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Posts posted by AmanAman

  1. hey guys...would like to know if the Rotation keybind is against swtor terms.. i dont know if this is a macro or something, for example : my class is marauder.. i press 1 one my keyboard or mouse g1(im using logi g600) it will conduct -->jump and then basic attack 1 and then basic attack 2..i set up the delay for the global cooldown so it matches tthe timing..


    so i dont have to press 1 (jump) and then 2 (basic attack1) and then 3 (basic attack3) on my keyboard, so my left hand focus on AWSD


    appreciate any reply...sorry if this has been discuss before

  2. <Select Few>

    is currently recruiting exceptional raiders for this upcoming nightmare progression. You might ask what is considered a exceptional raider? Well the way i look at it if your numbers are high and your raid awareness is good your an exceptional raider. Our goal as a team will be to compete at a world progression level for "nightmare progression only". Below is a list of our current raid teams that are running and what time they go at.


    Late Night Group


    9:45 PST-12 PST


    Earlier Raid Group




    All of our guilds achievements can be viewed in my signature below.


    Apply at http://selectfewops.enjin.com/recruitment


    Please note that you must have nightmare experience in order to even be considered into this guild.

  3. So we went into 8man Hm Underlurker basically wiped for 2 hours. We had green and Red circles popping at the same time, Tanks with (52k + health) One shotted at full health on a green cross ***?, At times our group was in the cross perfectly and yet still goes red (Like dead *********** center on the cross), We tried being closer to the boss farther from the boss while in the cross like can you guys just hire some people and get **** put out fully functional. Like this **** is getting old your gonna lose your raiding community very fast. And this is coming from a group that is 7/10 on the raids who one shotted underlurker the last 2 weeks in a row. If i have to wait 4 weeks again for another fix patch i will be unsubbing and getting rid of this game.
  4. <Select Few>

    is currently recruiting exceptional raiders for this upcoming nightmare progression. You might ask what is considered a exceptional raider? Well the way i look at it if your numbers are high and your raid awareness is good your an exceptional raider. We are 7/10 Hm of this tier of raiding and almost have master blaster. Select few is also currently the imperial charter for intrepid pubside so if you have toons pubside you will have an easy in.


    Some of you might know us as a 16man raid team but currently we are only progressing through 8man. Punctuation is key if your not on time or cannot make a raid you will removed from guild on the spot no exceptions. Our goal as a team will be to compete at a world progression level for "nightmare progression only".


    Here is a list of our raid teams with all your information:


    Late Night Group (Currently Full)


    9:45 PST-12 PST


    Earlier Raid Group (Currently Looking for 1 DPS and 1 Healer)




    All of our guilds achievements can be viewed in my signature below.


    Apply at http://selectfewops.enjin.com/recruitment


    Please note that you must have nightmare experience in order to even be considered into this guild.

  5. Respected and Despised (radguild.com) is looking for more members to run nightmare content. We are currently working on Brontes NiM, and could use another raider who is properly geared/available to do the content.


    Check out the site and apply if interested. Let me know if you have any questions. We raid 4 to 5 times a week, Tuesday to Saturday, at 6:15 Pacific (and sometimes weekend afternoons), depending on who is available to run.




    Thnx for the offer but i cannot raid 5 days a week thats just a little crazy for more. I would only be able to raid 3 days a week. You shouldn't need more than 3 days to clear content. Plus it sounds like you dont have a consistent group of people every raid day which is also very important in order to progress at a steady pace. im going to kindly refuse and thank you so much for your time and interest.


    Mrsagentskully Of the Harbinger

  6. Hello Bastion


    I have decided to return to Swtor from my recent adventure into wildstar. The game simply lacked people and fun experiences. I use to be the raid leader of hatred C group which at the peak of our progression we completed everything but brontes Nightmare.

    Heres a list of my accomplishments:

    EC NiM (When it was hard)

    SV NiM (Dragon slayer Title)

    TFB NiM (Terror From Beyond Title)

    Hateful entity (Have the Mask)

    DF NiM (Everything but Brontes)


    I have one of every Kind of toon but my main is a operative heals, Im just as good on every other heals but i prefer not to play sorc. My raid times are pretty open i can raid everyday but Friday sat Monday until summer ends than im open everyday of the week.

    Please only serious offers post here


    Mrsagentskully Of the Harbinger

  7. Hello JC


    I have decided to return to Swtor from my recent adventure into wildstar. The game simply lacked people and fun experiences. I use to be the raid leader of hatred C group which at the peak of our progression we completed everything but brontes Nightmare.

    Heres a list of my accomplishments:

    EC NiM (When it was hard)

    SV NiM (Dragon slayer Title)

    TFB NiM (Terror From Beyond Title)

    Hateful entity (Have the Mask)

    DF NiM (Everything but Brontes)


    I have one of every Kind of toon but my main is a operative heals, Im just as good on every other heals but i prefer not to play sorc. My raid times are pretty open i can raid everyday but Friday sat Monday until summer ends than im open everyday of the week.

    Please only serious offers post here


    Mrsagentskully from the harbinger

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