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Posts posted by Zhothon

  1. I didn't mean that as an insult. I just meant that since joining, I've read your posts as more frustrated with the server than I remember. Probably this is just that your enthusiasm has generally dwindled over time and has no relation to your position in Guerrilla. From my perspective there was a sharp change in your tone pre- and post-Guerrilla, but I'm just an outside observer.

    Ya, Mort is starting to give us a bad image. Or is it that your image of him changed as soon as his guild tag did? Hmm.......

  2. The one thing I'm upset about the most, is that (and I don't know how accurate this is, as I try to stay out of the drama) Game Genie, if transfers happen, are going to stay and just troll people in PvP. They have no intentions of leaving and finding a group that can challenge them. They want to stay and just grief other players. That, to me, is poor sportsmanship and just all around horse****......

    I think you overvalue the significance and worth of yourself and other baddies. To the likes of GG, you are nothing but flies on a wall, spittle in a can, worm slime, ...

  3. First of all I find it laughable that so many Guerilla members are condemning ranked win trading when I remember logging on at 4am and seeing 16 guerilla in a ranked match win trading. It's ok when you do it but the moment someone tries to get on equal footing all of a sudden it is horrible!.

    LOL....very bad attempt at troll. People in my guild are way to competitive to throw matches. Try again......NEXT

  4. Theron..

    Once we are all gone.. Who will you Troll.. These same masses you speak for now? Yea that's right.. please go ahead and write a long winded load of ****... Of all the people I have interacted with here, you have always been the most difficult pain the ***. every time I try to put out fires you go in right behind me and thow on some gas..



    Way too much QQ on here. A bunch of you whiners need to stop playing the victim card, it doesn't work. If you are with a group of your friends and you get trip capped.....think about why you got your butt handed to you and don't let it happen again.


    Stop acting like the "top guilds" owe you anything. Play, learn, read, practice, THINK,......get better. Its that simple.

  5. As for the huttball macro, there's not much involved in setting up a macro to repeatedly click while you have a button pushed down.

    Ya, don't let Spurlock pull the blinders over you. I recently got top level access to our guilds secret vault, and was so surprised to see the huttball macro in there, along with some hacking software and detailed instructions on glitching.


    Was actually surprised that no one called us out on the Civil War macro yet. I don't want to give too many of their secrets away (because I have friends in the guild and its not my place), but just watching this Video you can see the macro is used multiple times along with a few other hacks and cheats.




    Anyway....I used to think that these players were just good and didn't realize it was because they cheat so much. I think my cohesive bond is fading so I am gquitting later today, and will be looking for a guild that actually has talent.


    Take away Gamemperilla's hacks/cheats/macros and they are nothing.

  6. Another explanation is that we are in a PvP area and want to engage in PvP. If Standing in lines with both Imps and Pubs is your preference, then so be it. I personally have a different preference.


    If someone wishes to make a RP event out of it, don't hate. Your best bet is to stay in the safe PvE areas or bring a group to protect you.


    Odd how if someone doesn't play the way you like, they must be mental.

  7. In my 2.5 months in this game I have met alot of people in warzones so far as I am an avid pvper. SilentStorm is one of the people I love to have on my team as he IS objective oriented and just a great player. I have taken many a node with him either watching over me with heals, ccing key targets, or dpsing healers. I am personally glad that you probably rage quit after he outplayed you. To whine about someone tunneling you, should give you pride as you have been identitifed as a key factor in the other teams success. My guess though is you are probably a "glass half empty" person so to you I say!......




    Thanks for the kudos. 1 free pass turning in an orb for ya. Redeemable at any time. ;).

    J/k of course.

  8. It's not all the time no. I even asked you when you switch to healing in one warzone, you remember? I've always had respect for your play style, and no it wasn't my guild that you went through with 2 people. I was on my imp when you were picking off people in my group. and no, I'm not trying to troll. So I apologize for coming off too strong. I was definitely using a small sample to categorize you and I'm sorry. Was just fresh off an encounter with you. So I'm sorry for that.


    No hard feelings. This PvP event is really bringing out the emotions. ;)


    As far as playing and ignoring objectives to obliterate someone, I don't do that. When I deeps I hit marked targets (usually healers), target of target (focus), or try to peel off person on my healer. I have not been in any mumble/vent/ts where someone said to ignore objectives and beat ya up. I also do not recall the game you are talking about.

  9. White Hats need Black Hats to help justify their existence. Yesterday I destroyed some random Jugg trying to turn in his orb because he would not wait for me to turn mine in when I strolled up to the node. Of course he was waiting before I ever got there but hey, Lions eat first! Apparently he was furious and vowed to get his guild mates together and roll me an any other <Guerrilla> in the zone, to which my response was GOOD! That is exactly what he should do, step up and organize a response or back down and cower in the corner.


    I will admit, when I’m running solo, I am happy to let a premade Game Genie or Empire turn in orbs before me. Big Lions eat before little lions.


    I am often baffled why 10 random pugs will just stand by while 2 Black Hats destroy a line of orb holders or hunt people in the center. They are like weak self-centered people who would witness a street mugging and turn around and walk the other way without offering any help. If they just banned together they could destroy us regardless of their gear. Learn from the White Hats!


    In any case this all gives the White Hats a job to do and allows them to garner the appreciation of weak and feeble prey. I enjoy playing my part, even if that part includes being hunted down by White Hats.




    In this zone, everyone has different rules they play by. It's your ability to enforce them that makes the difference.

