hardest hitting attacks without wasting too much heat.


    I usually roll:

    Jet Charge

    (Flame sweep with more than 1 enemy)

    Rocket Punch

    Rail Shot

    Flame Burst


    Rinse, repeat.


    If you have heat blast, make sure to throw that in there. I generally use it if I'm above ~15 heat. It's always good to keep heat low, and it's only on a 15s cooldown.


    I generally don't have an issue holding aggro, unless the boss does drop aggro (like Soa in stage 3).


    You should think of taunts the same way you think about condoms. It's better to have them and not need them than to need them and not have them. Use them sparingly, only if the main boss is moving away from you.

  2. Really? I actually replaced mine after I got Columni because of the 50+ Alacrity in it. I went with a Mastercrafted power/crit/surge one and put a +28 end Aug to make up the hp loss.


    All that alacrity was making me explode.



    It depends on what your stacking, but most people don't like alacrity because it just makes you burn through your energy/mana/heat faster rather than just making you hit harder.


    The Rakata one is definitely a lot easier to get. The columi schematic is a rare drop from operations. But you can get a Rakata one by doing dailies for 5 days (25 per day x 5 days)

  3. The Jet Speed does infact work. You get a buff (check ur buff bar) right when you do the charge. Jet Charge will always take the same time whether your opponent is 10m or 30m, the animation will just have you moving a little faster. Jet Speed is nice if you're running the ball, but honestly, it isn't THAT much help. I'm thinking about dropping it to get something slightly more useful.
  4. You can probably find them, and the crafting materials to make them from operations loot. But like the other poster said, it's pointless, because you can get them from doing your dailies There are a possible 25 daily commendations per day, 26 if one quest isn't bugged. That's enough for 3 barrels or other mod.
  5. If you don't crit craft a Rakata piece is it possible to get the biometric crystal alloy back if you RE it?


    I made my BH some pieces, but neither critted. I have a few more crystal alloys to try. Since they are bound, I have no other use for them because I don't ever plan on gearing skadge/blizz

  6. Bioware went pretty hardcore on the binding. It seems anything worthwhile is BOP. Which means I took armormech to make my rakata belt/bracers, dropped it for biochem. I might have stayed armormech if I could sell those pieces or give them to my friends.


    I remember when I played Asheron's Call, there were maybe only a handful of items that were "bound" and none of them were all that great. Meaning you could drop the items on death, but at least your buddy could just make another one for you.


    People are too bound to their gear... literally

  7. When I hit 50 I was already valor 44, and had maxed out my commendations by probably level 30. Remove the cap! Or have the bags/gear on the same level as all the other gear (30-60 commendations per piece of gear). Why does a <50 PVP weapon take 580WZ commendations and a champion one take 120 or so?


    Need to revamp the commendation system or just get rid of the 1,000 cap altogether. I had to burn my commendations on those stupid boxes or buy a crap ton of those medic pacs just so I wouldn't "waste" my WZ commendations.

  8. Sure I would like to see them get buffed, but is it necessary?

    High alacrity can majorly cut down cast times and for one skill that isn't great.

    But when we are talking about a full rotation, high alacrity can atm cut down a full rotation by 1-1.5 seconds which can drastically improve overall damage.


    Just depends on what kind of rotation we are talking about and for what classes, if your current build uses mostly instant casts I suggest going for surge/crit/power. Mods and Enhancements are extremely easy to get, even the higher tier ones..


    Higher alacrity just means you burn through your main resource faster. Crit/surge and even power is better because it makes your hits hit harder without burning extra resources.

  9. It seemed that Massy was always running off attacking someone else.


    We tried killing Massy, then Medic, then Boss, but his shield overloads if you kill Massy first. It seemed right after we killed the medic the other two would instantly enrage. We killed her pretty fast, so I don't think it was a timer. I may be mistaken, we only tried this way once.


    The last try we just killed the boss, and the tank (me) died right after we took the main boss down, so the other party members went down pretty quick. Pretty annoying to say the least.


    If we report the issue is there a chance that we could get the loot back?

  10. So we did HM Boarding Party last night, we killed the main guy first, and his ads ended up killing us. We "completed" the quest, so we were not able to get back in the instance and loot the chest, which sucked. Is this a known issue?


    What order should we kill them in? It seemed that if we killed the medic, the other two would enrage. And the last boss is un-tauntable. He would just launch his mortar at everyone.

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