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Posts posted by ArcTrooperElite

  1. I didn't expect anything other than a marginal stat increase, BUT I never thought the devs would be so dense as to expect people to spend over double the mats for the almost unnoticeable increase in performance these augments will yield when compared to 236s. I am glad I wont be grinding the flashpoint now though. :mad: . Picture a very rude hand gesture.
  2. How about reducing it by 18.5% and then giving it back to Combat/Carnage? You know the discipline that no one plays now because you nerfed it into oblivion. Hell you have to have a separate gear set for it to make it even remotely competitive now.


    Hey folks,


    Marauders /Sentinels are the only Classes in 5.9 that are receiving slightly different changes than the other Classes this patch so I wanted to call them out separately. Here are the changes:



    • The Ruthless Aggressor utility has been changed so that activating Obfuscate temporarily yields a 75% increase in damage reduction for Force and tech attacks instead of a 75% chance to resist all Force and tech attacks.


    • Reduced the damage done by Bloody Slashes by 18.5%



    • The Zealous Judgment utility has been changed so that activating Pacify temporarily yields a 75% increase in damage reduction for Force and tech attacks instead of a 75% chance to resist all Force and tech attacks.



    • Reduced the damage done by Burning Slices by 18.5%


    We are making two changes. First, following last year's balance pass, these Classes are still slightly overperforming. The change to Bloody Slashes / Burning Slices is looking to address this.


    The second change is more of a functionality change. Ruthless Aggressor / Zealous Judgment would create a situation where there was very little counterplay against a Marauder / Sentinel during the effect of Obfuscate / Pacify. Since it created a chance to resist effects, it meant damage and crowd control were inconsistent against them. The change we are making is that instead of a 75% chance to miss, it adds 75% damage reduction. Now, a Marauder or Sentinel can be crowd controlled during the effect, but it will still allow them to take greatly reduced damage.


    Thanks everyone!



  3. Why not just give Burning Slices back to Combat since you wrecked it. It's a solid 1k behind Concentration on a dummy though less so in actual fights. I just can't understand how you think that class is balanced now. Last time i checked mara/sent wasn't even top dog, plasmatech was but yet again with the nerf bat. Getting real tired of farming mats to make new fancy augments just so that I can get back the dps you keep taking away. This is a joke.
  4. Dude what are you even talking about. Eric said there would be no DPS lost. You have to use feminist math.


    40% of Sent/Mara Players do 20% less damage, 60% of Sent/Mara Players 10% more damge overall no change in damage for the Sent/Mara Class.


    I really, REALLY hope you're being sarcastic here. If not you don't even remotely have a clue what you're talking about. You should go write post about how you want to romance arcann or a hutt or whoever and let the adults talk.

  5. They are completely destroying Carnage / Combat with this. Why they feel the need to further nerf it is beyond me, it's not at the top of the leaderboards, it's getting outperformed by Fury / Concentration ffs. It's obvious none of them play the discipline as 3 abilities in a Ferocity window without clipping a saberthrow in was standard. GCD reduced to 1.3 seconds with alacrity in the build means a total of 2.6s worth of GCD in the window easily allowing 3 abilities as long as the last ability doesn't regester damage at the end of the GCD. And the reasoning?!?!?! We're going to punish good players so that the poopers can do just as good damage.
  6. Is it something deafeningly silly like the patch turning off the combat logs? or the log file name changing?


    I checked that and it was still enabled. I tried unchecking and rechecking and still no go. As I mentioned it still reads the logs from before the patch so I'm guessing something in the format of the log has changed.

  7. I hope someone can contact him. I just tried his contact link on the site and no bueno. I've never understood why there isn't a parsing feature in the game in the first place. Having to use a 3rd party program means you have to "require" people to use it and then they call you elitist because you actually have the audacity to expect people to have the skill to do the content they're in. :mad:
  8. So I know Starparse is a 3rd party program and all but since no means of parsing is available in game it's really the only game in town. I patched and logged in then headed to my ship on my Sent where I was frustrated to see that SP is no longer reading the logs. It still reads logs from before the patch mind you. I presume something was changed in the combat logs format that no longer works with Starparse.
  9. So I'm glad to see that the Dev's finally got around to responding to this. I'm still utterly perplexed that they could possibly believe that screwing over paying customers (essentially denying them goods and service purchased) as a means to stop those who break the rules is good business. Two words: EMERGENCY MAINTENANCE! Fix this now, this cannot wait until August. For once show that it isnt just things that benefit a player that cause EM but you are actually grateful and considerate enough to quickly fix a problem that doesn't benefit or hurts a paying player.
  10. No this is just BW taking a big steaming dump on it's players because they lack the ability address an exploit that is costing them CC sales. People who play by the rules and paid money for account unlocks are being punished because of BW's ineptitude. After BW's failure to address conquest cheating during the Iokath event on Jedi Covenant nothing surprises me anymore. Really hoped that the changing of the guard meant things would be different in this game but it's business as usual.
  11. 22 pages of replies and not a single response for Bioware on this.


    This is unacceptable! Because you lack the competence to deal with an account unlock work around those of us who have paid our credits and/or cartel coins to unlock tunings and crystals account wide now must pay to extract tunings and crystals to put my saber in my legacy bank. Are you coders really so inept that this was the only solution?


    9100 credits everytime i want to send weapons to an alt who has the crystals and tuning unlocked. You know I get sick of stupid complaints about comapnions and other frivolousstuff but this is BW taking a big steaming crap on it's players.