  10. This actually was in reference to the previous post in which, SS stated that they will kill regardless of the target. Actually, I know this to be false, Reason being? We baited SS the other night to see if they would attack groups of 2, or groups of 1. Lo and behold when one person was by themselves, SS would come out of the shadows and attack, but when there were more than 1 person they'd slink off and look for "easier" prey.

    Lol. I have attacked 1 through many (stab and seek). I am not a lemming where I go in uncloaked by myself into a group of people and stand there so I can get my butt kicked. I use strategy and skill in hunting my prey. When in a group we tend to get more bold. As I recall the other night, my group of 4 was outnumbered at least 2:1 and we wiped the center, including you and some of your guildies.


    The reason why i single out SS in this post is because in a typical warzone I will get tunneled by SS throughout the match, REGARDLESS of objectives. This is why these players that are posting are so funny when defending their actions. These are not objective based players, these are scoreboard heroes that try and put up the biggest numbers, or carry out their personal deathmatch vendettas..

    Ok now it's a ROFL, you really are a troll. In a typical WZ I am healing. Regardless when I heal or deeps, I play objectives. Please let go of the anger and stop the lies.

  11. Really? Like there's no Story quest there? ... So why are people complaining again? If there's nothing to do there than PvP why the hell are people going there? If it really is just optional then I'm siding with the full on PvPers... People may as well be literally asking to be killed if the area has no ties to non-PvP progression... I mean seriously. Outside of this zone and opposite faction zones the ONLY way to be PvPed is if you willingly flag yourself. People really are complaining for no reason...


    Optional = if you don't do the quest. It is not required for weekly or anything. If you are talking about the story, isn't it about seeing how we do in battle?


    The quest is a PvP quest. Hating BW or PvP players for it is stupid. We have an open world PvP quest where anything goes. Big deal.


    And seriously whining about the term QQ? Wipe away the tears and man/woman up or stay out of our zone.

  12. I find the way people have reacted to this event to be very interesting. We have had some very emotional and strong feelings go out towards other players. There have been judgments to a persons character based on whom they kill in a PvP zone.


    In the PvP zone, we have people that think:


    A) There should be no killing (lets all form a nice line).

    B) There shouldn't be non-consensual killings.

    C) Its only OK to kill people that are equal or greater strength.

    D) Its OK to kill anyone from opposite faction, only.

    E) Its OK to kill anyone.


    Where do I stand? I like option E. To some people, that must mean that I am a horrible insane person who is completely anti-social and lacks moral dignity. And if you want to feel that way, I really don't care much, because anyone who actually knows me would acknowledge that is far from the truth.


    Why do I do it? Because I enjoy the fights. I hope that the slain will call in their friends to come help. I want to play a game of King of the Hill or Stab and Seek. Its something different and I am having a blast. I am willing to be the "bad guy" so the "good guys" can come in and save the day.


    I took the Bartle test and scored: Killer: 107%, Achiever: 67%, Socializer: 40%, Explorer: 47%

    There is an interesting article here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=598510

    It basically says we have a zone that everyone wants to be in, that happens to be PvP. It talks about how the conflicts and QQ could be predicted with all of the different personality types we have in the game.


    So what is the real situation here? BW gave us an event with mostly PvE content. They added a small PvP area with an optional quest in it. Some people (myself included) have been having a wonderful time in there. I have been killed countless times and have killed many in return. I have been murdered by mobs of players (and I have done it to others). I have been in fights with two opposing strong forces and I have tried to break groups controlling the node (including the line gang). I don't get mad when I die. I am finding extra enjoyment out of the game, and I know others are too.



    This is an optional PvP Zone. If you don't like the chance of getting killed, don't enter the area. And for your sanity, put things in perspective. There is no death penalty and you can just come back later or switch instances if you having a hard time.

  13. well apperently no one gets a damn thing i am saying, so instead of just sitting here complain about tis thread and atleast try to get a full understanding of it, im always in game so you could of asked me ingame which could of been better explained but since people are confused and have been acting like a bunch of lil kids and taking thing immaturely. Funny thing is Dizeren is the only one that understood this concept, what a sad day when a young kid can understand something better then an adult well best of luck, tournament is off just thought be fun to get the community together, Enjoy

    You are saying that you can explain your rules better in personal tells in game with each participant, rather than clearing writing them out here? And you are also implying that the only person that can understand your fuzzy logic is a young kid? LOL


    Good try putting something together. Fail on execution.

  14. What Ryan said.


    Wainamoinen, your math is right but your still miss leading. Augments are the only thing worth going cunning and even that is a mute point if you feel you have enough crit. So this makes Power > Cunning. Which is probably why you seemed so frustrated in your post. Not because of the math, but more the math means nothing when the total benefit from your gear makes straight power or crit stacking better.


    Wrong. You can feel you have enough crit all you want. Fact is that you get same bonus damage from cunning and nearly same bonus healing (marginally smaller). The extra crit you get from cunning will mean you post higher healing and/or damage output. Cunning > power when 1 to 1 comparison.


    Now Ryan does make a valid point about mods. Typically the lower cunning/higher power are better than the high cunning/lower power. This is because the cunning/power sum is better in the mods (you do sacrifice some endurance, but no biggie).

  15. And no mention of alacrity because I avoid it like the plague. I think it is more trouble than it is worth. If it had some energy regeneration capability, I would go for it.


    Alacrity only helps. You dump points into alacrity once you have achieved your surge rating target (250-350).

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