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Posts posted by Cyberkensho

  1. Gonna try that. Thank you.


    you are welcome


    Some warning though: I dont think you should try that with AutoHotKey.

    Not that it will not work but you could be flaged using 3rd party software and get your self a 5 day ban.

    On the other hand if you use default software/drivers that comes along with mice / keybords its less possible since bioware promotes mice/kebords like these (example the SWTOR Razer series --> http://www.razerzone.com/swtor) and they cant realy force you to remove the drivers needed by your mouse/keyboard to function or accuse you of doing something wrong

  2. The trick is in the delay anything les than 50ms or 0.050 sec & will not register with the game client


    An ideal macro would be like:


    left click down

    delay 50ms

    left click up

    delay 50 ms

    Key down

    delay 50 ms

    key up




    You should insert delays for more than one key keybinded skills (between the keybinds) as well, following the same logic

    For instance if keybind is [shift] + [5] it should be


    shift down

    delay 50 ms

    5 down

    delay 50ms

    5 up

    delay 50 ms

    shift up

  3. Long Promised still not delivered



    1. Get a Naga

    2. Bind your quickbars

    3. Create macro to target (left click) and cast (keybind) on every naga button (with 50+ ms delay between each keyboard/mouse event)


    Enjoy mouse over / click casting


    EDIT: you can do the same on any gamming keyboard that supports macros too. Recomend logitech G510

  4. Sure let metrics enter the game just leave an option of something like


    "dont allow log data collection by other clients"


    that people can tick case they dont want to be tracked or be compared.

  5. My opinion is that meter & boss alert add-ons should stay out of the game.


    With meters people get criticized, insulted, antagonized, are cut off from groups, race to be in top and neglect to do something else equally important like debuff, cc or shield etc.


    And before someone says I was bad at wow meters or something and that is why i dont like them, I never found a healer in any of the 3 servers I was raiding on (yes! I had no life back then) that could out-heal me in any occasion raid or pvp. I just dont want to make it my primary goal again(also in this game) to stay on top and enjoy the game content more without the constant psychological stress of proving my self to people that do have meters.


    Regarding raids, alert like add-ons makes me feel that I am handicapped (and that I need special care) having something in order to instruct and remind me what to do in a boss fight or something. Its better to just hear or see the fight and pay attention to the in-game hints. Not having them will most likely force people to properly prepare and train for a fight or an operation more.


    I am not against all add-ons (in fact I even created an addon for my wow guild back then) I just dont like certain ones

  6. Using third party software to automate tasks in the game is a bannable offence?


    Aside from that, do you not think it would be alot easier and smoother to have this implemented ingame instead of having to use third party software.


    Well for once logitech and Razer give drivers and software to bind and to macro for their input devices; that is the kind of software I mean, I dont mean anything illegal like a bot or something (NO auto tasks that is). Its easy to find software to bind for any mouse or keyboard for free over the net.


    Ofc I do agree with you, it would be better if In-game.


    I am just pointing (a bit too intensively) to a temporary alternative to mouse-over, one easy for everyone.

    Sadly it seems though that most people do not even know (from what I get to read in this topic) that there is a focus and stable target frame already ingame (they keep talking about loosing their target when they heal having to reselect and all that kind of ********).

  7. I know I am repeating my self, but after reading all these replies I came to think that most people here are simply too lazy (or plain stupid) and dont realize that...

    ... you can already have mouse over healing! and click casting healing! and a Stable Target!


    A) As I previously said there is software you can bind macro to mouse buttons (and keyboard keys) to automatically (1)click to select target (2)hit key to activate ability/heal (3)delay/wait till ability/heal casting time ends (4)Esc to disselect target. You just need 15 mins to set it up Max. (read my 1st post in topic).


    B) The game already has FOCUS target frame for ***** sake just enable it from game config menu; Then select your target and hit alt+f. This will give you an additional focus frame on the right of your screen that doesnt change(when switching targets). You can use this for what ever purpose you like tank, Boss, CC... you name it.


    with this method I am already using mouse-over and click-casting over the game's default focus & raid frames that are already unbelievably good for healing (and not only).


    Till the time developers implement it by default you just need 15 mins to have this all working(repeating my self again) Jeez!



    ...oh yea and sorry for my bad English.

  8. Regarding this mouse vs keyboard war

    1) None is actually able to demand anything.

    (towards mouseover-lovers)


    You can ofc request an add-on or macros but its up to developers to decide. You dont like the game how it is Then quit playing. Bioware has thousands (if not millions soon) to think what makes you think you are so special? I think if the majority cant play without a certain option Bioware will definitely consider so as not to loose customers from ether side.


    2) You are in no position to criticize how others like their control input.

    (towards mouseover-haters)


    You can only complain if you end up with a healer that cant heal and your party(or mission) ends up dead, constantly!Your concern should be a good run. There is absolutely is no way for someone to know if an other player heals with a mouse or with a keyboard. Some are better with keyboards and some with mice; So what!?


    3) You cant force you opinion on others

    (towards both sides)


    As I said I there are ways to mouse-over or click-cast outside of the game, I am doing it already. How I want to play is my concern and personally I dont give a ......... of what people say in forums; In my opinion nether should you. Play the game the way you like and let others do the same.

  9. Ok so 16 people 1 healer? Bad group makeup you should have at minimum 2 healers if not 4, one in each group. This takes away the pressure of saying "OMG I have to heal EVERYONE!". While it might make you look good and make ones epeen grown I would rather have and extra healer or 2 on hand in case things go south and one healer gets aggro.


    I know I shouldn't bring logic into a forum....


    Hehe :jawa_biggrin: got a point there but not what the topic is all about.

  10. That doesn't help with mouseover healing. The functionality is not present in the game.


    I know its not ingame yet however I have configured macros for my casts that more or less do all the following (when I click someplace)


    1. Left click to select target (where my mouse arrow is hovering/pointing)

    2. Hit corresponding number in my UI bar (or key combination for an other bar change, activate and back)

    3. Delay XXXXX millisecond for matching cast-time

    4. Hit Esc to deselect target


    I use this for both healing and attacking


    It just needs a bit more effort than having it ingame (to setup) but as I said its intended to be something temp till its implemented ingame


    Click-casting(on mouse hover) experience is more or less the same without the target of target thing ofc.

  11. People there is external software you can use to bind macro on your mouse keys case you haven't heard.


    Razer gives software for its input devices exactly for that cause & its not that hard to find similar nor set it up.


    undoubtedly there will be mods & macro for the game soon, meanwhile you just have to find an alternative.

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