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Posts posted by EsteRJ

  1. I was actually considering something like this. It would take quite a bit of practice to get used to playing against it. Defending nodes in civil war or something would be an absolute nightmare. 1-2 defenders at a node certainly wouldn't cut it, not when you don't know how many are inc and especially when a couple dps operatives are mixed in working as a team making people unsub.


    That'd be good for at least 2 unsubs a game, then you can win the 8 v 6 no problem.


    Haha! True story!

  2. Team Ninja!


    2 OP healers, rest a mix of Tanksins/backstabbaZ(dps sin, dps ops).


    They won't know what hit 'em!


    Everyone in stealth at the beginning means the whole opposing team is ooc and can be sap'ed. lulz!


    Imagine 4 saps and 6 backstabbaz opening on one guy. ..."NEXT!"

  3. Because if you want to learn and develop good strategy /tactics, you need to practice vs the best players. What is the point in learning tactics that are useless vs good players? Are you training to win vs scrubs?


    To give you an extreme example of what i mean, some1 can make a guide on how to win vs AFK players...won't be of any help vs players who are not afk, same as this "guide" won't be any help vs players who have a decent understanding of their class and pvp overall (i wont even imply how useless it is VS pro players with stellar pvp skills)


    Case in point, what has the world come to, where ppl need a guide on how to be average.


    That is true. But before you can (and should) mess with the best you first need to get a somewhat working foundation. According to the tons of QQ you can see in these forums, there are lots of "scrubs" who have to get the basic idea first and then try to really become better.


    No point in showing clickers and keyboard turners who try to tank melee how to really shine as a pro sorc, you know?

  4. How could i have not see it before.


    This is a "DON'T NERF ME BRO!" video from marauder/sentinel vs the weakest armored class in the game using it's weakest pvp spec, where they play like crap and lose on purpose


    Not, that i think marauders should be nerfed, but it does appear to be the trend on the forums.


    I'm usually with you on almost anything. But in this case you are just being paranoid or just a douche.


    It's nothing more than a little video showing some people that there indeed is a chance to win against a Marauder these days. I know that, I know that you know that and I know that lots of people know that already. But there are tons of people crying about being demolished without having the slightest chance. Obviously they are doing things fundamentally wrong. And this guide might help them get an idea on how it is done - just basics.


    Of course it's not super uber high end rockstar PVP. But why would those guys need a guide anyway?

  5. If you watch the movie you will see him hit me for 7k damage a few times. Auto crit thundering blast with a forked lightning proc.


    Oh that's right! While I consider myself faring quite well on my Sorc, I never actually did too much of the Lightning thing. Seeing those numbers fly makes me think about that. Adds some nasty burst on demand.


    I'm totally giving it a shot.

  6. I like that video!


    There will always be nay-sayers. Like it or not, it might help some of those QQing Sorcs to actually get what kiting means.


    I mean, c'mon look at that. Almost feel sorry for that Marauder. Now imagine a WZ, where tons of obstacles actually add to the Sorcs advantage...


    It also shows why it's kind of fair, that once he reaches you he simply has to hit like a truck.


    Of course this is 1on1 and common WZ situations aren't. But anyway, every QQer should watch this video and learn something!

  7. And I been calling people who say it an idiot for weeks.


    The only time a sniper is immune to CC is when they are behind Entrench. They can't move, at all, or they lose entrench. You can recognize entrench because they have a GIANT red shield in front of them.


    It lasts 20 seconds.


    Sure, leapers can't jump to them while in cover, but that's it. You can CC them as normal while Entrench is off.


    Sniper SHOULD deal the MOST damage in the game. They have to sit in once spot and not move to do it. They also have nothing to heal themselves. They have little in the way of defense. They have no "oh no" skills that save their lives.


    They get a little shield drone that will barely take a single attack before it's gone. They get Evade which gives them 3 seconds of immunity to ranged and melee attacks, but Force and tech are unaffected. They get a single stun, which requires them to be in melee range to use. An AOE mez which breaks on any damage.


    Ballistic shield reduces damage by 20%, but again you can't exit cover or it cancels.


    The Sniper has monster damage, as they should. But that damage comes at the price of being stationary. For those who don't know, that means they CANNOT move. Unlike the other classes in the game. A sniper is always a sitting duck. If you can't kill the target before they get on you...you're probably dead.


    I have seen a few lucky crits or dodges make the sniper win, but it's rare.


