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Posts posted by Pjats

  1. Just because I posted here doesn't mean I support the suggestion to reform the name system. I think the current system is just fine and dandy.


    My method for naming characters is to click the name generator a few times until I find a base name I like the look of. When I find a base name I like, I'll modify it a little bit to make it more unique or more aesthetically pleasing to me.


    Say the generator spat "Antjabrok", I'd modify it to "Annajobrok" ( if female) :: or :: Antojobrok (if male)





    Actually there are special rules that apply to coming off subscriber status.


    That level 4 will only hold the name while he remains subscribed. Once that account turns into preferred status, the name will be up for grabs again.


    The only way to safeguard yourself from losing your name when subscription ends, is to level your toon to level 30. At level 30 you'll permanently hold on to the name.


    I forgot where I came across this info, I'd really like to link a FAQ or dev post right now.

    FOUND it. http://www.swtor.com/support/helpcenter/5304

    From the same page:
    On November 12, 2013, we will be initiating a “Character Name Renewal” program which could affect some characters.
    So that page is only for one-time Character Name Renewal.
  2. Interesting, that's different from other Reputation Faction rewards, then. I just checked on my characters and the Makeb Imperial set (the Imperial Trooper armor) stays the same when sent to a Republic character.
    There is one more set that also changes. The armor from Imperial First Mobile Fleet/Republic Hyperspace Armada changes colors when you sent it over to another faction.


    Republic is blue with orange: http://tor-fashion.com/hyperspace-hotshot-pub/


    Imperial is gray/brown with red: http://tor-fashion.com/hyperspace-hotshot-imp/

  3. And this is where it doesn't work. I understand where to do it, but it's not available to me, even though I've unlocked him. It wants me to pay 2100cc in order to do it again. I've put in a ticket, but my experience has been pretty crappy with customer service getting back to me in this game on every other issue. Figure I'll play through today, see if it unlocks, and if not, I'll probably have to find another game to start playing.
    Did you totally close the game and start it again and then look on another character? Collections doesn't always update while you stay ingame.
  4. I thought it was time to start a new quality of life thread to get feedback. Here are a couple improvements that I thought would help our in game experience:


    * Vendor Purchases - Option to Buy Multiple Items

    Add the ability to use shift + right mouse click (or whatever combination) on vendor items to select the total number you want to buy. This would eliminate the need to mouse click 99 times to get a full stack of X item.

    This is already in the game. Not sure which combination it is. Shift + right mouse click or Shift + left mouse click.
  5. BioWare, why did you remove the lvl 55 HM and Tactical FPs from the group finder?

    How are we supposed to finish the Czerka weekly now? Or the story arc there?

    In the previous patch we could do lvl 50 Hardmode FPs. Why dont we have the option to do lvl 55 Flashpoints now?


    There you go.

  6. Force in Balance:


    Deals ____ internal damage and redistributes life from affected targets to heal you for 10% of the damage dealt. Strikes up to 8 targets within an 8-metre radius.


    Focused Insight:


    Increases the life stolen by Force in Balance and Force Serenity by 100% and causes Weaken Mind and Sever Force to reclaim life from enemy targets, healing you for 25% of the damage they deal.


    Based on the latter's description, my Force in Balance should heal me for 100% of my damage, but it still only heals me for 10% of my damage. As an example, I just struck an enemy for a little over 5400 damage and all I received was 10% of that, not 100% which would have been a little over 5400.


    Thank you.

    According to the description Force in Balance should heal you of 20% of your damage dealt. 10% (normal FiB) + 10% (100% of 10% thanks to Focused Insight) = 20 %. So if you're only getting 10% than that is a bug, but you should not get 100%.
  7. Minor experience boost seems to be giving a 20% increase to experience instead of the 25% stated in the tool tip.




    Quest rewards for the mission "The Arrival" with the 12 xp early subscriber boost is 12,087, but when using a minor experience boost experience is only increased to 14,505.


    14,505 - 12,087 = 2,418 and 2,418 is approx. 20% of 12,087. If the boost were actually 25%, then the number of points added when using it would be approx. 3,022, and the total experience gained for the quest would be 15,109.

