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Posts posted by Bilirubin

  1. Been around since beta off and on, and I messed around with GSF a bit when it first launched, but then haven't really touched it. Last night my current guild just did a "GSF Academy", and I'm kind of hooked on its play style! Definitely better than EVE where you go all in with your ship each time you leave station. Hope its still fairly active!

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  2. I did receive conquest credit for completing the Ziost weekly (and thankfully, my progress up to that point remained intact), but didn't receive my stronghold completion bonus to the point reward. So... partial credit for a partial fix, I guess?


    Not hearing back from Eric or my submitted ticket I ran it on another character. This time it completed but like you, I didn't get the stronghold bonus. :rak_02:


    Good grief.

  3. Not seeing this thread I ran the Ziost weekly this am and was not awarded my conquest. I checked its status and it showed between conquests. I could not return to my stronghold either. So I insta travelled to the orbital station, then to my ship, and conquest was back, fortunately with my points from last night but still not having the completed conquest for Ziost. So I submitted a ticket and am waiting to hear on it.
  4. Hello,


    I am just back to the game after some years away, and am pretty excited to play through the new content! With the current xp bonus on, I would also love to level up my alts before the new expansion drops. Unfortunately, my guild is now on another server. I have moved my main with a referral, and would like to move my remaining characters, but that gets a little cartel coin pricey. Would you consider a short server transfer sale, like back in May-June, to help recent returnees get ready for the new fun?


    Thanks for your consideration.

  5. I quit when the two Reven prelude flashpoints dropped. Seems character builds are channeled now rather than fairly open ended--is this a fair assessment? I'm having a hard time finding a discussion about this side of the game changes. The rotation seems pretty similar to what I remember though.


    e. messed around with the skill "tree" and think I have it figured out. Sad its so narrow but its not like builds varied much previously.


    Also seem to have a lot of now useless crafting supplies that I assume are best sold to vendors?


    RIP The Bastion.

  6. Getting dragged back into some PvP on my Shadow tank. I am valor 55 but have only ran 2 warzones since returning to TOR last August after a year away, so I am really behind in the metagame...as a tank do I still want to run in DPS gear or actual tanking gear? Do I use the partisan implant/conqueror earpiece I seem to have and just go bolstered PvE gear until I get my Obroan stuff or can I use my Battlemaster/War Hero set (which I note still has expertise on it)?
  7. I actually really like it. It's like the Sparta of FPs, it takes no prisoners and wants to drink your blood and there's nothing holding it back, nor is it bound by the moral restrictions of lesser FPs that abide by the laws of war in matters such as "Thy mobs shall be visible and targetable".


    Red Reaper is here to decapitate you, eat your children's children, and use your eye sockets in unspeakable ways, and it's not ashamed.


    Like it's a nightmare in most random groups, and getting people through it feels like leading a group of preschoolers across the African savannah, but when you actually get a group that's coordinated, listens, and understands, it's the first FP that actually makes you feel awesome for crushing it.


    Really the only thing I don't like about Red Reaper, besides the unfair bugs, is that bosses are disappointingly easy — reaching each boss in RR is like battling through an entire army of rancors, naked, wielding only a toothpick. And then you find out their commander is a marshmallow with a happy face drawn on in permanent marker.


    How did that marshmallow get to be in command of all these rabid, angry rancors? It's very mysterious.


    How funny...I recently ran Red Reaper for the first time (my commando is the first I have levelled primarily via FPs, I never felt confident enough to tank FPs as an MMO newb when this game first dropped). I have probably gotten a bit careless with all the KDYs as well, and as healer I basically follow folks along, healing as I go, and its been no problem.


    So I phase in, say hello, tank starts with the group to the left, then swings along the wall to the following group, tanking with his back to the door. OK, so bad on me for not realizing what a door might mean, but I am positioned in such a way so that as soon as those mobs spawned they were on me in a hot instant. So I melt down and die, then another, and somehow two folks break combat. Tank is pissed, asks DPS1 whether I should be kicked, I am like "sorry, as I said this is either brand new or content I have not ran in nearly two years" and DPS2 is like "lolololo this flashpoint! First few pulls kinda suck!" (I also ask whether they want me to phase back into instance or are just going to revive me then tank gets pissed all over that I didn't just phase back in--dude, I asked what you preferred given my load times and never got an answer).


    Rest of the FP went fine, esp once I realized I needed to up my game a bit from KDY. Except, hotel wifi was wonky that night so I warned them that if I DC'd just kick me. So yeah, I DC when the hotel decided I needed to renew my sign in, and by the time I got back group was gone. However, apparently I was there for all three bosses, which shows how memorable that last one was. 100% achievements completed.


    Oh well, thanks for reading my Red Reaper story!

  8. PS did I mention that that gear was freaking ugly as hell and people complained about it constantly?


    It is for this reason I kept my Consular Rakata set and still wear it. After having dyed it medium orange and green. Its about as fugly as you can get now, but it makes identifying the tank easier (at least that was my post hoc justification for doing it) :p

  9. lol woops. That was meant to be a Fortunate Redoubt (Same initials)

    Though to be fair, that does work with guardian tanks as a mitigation relic. Just its not as good as the other mitigation relics. I think.


    I mathed it to a 6.317 dtps reduction. But then again the reactive warding is a 32.134 dtps reduction so...


    But then again, theres also focused defense which if activated and consumed during a Focused Retribution window causes an extra 26.8578 heals/second...


    Haha what do you know! The Focused Retribution relic has the highest potential mitigation on a guardian :p


    But for that everything does have to line up properly...


    Glad to see others making use of the thread! I hate accidentally buying the wrong items because they are similarly named and I am not paying close enough attention/am too tired/etc

  10. I have 120 ultimates, and the off hand is scheduled to be purchased as soon as I hit 130. I think I have 125 or so elites.


    Ran EV and TC last night for comms, go to buy my off hand and...what? 140?!? I only have 138 :rak_02: NOOOOOOOOOOO


    Gonna have to wait until after our DP HM run tonight. I wanted it before though.

  11. Thanks Moradeth.


    I have 3 immunity 28s being crafted as we speak (type?). I am also in the process of getting more Bulwark 30s. (And I also need to get your in game contact info for a veracity ear, but we'll see how my crafting and schematic fishing trip goes and I really appreciate your honest comment about its real need).


    I have 120 ultimates, and the off hand is scheduled to be purchased as soon as I hit 130. I think I have 125 or so elites.


    I am starting out in HM S&V and TfB, to build up my set bonus to 72. I appreciate your comment about a second set of bracers. Eventually we will move on to HM DF/DP, then NiM. Knock wood.


    RE PvP: this character is valor 55 so I have done but not a lot since returning to the game. Frankly, figuring out what is best between bolster and my old War Hero/Battlemaster sets is too much of a pain given my limited play hours and current PvE focus. But I will keep it in mind.

  12. I didn't see anywhere where folks could plumb the collective knowledge of this group, so I thought I would start. Based on what I have been learning here as I am getting more seriously into tanking again, I have made a few changes and my survivability has really shot up. I am now looking for other relatively easy tweeks I can make to up my mitigation further.


    My current build.


    Hope you don't find this lazy of me, but a lot of common knowledge is so "common" that it hasn't been discussed in some time and it makes it harder to locate for those of us who are newly in the tanking forum/back after some time away. I am just trying to narrow down my search for ways to improve.


    Edit: numbers don't perfectly match what I see in game so I might have missed some slight detail, and I was going from memory on the datachrons. Still, its ballpark.

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