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Posts posted by obiquitous

  1. Are people still raging in this thread? My god yall. Who gives a crap whether or not they want an all girl guild or whatever. Its their choice. For those reading too deep into comments get over yourself and stop allowing yourself to get so butt hurt and just play the game and enjoy it....



  2. sewerdog...,


    Animosity is currently in the process of reworking its operations group and filing in spots on old groups for Patch 2.0,

    We are currently openly recruiting members for this so if you'd be interested in joining please go to http://www.AnimosityGaming.com and leave a small application (Please note this is merely a formality at this time.)


    Our current progression is as followed


    NIM EC 8m - Cleared

    HM TFB 8m- Cleared

    NIM EC 16m - Zoth/torn Cleared ( We rarely go into EC 16 NIM as we rarely form alot of groups for it.)

    HM TFB - 16m - Cleared up to Final Boss, last attempt had him to 35%, Group fell apart due to RL calling.


    Dread Entity - 2nd Guild on he Server to Clear



    If your interested PST Maercyn in game for more info.

  3. We do? When do we grief players? Please fill me in on this as i'd love to know. Provide me times/dates and screenshots...


    Edit : Also what is your definition of griefing if you mean calling another player out and telling them they suck and they are not playing up to par as they lead others to believe then absolutely. The fact is we are a very team oriented guild who work together to accomplish set goals within our guild.


    We are a team first and foremost, and if your out only for yourself then the simple answer i have to give you is your not welcome in Animosity. If you cant pull your own weight and are merely expecting a free ride you wont find it here because you wont run an OP simple as that.


    We've had a ton of members who claim they have all this Ops experience but when it came time to perform we were sorely dissapointed. So to eleviate that we do hold ourselves to a set standard, and our group are indeed selected by Performance and the ability to work as a team.


    Soooo long story short... : If you play well with others, you enjoy clearing content, your looking for a mature guild ( Yes, we do talk some smack about others, and about each other...however if things get to a level where its absolutely inappropriate it will get squashed.) and your looking for a team oriented guild to play the game with then your more than welcome to join.


    If your not well then dont join us, its as simple as that.


    Should you be interested in applying and joining our ranks please apply at http://www.AnimosityGaming.com please note the application is merely a formality at this time as we are openly recruiting for patch 2.0.


    If you are ever harassed by a member of Animosity and you have proof w/ screenshots please feel free to contact Maercyn/Sodamy (Skadii) ingame with the information and i will be more than happy to take a look at it because i do rather enjoy yelling at people.



  4. Not sure if anyones encountered this bug yet..



    This one was particularly frustrating cause we had gotten the strategy down, Gotten the flow of the fight pretty solid and we could never get into the final phase cause once we got all 4 cores down the fight would bug out each time. We spent a good 2 hrs just working on this ight along trying to get it to finish but the bugs prevented us every step of the way.


    One example of this would be after the fight bugged out we would reset the boss by wiping the group or running out of the Flashpoint.



    When we would restart the fight we would instantly start off in Phase 2. (Missles with big green bullseye on the ground, and Laser single targetting people.)



    Or another bug would be we would start the fight and the crane laser would go active however no turrets would start up which made it impossible for us to continue into the fight.



    This occured MULTIPLE times for us....


    Finally it got to the point where the entire party was just so demotivated due to the bug that we just gave up.


    Anyone else encounter any bugs like this? or encounter this particular bug?



    We did submit a ticket.

  5. Unfortunately im inclined to disagree with your thoughts on the Carnage spec.


    I utilize it on my 50 Marauder, Yes while Annihilate does more Damage, and im talking about the ability over Massacre you need to take into effect that Annihilate has a Cooldown. Massacre does not.... If i get a full rage bar i can push over 4k damage by spamming massacre easy and follow it up with a guarranteed FS Crit for almost 3k.


    Ergo im able to push out about 7K+ Damage before you can use your annihilate ability twice.


    Annihilate has a 12 second cooldown, which is okay but like i said im pretty damn sure i can out damage you with Carnage easily.


    Ataru Form is also serious money with Massacre as it guarrantees a proc of Ataru and my ataru's proc for over 300 damage each.


    I will however make the arguement that Marauders do need some form of a knockback and a decent stun to compete in the CC area to atleast some degree an interruptable stun is just useless.

  6. This is my current perspective of the Sith Marauder, i currently have a level 50 and i do love my marauder however naturally with all classes there are some downfalls. i feel the Marauder has two very SIGNIFICANT downfalls however but hoping to see them fixed in the future.




    Damage Output (Based on my time using the Carnage Tree)


    - Marauders damage output is very significant. I typically start a fight with a Force charge, Ravage, Scream, Battering Assault, then back to back Massacres until i can use Scream again since i get a 100% guarranteed crit with the use of Massacre. Then i repeat the process with Battering assault and Massacre until victim is dead and this occurs generally pretty fast unless your fighting an elite or greater.


    Item Availability


    - I always seemed to find a decent item for my class from the very moment i started playing the game i did have it easier than some people i guess i was just lucky but i did notice a massive availability for my gear and didnt ever have to worry about being more than 2 levels behind in gear for my class.




    - This ability is absolutely amazing for PVP and PVE, giving marauders the option to quickly escape from their given situation as well as improve their chances by 10% i know its not alot but it is something. The movement speed buff of 50% is absolutely amazing its a shame however it doesnt last as long as some of the other classes.


    Force Camouflage


    - This is a great ability for getting away from fights period, 30% movement speed is alright but not what i'd expect from an ability meant to save your ***.... However when chained back to back with Predation its pretty much a guarranteed escape.


    Crippling Slash


    - I love using this ability on the ball carrier practically makes them useless for 12 seconds as they try to move at a greatly reduced movement speed.



    Naturally with all classes there are their negatives and Marauder is no exclusion from this. I havnt really found any game breakers for the marauder however there are some significant ones that i feel or hope to see them fixed in the future.





    - Lack of a Significant Stun.


    Intimidating Roar - 6 second stun but once damage occurs the stun ends making said stun absolutely pointless in PVP.


    I would love to see something actually significant that this. Something along the lines of what Operative has or what the Sorcerer has.


    - Lack of a Knock Back


    This is the biggest killer for me in PVP matches, im no great pvper but im not bad, I do significant damage without any PVP Gear at this time, working on it. However once i hit the platforms im basically a victim waiting to get knocked off and its frustrating to be the only class that i am currently aware of that doesnt have this option. I may be wrong but i spend more time getting blasted off platforms than anything.


    - Potential Solution would be to make the ability that the juggernaut has "Force Push" and make it global for the Warrior advanced races so that both may be able to use it.



    - Hooded Gear


    This goes without stating but where the heck is it?





    All in all i am relatively satisfied with the Marauder class and i hope to see improvements, i'd be happy if they fixed the two negatives i listed that way i can stack up better against the other classes knock backs and their stuns. Any advice would be appreciated.


    Let me know your thoughts!

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