    If you are charging toward a sniper who is pelting you, then you deserve to die. Do what you would do in real life. You'd break line of sight. You come at them from behind, or get closer before revealing yourself.


    Just this right here.


    Snipers can really hurt but to me they mostly are just easy prey. Terrain in most warzones keeps snipers in check anyway. I always find a way to los-dot-pwn them with my sorc and on my marauder I usually find a way to sneak to their position and even deny them a proper KB. A sitting sniper + a marauder sitting in his face = a dead sniper.

  8. Fair enough, then we are literally talking a few seconds here, counting on your team. A hybrid spec, especially for the root certainly helps with that. That's something pure healer's wouldn't have.


    Let me ask you an honest question, assuming you have played 31 healing spec after 1.2: Can you outlive any skilled and geared melee Sent/Vanguard/Assasin longer than a few seconds and without having to run away across half of the warzone? And I am not implying facetanking those classes here.


    Simply to make a point here, because if that's not the case, I really don't see why people are actually arguing Sage/Sorc healers are fine. There are many voices claiming that they are rendered useless completely by one DPS simply because they have to try to run and hopefully survive. And this experience can become extremely frustrating. Healers support their team most of the warzone. Healing, CCing, interrupting, seperating people, diversions, etc. We are not running around chopping people into pieces, and we don't want to. All we ask is that our class is not forced to flee like a chicken every time someone looks at us.


    Sorry, I don't understand why people can't sympethise with this.


    That is a good question and a fair one even. I'm playing mostly with friends and one of them is a healing Sorc. Pure that is. She's doing very well but she dies more often. Especially to very good Marauders and PTs. We use TS3 so usually we coordinate properly and help her out immediately. We also bring a tank mostly who helps out with guard and taunts. But there are some players with maximized gear who just tear her a new one if we don't interfere immediately. When I'm DPS on my Sorc I mainly try to pull her away from the bad guys, giving her time to heal up etc. It's challenging but she rocks those numbers hard.


    Of course we play objective oriented. So there are cases when we won't bother trying to keep everyone alive and just use the distraction to score/cap/etc.


    But to answer your question from a different view, I'd like to comment on that topic from my Marauder's pov.


    I agree with you, that lots of healers (still) have big problems kiting properly or really just adapting to the patch. Strong healers I used to respect (and to a degree still do) are being slaughtered by my Marauder. If they fail to line up their CC properly and I get to line up my heavy hitting stuff it's mostly GG for those poor guys. But it really depends on the individual's skill. There also are Operative healers I slaughter all by myself, while others need two of us to bring them down (and that's with VoIP interrupt/burst coordination).


    And it's very often a team problem. I remember countless matches where I always engaged the same healer and no one bothered helping him. That just makes me sad.

    On the other hand there are matches where you get jumped by 3 people the second you just dare to look in their healers direction. You get the picture.


    Additionally, to me our most important feat as a healer is positioning and situational awareness. Even if I'm left alone I always make sure to stand at a place where I can run to safety effectively or am out of LOS to most ranged, etc.


    €: Oh and what I wanted to add: I absolutely prefer the Hybrid variant. And I really don't see why this would be a bad thing. PVP should also be around creative specs. Yes, they will be know after a while but working on that spec of yours is always a good thing. And atm, the Hybrid is really shining.

  9. Hah, you know that was almost funny. Do you seriously believe you are revealing some divine strategy here by stating the obvious?


    Nope, you don't. But since you are so damn sure of yourself, I challenge you to make a video of you kiting two DPS melee classes, surviving this and keeping the rest of your team healed with HoTs and shields. I believe that when I see it.


    The reality looks probably more like this: You run from two melee attackers, which can chop you in pieces within seconds. You desparately try to kite and keep them at distance, while you shield, hot and healing trance youself, even using the dispell as heal, because guess what, they have just as many gap closers. On top of that you use up your one time use medpack as soon as one of the attackers got a free leap and crits you for 7k.


    During this whole process you are running out of force, which in order to regen requires you to do something totally counter-productive when trying to survive, again while your attackers never have any issues with resource, because guess what, they can slowly gain resource by doing damage and therefore pressuring you, whereas you lose it by healing.


    Meanwhile your team is being taken apart by the enemy team, while you hop around desparately and try to look useful by throwing them some shields. Note, I highly doubt you're actually able to do that while staying alive, kiting and slowing two attackers at once. But okay, you're great. So your team stays alive thanks to a few hots and bubbles which burst in one strike.


