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Posts posted by TcMEAT

  1. <Hates You>

    Prophecy of the Five

    Imperial 8-man and 16-man Raiding Guild


    Hates You is an extremely established progression guild on The Shadowlands. World Second Coratanni and Revan . With every single boss killed in all the settings and difficulties in 3.0.


    <Hates You> is currently recruiting 1 outstanding Healer. Some more info:


    - Our scheduled raid days are Tuesday ,Thursday and sunday 9pm EST - 12am EST.

    -We're primarily look for a Operative or Sorc..

    -Bonus points if you have alts of your main or alts of a different class you can play well. Double bonus points if you have these alts both on Empire and Republic sides. If you do not have any alts, be prepared to level them.

    -If you cannot make our entire schedule but are still interested in raiding with us, submit and application and indicate as much. We may be able to fit you into some of our runs in a given week.



    For anyone interested in applying to our guild, please send me a PM or whisper Catlikethief/ tcmeat/ Tyler on Shadowlands with your info,experience and current progression.



    Ps. We are on the Shadowlands so you would have to transfer

  2. Hi, I named more than Harbinger guilds that replenished their raids with talent. I named 2 guilds on POT5, a dead server, that compete for talent, being able to replenish their raid pool. Also, there is a 3rd guild on that server that recruited MANY people and recently got their revan kill. I don't see what's server dependent or even Zorz reliant about it. Many players server transfer for progression, and if a raid guild has an atmosphere, or at least a certain pedigree, all they have to do is their job as officers to recruit. Another non Harb example is Exit Area that has worked their butts off to recruit talent and have been rewarded with Revan kills in 8 and 16. As for the gated content, the first time I went 4/5 in the first week of content, I had level 55 gear, and the first revan kill was almost entirely in level 55 save for some SM pieces. I wouldn't call it that gear gated. Not nearly as much as WoW where there are literal gates of ilevels, dungeon progression before raid progression....As for groups that haven't started raiding until February, I see that too, usually the remains of a previous guild with bad leadership (not firing shots at groups, I'm actually very glad to see the number of raiders that make their own raid guilds when leadership is holding the groups back).

    Pot5 is so dead they had to let me in a raid group. Sure glad i got vulkar to carry me :p

  3. So, a group full of dedicated progression raiders with plenty of clear experience and gear that's way above the requirements set by Bioware, barely managed to kill this boss a few seconds before enrage with a non-BH setup.


    Congrats Bioware. I'm sure this will finally raise the hopes of all semi progression groups. :rolleyes:

    yea I know we suck :(


    but in all honesty we lost a ton of DPS being conservative on the pull ins and stuff if we were to go back in there we could do it alot better. The fact that we have clear experience doesn't really matter all the much one you get the mechanic down it falls into place. I will probably be flamed for this but whatevs

  4. Well, they do need to review a little the tactics design...in ravagers as a melee i spend 40% of the fight time "running" after the boss, another 20-30% of the time running out of aoes and the rest if i'm luky, i am attacking the boss, and if i'am unluky i'm waiting for a revive...and then there's the knock back and abilities, abilities that seems even the rats have it in swtor...

    Operative and marauder Viable on HM Revan

  5. 5-7 seconds from hard enrage, that shows how tight it is for no BH. I wonder what that would look like with no MHs. Congrats on the no BH kill, definitely took some clutch coordination.

    Yes the tuning is very tight on this fight. There were times during the pull that we could have been more aggressive DPSing during the purples and not getting out for pull so early but we were playing it safe. either fun fight really like it cant wait for nightmare.!

  6. Hey people, I wanted to start this thread so we can get a good list of streamers on POT5. I will post the ones i know of the top of my head and you can post a reply in this thread and I will add you to the list


    http://www.twitch.tv/fridge_sa Fridge Death and Taxes. Mostly PVE Some GSF some PVP


    http://www.twitch.tv/catlikethief10 Catlikethief <Hates You> PVP and PVE


    http://www.twitch.tv/mrdilpickles <Hates You> and <Tyrant> Imp side <Weapons of War> Pub side. PVP PVE








    http://www.twitch.tv/mudclot Mudclot


    http://twitch.tv/baddieologist 60 guardian. pvp[



    There are more that stream on Pot5 but i cant remember them. Please post your info so I can update this threat

  7. Which guilds, both Imp and Pub have a regular group ranked team....

    I'm curious to see a) how many teams are active b) create a resource for people who want to get involved to at least know who to talk to and where to start since I think a lot more people would play if they just knew who to talk to, what guilds to join etc to find like minded people.

    So far in the pre season team from I have seen teams :

    Empire, Hel, Tyrant, Hates You, hakuna matata Imperial bowling league,I am legend for imp im sure there are others but i cant remember off the top of my head.

    pubs The crushers and bladestorm haven't seen any other i don't think

  8. Hey guys i posted this thread on the PVP thread and it was ill received. What i would like to do is strengthen the team ranked PVP on this server. Hopefully it will easier in this thread seeing how this is my server.


    The way I would like to do that is having a thread dedicated to posting vids of ranked strats so that potential new teams can learn from others. Its the same thing as PVE when you are doing progression and you are not sure what to do you look up someones vids to see how they did it. Although I understand that PVP is dynamic and ever changing this thread can be a good point of reference for new teams. I dont like sitting on the fleet spamming for teams to que. My goal for this season would be 20 teams queing however I know that is more of a dream then a goal. Please help out with positive input.










    * https://www.youtube.com/user/0catlikethief0/videos

    * http://www.twitch.tv/catlikethief10/


    And BTW

    INB4 Hatred is Overpowered, PT too much burst, Merc sucks, Mara sucks.

    I am playing a carnage Mara the Pain is real but we deal with what we got

  9. I really admire you playing carnage marauder despite their.. awfulness right now..


    Question, do you solo queue at all? If so, how do you deal with the pub 4-man premades always getting paired together? It's been really frustrating for me as someone trying to get into ranked on PoT5.


    Yes I do solo ques on my mara. its terrible going against 4 man premades. Yes its terrible playing a mara in solos lol

    sometimes you get lucky though lol.

  10. Hey guys lets try and get people exited about queuing Team ranked 4s. Im am going to link videos of ranked 4s matches and I request other people to use this link to do the same. Maybe if we can get more people watching these vids and looking at strats people wont be so hesitant to joins the team ranked que. I know there is no cross server ques, but there is no lack of people pvping on my server. Lets get them making teaming. BTW in these vids im playing a carnage mara not exactly the most op class ever. Que up people :)


    * https://www.youtube.com/user/0catlikethief0/videos

    * http://www.twitch.tv/catlikethief10/









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