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Posts posted by RavianGale

  1. I have another conjuncture. How long would we be frozen in Carbonite? I'm betting about 10 years. In the smuggler story on Rishi, you get to get tickets to a dreadnought that will depart from the greater galaxy for 10 years because that was the Hutt's estimation on when the war will be over.


    I'm betting all of the Rishi stories have clues to what is happening next.

  2. Since SWTOR ain't canon anymore I guess Bioware basically said screw it and are now going with their own story. They don't need to follow the lore at all now, but it would be nice if they included book lore for mentioned planets like they did for Corellia.


    As for personal stories, I'm hoping my smuggler kicks *** when she gets unfrozen.


    As for my Knight, I just hope there is enough Jedi around to keep him from falling to the dark side.

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