    Seriously mate, I have seen a lot but this is just ridiculous. I'm sure if you are really that great you'll want to show it to these boards so people stop complaining. ;)


    Look, we can argue all day and this will lead to nothing. Do you really believe I would say things like I did if they weren't true (for me that is)? You think BW pays me to do so?


    The scenario you describe smells like a vastly outmatched team of yours. In a standard scenario your team will NOT consist of brainless zombies and won't get slaughtered in seconds by tons of marauders while two of them are still chasing a healer. That doesn't even make sense.


    Kiting two Sents is not easy. But we're not talking about a minute or something where my force power plays any role. I can't kite two Sents for minutes - hell, I wouldn't. If no one's there helping me or doing anything helpful in the meantime I'd just willingly let them slaughter me.


    What I'm saying is, that my spec allows me to keep those guys at bay for quite some time. We're talking seconds here. Afterwards it comes down to various things:


    - my team helps me or grabbed the objective/scored in HB/whatnot

    - I'm anywhere near obstacles. The huts in NC, pillars in VS, ramps in CW and all the stuff in the Pitt help me out there. A well placed KB + 5s root (if they aren't dps'ed atm) + getting out of los is quite discouraging for melees. They don't want to spent too much time not dealing damage. Hence they mostly leave me alone after a couple seconds of being outrun / rooted / cc'ed. Now they switch targets and/or come back to me later.


    As a hybrid Sorc I can dispel any slow (and also the dots of course), I can Force Speed every 20s, my bubble bursting blinds them if they are near me and I root them every time I hit them with my KB. I have Force Slow, too.


    A Sent/Marauder charging you --> bubble burst blind --> few steps away when he can move again --> if he leaps you can KB, stun, Force Speed away + applying Force Slow. And you can do this for quite some time.


    Today I was playing mostly PuGs and all the well-known melees on my server (who really hurt badly) tried to slaughter me as they are used to with healing Sorcs. Guess what, I got lots of tells that they hate me (in the good way) and that it's frustrating to catch me. (I seem to be the only one running the hybrid spec)


    Since I'm playing a Marauder myself (close to Conqueror, just as my Sorc) I know how it feels to be treated by a good Sage/Sorc. You don't want to slowly run after a Sorc that can do all that kind of **** to you (slow, KB, FS away etc) for longer than a couple seconds. Best tactic is to immediately switch to an easier prey. Chances are, that I can't keep them alive as good as I can myself. I can't mind control them and teach them how to kite properly after all ;)


    I guess for me the problem is that I never signed up for a class that had to run away whenever they get attacked.


    Nothing in Bioware's marketing of the sorc or our pre 1.2 experience prepared us for this fundamental change in play style. Had i known I would have went with a class that isn't forced to flee from combat even 1v1. Don't see how you can't empathize with that.


    Since I've always played the mage/cloth wearing class, I'm fine with kiting. You shouldn't consider it running away. It's what you do. Once you get used to it, it's actually way more funny than melting faces with other classes. I can decide if I just escape and kill you after you lost interest or even kill you while you try to kill me (as a DPS Sorc that is). I really like that kind of control ;)



    But don't get me wrong. If we're talking vastly outmatched games mostly, then yes. You won't have fun. Focus fire kills you. Though that isn't exclusive to the Sage/sorcerer class. Especially as a healer you want a team of players who know what they are doing. PVP is a team game. You can't rambo the thing on yourself - ever. And I won't deny, that especially as a healer it's frustrating to be surrounded by tools.


    I use matches like those for survival training. You have to make the best out of situations, right?

  10. Yea, sure. True story.


    How much does your HoT tick for? Oh wait, I got it... about 10 times less than what a Sentinel would hit the person for during one GCD.


    You must truly have buttons noone else has, if you can control two melees which have more than enough abilities to close the gap or keep you from running on top of dealing a crapton of damage. And you do all this by keeping yourself and the rest of your team alive with HoTs which tick for a few hundreds...


    You're not even trying. Tell ya what, I just recommend rerolling instead of giving you any advice. Makes it easier for both of us. A little hint though: Your questions reveal that you haven't understood the concept of the whole kiting thing. No, my Hot can't outheal the damage of melees bashing my face. Now guess what? I'm avoiding the damage. Duh?¿


    Think about that one. Meh, now I gave you advice anyway. I'm just too nice :/

  11. Um... healing is not inherently worse or better than DPS at any level of skill play. Good DPS trumps good healing sometimes, and sometimes it does not. Huttball is solidly in favor of healing (try to score a goal without healing) but all the other 3 maps are reasonably even in terms of impact toward objectives.