    I'll be boycotting the cartel market until this fixed.

  12. I'd agree except for the fact that it's taken over 2 years to get one ops boss. This is not ok. I do agree that whining and screaming about it doesn't do any good. I'll also tell you that I'm part of the problem, I know it, and I'm sorry. I'm really attached to the characters I've made in the game and to the people I play the game with. Because of these things I've continued to sub month in and month out for over 2 years while we have waited for real mmo content. I've watched them waste time and resources on one and done chapters that aren't fun the first time thru and have no replay value whatsoever. 2+ years for 1 ops boss :mad: and now it's not ready when promised, no this is not ok. I've seen WoW, FF, and ESO put out real content while we get chapters and still I sub.
  13. Thanks. Never really understood how the system worked anyhow. TBH I don't care that much anymore but it does seems that the Pub side is dying on JC. PVP is dominated by the imp side where all the pvp guilds and cheaters are. Most good playes have either left the game for various reasons or went to the imp side with other sheep. It's really hard for me to judge population by fleet numbers because that isn't "the place" to hangout anymore with gships and sh's but JC seems in bad shape.
  14. So I'm on Jedi Covenant and I've noticed that ever since BW "fixed" the Light vs Dark scoring that the dark side faction wins between 2/3 and 3/4 of the time. I'll admit that the light side dominance at the launch of 5.0 was admittedly broken but now the balance seems to be overwhelmingly in the other direction. I was on for hours yesterday and didn't personally witness a single light side victory.
  15. Best way I have always gotten scavenging mats was to solo Directive 7 in hard (veteran now) mode. Its always given the highest grade scavenging mats available in game through the years.


    That's actually not a bad idea, I've been doing Core Melt Down because of the quick access to the sandstorm and jungle bosses for refined stabilizers and you get a few droids along the way.. I guess when it boils down to it that a lot depends on what server you are on (as far a dealing with constant mat farmers), what time of day you play, and whether you are willing to spend credits on crew skill missions.


    While there have been some good suggestions here to alleviate some of the frustration of gathering grade 10 mats, my point here is that I'd like to be able to use my jawa junk (currently around 2k purple, 3k blue, and 4k green to actually buy mats that I use.

  16. It's been months now Bioware and still no grade 10 mats on the Jawa Vendors! This is ridiculous as there is such a small area to collect the scavenging mats in particular. Grade 9 mats also share the nodes in that very small area and farmers are constantly running there. You give us jawa junk in command crates and as conquest rewards and it is all but useless outside of conquest crafting weeks.


    We had an emergency maintenance for (choose your favorite expletive) snowballs but can't get a simple thing like this resolved after 2 major patches? :mad::mad::mad::rak_02:

  17. So 5.1 has arrived along with some new Uprisings and the game seems to be getting more and more broken. Mobs in uprisings are "out of range" when i'm standing right next to them. Mobs are often under the floor or inside walls and not able to be targeted. The first of the final 2 bosses of Fractured (the one that was fixed) is extremely buggy and often not where it shows him on my screen (particularly after casting force storm). It looks very much like another content release that wasn't tested before deployment.


    I sure seem to be getting a whole lot of Jawa Junk these day and it sure is worthless. Between the command crates and conquest rewards my stockpiles of Jawa Junk are booming, too bad there's nothing worthwhile to use it on since THERE ARE STILL NO GRADE 10 MATS ON THE JAWA VENDORS. Why has this not been addressed? Crafting is critical to gearing out now with this awful new gearing system and grade 10 mats are available in only 1 location. It blows my mind that we got a hot patch to fix snowballs ( that were exploited to an incredible degree with no action taken) but this remains an issue.


    Eternal Championship is beyond irrelevant now. My favorite thing from 4.0 has been scaled up to level 70 but the rewards are absolute garbage. Bosses drop level 65 gear (204 at that) and grade 9 mats are rewarded for the weeklies. I have gotten a few Refined Stabs but they are few and far between. The only thing the Eternal Championship Trophy's can be used for is legacy weapons and decos (the same ones from 4.0). If you aren't going to give us new content, and I'm talking real endgame content spelled O P E R A T I O N S, then the least you could do is give us new reason to do old content.


    I would say I'm praying for those magical words "New Operations coming this spring" but I've given up hope. The developers don't play their own game and don't understand that chapters have NO REPLAY VALUE. Uprisings are slightly better but are extremely short and buggy and get old fast. PVP is still the same old unbalanced stun fest it's always been but now feature more slows than ever before and GSF is......well it's GSF, you could stop gving CXP for everything but GSF and I wouldn't play it. GSF has nothing to do with the actual game yet still grants more CXP than most of the actual PVE content that actually uses gear acquired from CXP.

  18. Probably the only thing about KOTFE that I liked was Eternal Championship and it was certainly the only single player content that even remotely presented a challenge (if just a small one). I'd hoped that 5.0 would see EC expanded on with new bosses and new rewards but...... instead it's now pointless. Can't buy any real gear with the trophies now, bosses drop 208 gear even though they are level 70 bosses, CXP reward is a joke except the weekly and honestly that isn't great. Is EC going to be another in a long line of good ideas left to rot (legacy system, macrobinoculars, seeker droids, etc)? In the absence of real endgame content I'd think that a premium would be put on motivating people to do old content, people like to be rewarded for the effort but obviously this fact eludes the devs as evidence by GC and RNG.
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