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Posts posted by LithiumSkies

  1. It'd be really nice if one of the Vanguard talents added a "Pulse Cannon always triggers Ion Cell" synergy when Ion Cell is being used. Wouldn't be OP vs. damage, it'd just help a lot with AOE threat.


    On the subject of Pulse Cannon, the cone effect is fine but it'd be nice if the base were slightly wider at the player, as anytime there are 3 or more melee mobs, the way they spread out and surround the player causes most of them to not take a single tick. Not actually sure why the mobs cant' just group in front of the player like many other games anyway.



  2. Honestly I wouldn't even care if we just forfeit the stats on the crysytal completely, it really wouldn't be a huge loss. Color crystal needs to be cosmetic. All of the advertising for the pre-orders (game and razer) and comments by the devs and media prior to release led me and friends to believe that the crystals were, in fact, cosmetic. This is largely why we preordered to get our unique crystals.


    At a bare minimum there needs to be a trade in vendor for those of us with preorder/razer crystals, who were promised a cosmetic in-game item, that we can trade any crystal we have for a same-stat crystal with our deserved color.

  3. In total agreement with OP. I had no issues with the previous itteration, however this one is terribly misleading. The fade out of all buttons to indicate GCD is terrible and removes the ability to tell what buttons are greyed out because of range issues. The .25 to .5 second "fade-in of color" occurs after the GCD is up and the button is useable, defeating the purpose.


    Please revert!

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