    Right now healing sucks because Sages are a liability against strong teams and a lot of healers are Sages. Mercs and Ops are still fine.


    A liability? Seriously? Boy, you really haven't seen a good Sage healer, have you?


    I totally feel like a "liability" on my Sorc when I kite 2 melees (who get zerged by my team in the process) and still keep everyone else up with hots and shields. Damn, I really shouldn't bring my crappy char into a WZ. Who wants to win anyway, right?

  12. Healing is harder. If you're a Sorc, try the Hybrid (21/20/0 - ish) that changes things!


    Nevertheless, healing is more painful now and you might say, it requires more skill. I'm doing fine and am having fun. Of course I mostly play with buddies. PuGs can be great, too - but mostly aren't. Especially if you made yourself a name on your server. Since that means you'll be the focus target of everybody and his neighbors ;)


    On the other hand, I use those occasions as survival training.


    You just have to make the most out of the given situation.

  13. Ding. This guy gets it. ;)


    I agree as well.


    Except for his last point. Viability of your spec outside of PVP is irrelevant. Always bring the right spec for what you are doing. That's why there is respecing.

  14. Most stuff is said already.


    I personally enjoy my Sorc still. Dmg isn't bad at all with full Madness spec and we indeed have quite some tools at our disposal. Healing still works, Hybrid healers are very strong and "pure" healers shine when they got proper support.


    I wouldn't mind an Ice Block equivalent though. Since everybody and his neighbor is hitting like a truck these days.


    Any thoughts how this would cause too much trouble? But I doubt it will happen anyway.

  15. ich hab gar keinen plan worum es hier geht, is mir auch gerad zu viel text^^ aber iwas mit bla blubb.. krieg..

    alles klar.. ihr könnt auf mich zählen.. ich bin dabei!! :wea_09:




    That's the spirit!

  16. Yeah, and since everyones CC cancels each other out the only range is melee range. And a sorc cannot beat a melee in melee range. Ergo, a sorc cannot beat a competent melee player. As there is no advantage to being ranged in this game at the moment, being ranged cannot excuse this imbalance.


    That is just nonsense. If CC cancels each other out (in this case let's talk about slow effects, since that's what will be there almost all the time) the momentary distance is what decides this. If you are caught in melee range without anything to gain distance, yes you will die. That is however your fault. Or you just got jumped while you were engaged in another fight. Stuff happens.


    Marauders have a gap closer(or two), roots and snares to counter any CC we have and the DPS/mitigation to laugh at our attacks and kill us in a matter of seconds. We simply cannot delivery the DPS to kill them in the short amount of time they can kill us.


    That's true. Hence I said you slow, he slows. Now we are back to the momentary distance.


    You have obviously not played the class so why are you giving input? No one who plays a sorc would ever bring up the kb as a viable gap widener. A melee can take one step forward and be in attack range again after our crappy KB. We don't have the nice merc/commando KB that sends people flying a mile away. Ours is useless for anything other than knocking people off the walkways in Huttball or interrupting. Force speed is once every 30 seconds. After we blow that and they reach us again it's game over. And any melee who does not immediately snare or root is a crap melee.


    If you KB your target and don't IMMEDIATELY start running again (you can do it while moving btw, just FYI) you are a tool.

    I told you to use either Force Speed or KB to gain distance just AFTER the gap closer (that is charge, 12s cd for annihilation marauders) to (duh) REGAIN distance. Think about that.


    Fo the record, assassins have force speed and weak kb too. They have everything we have and more. A root is meaningless if I have to stop fighting, turn around, run away and then turn back around to reengage. 2 secs is not a game changer. Not when the opponent can burst you to 50% in such a short time. The problem is we have no ranged advantage Obviously not against other ranged and definitely not against melee. So how can being ranged justify this imbalance?


    You do not stop moving when a melee is hunting you*. You do most stuff while you are running. I tell ya a big secret, it's called strafing. Google it or something.

    Additionally, an assassin with Force Slow or Creeping Terror is cute since I told you about your awesome ability to dispel stuff. On the move, every 5s. Wowza!

