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Posts posted by Kyberia

  1. I logged a ticket for the following missing titles:


    Friendly (Social I), Outgoing (Social II);

    Respectable (Light I), Upstanding (Light II);

    Operative (Advanced Class);


    The reply I got said they were sorry for Light side/Social points not adding and I can't reopen the ticket to say "You've misunderstood." :(

  2. I have always loved exploration in games, especially MMORPGs. I like the sense of something unique and the thrill of discovery.


    And I have always utterly hated jumping puzzles. If I want to jump around, judging angles and timing, I'll buy a platformer, not play an online game where the reaction time between me pushing the spacebar and my character actually jumping depends on the random variable of whether Mr Johnson next door is downloading a film tonight.


    I don't believe for one second that anyone has ever sat at their computer playing an MMORPG thinking "I like this game, but I wish it had more jumping across awkward distances." Whereas I have looked at General or Guild or their equivalent in dozens of games to see torrents of expletives going on for hours and hours as some poor soul or souls try to complete some ludicrous series of jumps.


    Do you want people to spend 5 hours of their playtime enjoying themselves, or do you want them to spend that time getting bored, frustrated and/or angry? If the latter, put in another jumping puzzle.


    It's also a complete immersion breaker. People don't jump around like that - if they absolutely must take some ridiculous route to get something, they climb, which is a much different process because you attach yourself to the object in question and don't throw yourself into space.


    What's wrong with doors? hidden passages? Code locks? Item assembly? Keys? Hacking? Lockpicking? Force persuading a guy with a keycard? Hidden levers, pressure plates, brainwave, DNA or retinal (no, I said retinal) scanners? Anything but this *$^%* jumping?


    Remember that bit in Star Wars where Luke and Han had to jump up that series of crates with narrow gaps between them, and Han kept not jumping in time, slipping down and then doing this lame little half-jump at the bottom?



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