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Posts posted by Cielwyn

  1. I honestly don't see the problem. My male Miraluka Sage is quite youngish looking, I think (early-mid 20s), and I think the voice fits perfectly fine. I didn't even know it was Nolan North until very recently, but that just makes it better.
  2. I can almost picture this. Entire room is a bloodbath, mangled corpses of doctors are all over the place, machinery is completely wrecked and in the middle of all this sits Jaesa holding a cute baby with sulfur-yellow eyes, both of them properly bloodied and smiling.


    Good times man.


    Congratulations, my Lord. It's a raving, murderous lunatic just like its parents. Might I recommend stronger armor? Because those feeding times will be an epic Duel of the Fates alone. Need I go into the Terrible Twos? Thought not.


    I'm honestly glad that I read this thread before rolling a Sith Warrior. Not just for the whole thing with Jaesa, but seeing people's point of view on alignment arguments like this is always so informative.

  3. I find it amusing that so many Sith players go Light side just to be "different" and so they can "change the Empire from within", yet refuse to have anything romantic to do with Vette. I mean, wouldn't romancing an alien in the Empire (especially as a human or Sith Pureblood) be the ultimate in deviant behavior in a society that prides itself on xenophobia? It just has so many fun possibilities roleplay wise.


    On the subject of Jaesa, a Light sided romance with her would be nice, but not an absolute necessity for my enjoyment of the game. I can see the arguments for the option: characters like Ashara, Nadia, and Kira are romancable and more-or-less Light-sided, why shouldn't Jaesa be? On the other hand, sometimes you've gotta play the hand you're dealt in a RPG. You're not always going to know what happens ahead of time and you're not always going to get things your way. Gotta learn to adapt, either way.


    Then again, I already have my Imperial Light-side romance with Mako on my BH, so maybe a purely Dark-sided romance full of murder and mayhem is just what I need to balance things out. :p

  4. But I thought all Troopers liked tapping their guns before going to bed at night. :D


    On a serious note, I don't see the problem. It looks like the SW equivalent of lock'n'load to me. It's not that out of character for a blaster rifle to have buttons to click in order to recalibrate, recharge, or whatever it is they do after a fresh kill. Looks Trooper-like enough to me.

  5. Well, it's not like the Sith had everyone sit down for a cup of tea and discuss a peaceful resolution to the war. Oh wait, they did. That's how this game got started. That whole business about sacking Coruscant to gain a bargaining chip is a minor detail. :p


    It is honestly difficult to sympathize with the Republic in this game. Then again, how they do things is pretty much typical politics far as I can tell: work for the greater good, even if you have to dirty your hands a bit (understatement on purpose). The Empire, with their authoritarian approach of absolute compliance, may be a lot more upfront about it but are they really any better? Rampant slavery and racism aren't exactly good traits to have in my opinion, but hell, it works for them.


    Hell, not all of us are about the glory, the money, or whatever. Some of us just want to watch the galaxy burn. :D

  6. I only ever pursued a romance with Bastila in KOTOR and she practically resisted the whole way because of her vows as a Jedi.



    It takes her Face Heel Turn to the Dark side to accept her feelings.



    ...so I guess it makes sense that you get Dark Side points for pursuing or allowing romance with other Jedi. Suits me just fine, I wasn't planning on being a full Light side, Saber-up-the-*** Jedi anyway. :p

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