    You are right, assassins can Force Speed, too. Remember what I told you about an awesome Dot that also roots people? Might that work on the assassin? Who knows, right? FYI, they can have a talent to BREAK movement impairing effects, they are NOT immune. Use that thing between your ears on that one, too.


    LOL. You are just making this up? Because I know for a fact you can't do this. You are not kiting anyone who is competent. Period. You will be snared, if not rooted, by the warrior or assassin and their CC abilities is more numerous and effective than a sorcs.


    I believe you when you say you can't imagine that. Since you told me you don't even know about strafing, I'm getting a lot of your stuff now.


    Crippling slash is a 12 sec slow that is spammable. Force slow is only 9 sec, with a 12 sec CD.

    Predation is the marauders force speed, not that they need it. And it lasts for 10 secs vs sorc's 2 sec.

    Obfuscate is 90% accuracy reduction for 6 secs. More than enough time to close any gap. Or they have that nice unbreakbale combat stealth(that can be secced into a secondary CC-breaker). Which is another speed boost. Nice to have options.

    In addtion to all this damage they can do they get a <30% health finisher. Nice. As if they needed an added burst to their burst DPS.

    If they are carnage... well, the others can't be kited. Carnage isn't getting kited x10. They even have ranged roots.

    And ravage is a 3 sec root. So they can jump in and hit ravage and probably waste you force speed.

    Let's see rage can get 2 leaps so might as well forget keeping range for any amount of time right there.


    You won't kite a Carnage Marauder for long, I actually mentioned that in some earlier posts. Most Marauders are Annihilation though.


    And he will hit you at 5m. Maybe even 6 or 7 meters. I know you've all seen this with every class. Supposed attack range is meaningless. Not that anyone could realisitic maintain such a precise distance anyway.


    Now you're just making things up. If you use your escape tools there will be a gap and he can't hit you if you aren't within the 4m melee range. No matter what you think that's just a fact.


    Sure, I'll just keep moving spamming Shock every 6 secs as I backpedal away from them. That'll get em... Shock and Affliction are our main sources of damage afterall. *face meets palm*


    That makes me feel sorry for you. See above though, Google can help you.


    Again, you obviously have no idea what you're talking about. Please don't give advice when you have never even played the class. "Get more distance?!?! Wow, I never though of that!!!" jesus christ....


    Still playing both classes. My advice was wasted on you, so I kind of agree. You seem like a pretty much lost cause to me.


    LOL whirlwind. The MEZ that is broke by our DOTs? A KB that has no distance.An inferior slow. A stationary main attack. And a 2 sec speed buff on a 30 sec CD. Please stop talking. Your ignorance is making my eyes vomit.


    Think about a good time to use your Whirl. You are laughing at one of our strongest CCs here, what is wrong with you? Well, at least you figured that you have to be careful with your DoTs. Good news! They are YOUR DoTs, no random factors involved, it's all up to your skill.


    No way you play a sorc. You're ignorance on the subject is just too telling.


    Don't hate me just because I disagree with you.


    Any melee, other than a pure tank spec jugg with very crappy dmg, who loses to a sorc sucks. End of discussion. Look at their toolset. YOU CANNOT KITE A COMPETENT MARAUDER OR ASSASSIN. If you are being kitted you suck as a marauder and I have probably kited you and beat you. You are my favorite kind of marauder. The ones who don't snare, root or anything while they just run after me spamming whatever is off CD and let me run rings around them. Thanks for making my day.


    I won't bother mentioning the KB or the (for it's duration) movement impairing effects ignoring Force Speed. You obviously know better!"


    My dispell is is slot #2.


    However, spammable slows are spammable.


    You play a marauder, right? How did you not know this?


    Yes I do. And as a matter of fact, you cannot dispel the Marauder's snare at all (despite Breakfree of course). What brings us back to the whole momentary distance thing.


    * If you're doing a good job you actually CAN and should stand still for a couple seconds here and there to get some more pressure out. Always watching to keep the distance between you and the melee in your favor. Again, 9s cooldown on a root helps with this.


    That's all.

  17. Nice vid. Glad to see some skilled sorc/sage action.


    I actually never tried that hybrid spec but it looks quite awesome. You seem to be force starved a lot though.


    Anyway, awesome vid and I actually like your editing!


    Oh and: Can I has ur hardwareZ plx? Your awesome looking and still smoothly running game makes me a sad panda :<

  18. At the end of the day I do love my madness sage and I do think it requires the most strategy in pvp and is the least forgiving of mistakes out of all the classes.