    The problem with your math is that is based on the wrong total. It's based on the exp for subscribers and not the base exp. See for clarification: http://www.swtor.com/community/showpost.php?p=6524677&postcount=10
  8. With my 100% Stronghold Bonus and guild ship invading Tatooine, I should be getting 2000 points per crafted unit (repeatable - not one time Invasion Force). I only received 1500 points each. This error has shown up on four separate toons.
    If the base is 500 points then the total is 1500 points with 100% stronghold bonus and x2 tatooine bonus. See also Dulfy:
    Stronghold Bonus


    You may have noticed under Personal Reward there is something called Stronghold Bonus. This bonus come from your personal strongholds. Each 100% completed personal stronghold will grant you 25% bonus towards Conquest points for a maximum of 100% bonus from four 100% completed personal strongholds. Completions are earned by placing decorations.


    What this means is that if you normally earn 500 points for completing an objective, you will now earn 1000 points if you have 100% Stronghold bonus. However, keep in mind that if the objective also have Invasion Bonus, this is calculated a bit different.


    Lets say you have 13% Stronghold bonus and 3x Invasion Bonus for a 500 points objective. You will get (500 x3) + (500 x 0.13) = 1565 points towards your personal/guild rewards and guild leaderboards. It is not 500 x 3 x 1.13 as you might have expected.



    Thus it is (500 x2) + (500 x100%) = 1500 points. So it is not a bug.

  9. I am sure this has 200+ threads asking this. Is there anyway to get a 'bind to legacy' Pistol and lightsaber without having to do the casino or gree events?

    Yes, the other two events also give an opportunity to get legacy weapons. See: http://tor-fashion.com/legacy-weapons/


    Off-hand non-weapons are only available trough the Gree-event.


    And the only non-event weapons are the http://tor-fashion.com/sword-of-the-vigilant/ and the http://tor-fashion.com/corruptor-blade/

  10. Some impatient dummy aborted the Kuat Drive Yards opening shuttle scene while it was loading the next stage and it sent me back to the shuttle with no option to enter the shuttle. I had to quit the flashpoint and then be locked out of the queue for 10 minutes. This cutscene has always had a long load time (probably because the next stage is randomized), even when everyone space bars it. Aborting the convo instead of waiting 3 seconds for the thing to load just leads to people getting locked out of the flashpoint. Put your A.D.D. to the side for a few seconds and don't screw over your groupmates.
    Annoying yes, but there is a work-around. Just exit the instance and then go right back.
  11. 2.8 is coming this month (in two days actually), and it advances the storyline that was started with those flashpoints by adding a new one.

    The major thing about 2.8 is the housing and the guild ship along with planetary conquests.

    3.0 is the big one that's planned for later this year, which will in all likelyhood raise the level cap to 60.

    Small correction. We're getting 2.9 on Tuesday, not 2.8. Then we will get 2.10 really quick after that. And then we wait for 3.0.
  12. Okay, so with the PTS going down and things being set up to go live in a week, I find myself realizing a couple of things.


    The first being that me and mine probably won't be going after the Commanders in the OW PVP zones. Most of us hate PVP and with the realization that their shield prevents all but one guild a chance to farm the Commanders for the first six hours, we just don't feel like fighting with both our own faction and the lol pubs for a chance to get an Encryption.


    So, we're left with farming sub-55 content. Is this 'really' the path that you're going to take? Because as it stands now, we get to choose between PVP, which we don't do competitively, and doing outdated face-roll content.


    Seriously, lvl 50 FPs and Ops? This decision might have made sense before RotHC dropped and we were actually 'doing' lvl 50 stuff regularly.


    But now? When we're doing lvl 55 stuff? When most of us are working on DF/DP in at least one form or another, want us to go back and do old stuff? Do you realize that most of us are not interested in being nudged toward doing content that we've done for years already?


    What exactly would be bad with taking Elite Comms and doing something with that and making the currency worth something again? I have an ungodly amount of those across my 55s and nothing to spend them on and you're pushing us to go back and do EV, EC and KP again? False Emperor again? I mean, most of us go back and do them every so often for giggles, but we're going to have to farm this dusty old content if we want to get Dark Projects.


    Couldn't you find a way to tie Guild Ship stuff to 'current' content without pushing us toward OW PVP?

    Am I right in assuming that you think that there are only two ways to get the encryptions? Because I only read about farming commanders or craft the encryptions.
  13. All I know is, the current situation is untenable and broken. It can't stay like this. Crafting cannot be, at this point, 'the' path for people who don't like and don't want to be pushed into PVP.


    They either need to alter the mats required, allow encryptions to be gained from current (55) PVE content.

    What about Guild Conquest to be the other path for people who don't want to PVP?
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