    No argument there.


    Though, I just think that most people don't get how to use a Sorc effectively. If you play a Sorc with the Tracer Missile spamming BH Mindset (pre 1.2 ofc, poor fellas :/) you'll get your behind handed to you all day.


    I feel like this class is very viable and has also quite the impact on a match. But NOT through killing people left and right. Don't get me wrong, I'm usually top damage done (and I almost never DoT more than two persons and don't use aoe outside of Death Field and an emergency Force Storm to stop multiple cappers) but I don't even care about that. It's our support via CC, pulling people out of the thick of battle or shielding that guy next to you so he'll survive etc.


    And my all-time favorite is focusing the bloodthirsty marauder of the opposing team and denying him almost all of his kills because he is rooted all the time (plus all our other fancy CC love - given your teammates don't srew with his Resolve bar). That is just epic - I swear I can feel their rage via TCP/IP.


    Of course, if there is no team play whatsoever present and you are not playing with people who even notice what you are doing, well, than I agree that it might suck. But then again, I would recommend to get the hell off of that server. Just transfer to a better community .. oh wait ...

  19. A sorc/sage DPSing outside of 4m only applies to other ranged classes who can also attack outside 4m. A sorc/sage DPSing against a a melee cannot maintain 30m range. If they initiated the attack on the melee class, they WILL be DPSing in 4m range momentarily. And there isn't a thing they can do about it. This is the problem. There is no benefit to being ranged if you cannot maintain it. If you are forced into a melee range fight there is zero advantage to being ranged. Thing is, melee DO have an advantage in melee range.


    To your other comment. Rope in or speed too. Does it really matter? They only have to "rope you in" once. The fight isn't going last beyond 20 secs max and only that long if the sorc spends most of their time trying to run away. They have all the sporcs tricks, plus some. You cannot get away unless they let you or all their abilities are on CD.


    Sorry but I'm not getting your point. Ranged is ranged.

    Yes Marauders have a gap closer. You have a KB and Force Speed. And as Madness Sorc you can friggin root every 9s. Think about that.


    Obviously most Sorc players' problem is that they do not get the whole kiting thing. You don't have to be at 30m range, 5 is just fine for a Marauder for instance. Just don't stop moving until you can get a bigger distance, then put out some hurting stuff and keep going. Save KB or FS to counter charge. Use your CC breaker when you really have to, not when the Marauder is choking you without dots up at 6m distance. Just keep moving afterwards...


    You have insta whirl, 4s stun, KB, root every 9s, Force Slow, slowing via Force Lightning and Force Speed. Use it!


    And before you mention it, YES, you won't do uber dps while you're doing that. Just dots and Shock on c/d. But wait .. how much dmg is the Marauder doing while he is more than 4m away from you?


    As mentioned earlier, I'm playing a Sorc and a Marauder (both WH) and I agree, that most Sorcs are bad. Because they seem to believe they can just stand there and shoot lightning at my Marauder no matter what. You can do that but should you? Then again I kited the crap out of Assassins, Marauders, PTs on my Sorc today, just like I always do.


    I just don't get how people always state those melees had more tools. How so? They can slow, we can slow. So we're both moving slower. How does that favor the melee? Right, if we're withing the 4m melee range. Now scroll back up to where I wrote how you leave that area and compare the c/ds to any kind of charge or even grip.


    Again, it's not all that easy and maybe people just don't like it. But it IS absolutely possible to kite quite effectively. If you mess up and they catch you, it gets messy pretty quickly, though. But if you screw up, you screw up, amiright?




    And you just sit there and don't use your CC against them? See... you're a bad player. I do the same thing to bad marauders. They try to chase me around instead of snaring or rooting me. That isn't real kiting. That's you letting letting them win... because you're bad. Next time they force speed away.... force speed right after them. You never thought to do this before? You know you have force slow too.. and eletrecute... and insta whirlwind (if madness) and Low slash (4 sec stun), and in-combat stealth, and spike (2 sec kd)... Oh, and you can have creeping terror too. And don't forget force shoud: that is a secondary CC-breaker. Did you foget you had these abilities? Did you also know that under certain spec your force slow duration can be increased and CD lowered so that you're better at it than sorcs/sage? Well now you know. And knowing is half the battle.



    Oh nvm. Now that I have read this, I get the picture. You haven't even heard of your dispel yet. Well, let's talk about it once you mastered your class

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