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Posts posted by Dirtyshadow

  1. /Unsubbed


    Anyone got a count on how many people are unsubbing yet?

    No but a fair assumption is All of Them! Anyone who hasnt unsubbed yet, will either

    a) Hasnt heard about this yet ?

    b) Waiting to find out what their fellow friends think ?

    c) Hoping EA reverses their decision ? or waiting to know a bit more ?

    d) Will unsub on Day 1 this goes through ?


    Anyone left over is going to be suffering from Game Depression with the transfer, the lost of many of their friends and the break up of their guilds, the lose of regular raiders/skilled pvpers (especially if you lose too many tanks/heals)... anyone dedicated to sticking it around is only going to start feeling worse when their pvp and pve start to suffer due to high latency and lag spikes. Failing to form groups due to numbers or passing bosses/betting pvp groups due to latency will drive players crazy.

  2. You clearly didn't read their explanation. They do care, and that's why they did this.

    There solution to population is to dramatically increase latency and lag for Australian/Oceanic players...


    The first ever complaint about Online gaming is LAG

    the most common complaint is LAG

    and the most common excuse by players for failing to perform in a raid or pvp is LAG.


    LAG is so bad, we call it a Monster

    an American plays with 250ms latency and they scream lag like a little girl...

    an Australian plays WoW with 250ms latency and they call that normal...

    then they gave us SWTOR local server and we got 30ms latency and all was great...

    ... if they take that away from us, Im not going back to 200ms TOR for a game that wont justify the reason beyond that weak *** excuse.


    200ms + and pvp and pve raiding becomes problematic, people dropping out, dps drops, enrage timers become unreachable and quick reaction events are instant death.


    There solution to a minor inconveniance of population... is to supply us, the players with the ONE THING WE DONT WANT




    Their solution has nothing to do with the Public Relation dribble they spouted, its the financial cost cutting they are performing and the weak excuse they can attach to it. If they were serious about Oceanic gaming, they would merge the 3 servers into one and start a marketing/advertising/media campaign to get more players.... more customers are always better than less customers.... and this move, obviously will produce less customers.

  3. If you fix the Ping issue this suggestion would be ok.

    The no.1 cause of our Ping is the Pacific Ocean.

    There is only one way to fix Ping from Australia/Oceanic Region customers to North America West Coast server


    Improve the connection quality and the internet routing to the server, and the only proven way in gaming that comes close to that is to provide/access a Tunneling Routing service across the Pacific Ocean!


    Wow had unofficial ones, but they sometimes werent stable... if EA provided an official tunneling server, where we could log into Sydney and get direct routed to NA West coast server network, that would be epic. That would be a innovation, but then again this is EA, they alreayd proven this year they have no concept of how the internet and game connectivity actually works.

  4. If we wanted to play with greater populations, we would have bought the game three months earlier and played in US servers. We'd be used to them by now.

    The thing is most of us hardcore MMO fans did... we started on Harbinger we nearly killed the server on Day 1 due to our sheer numbers.


    The Oceanic servers was there solution to get us off Harbinger, we moved to Dalborra server

    ... now they are deporting us back to Harbinger.



    Start acting like a real company and sell your products to the regions you service, advertise / marketing....

    not close down the regions you service after 7 months of doing absolutely nothing but thinking about.

    your suppose to be market innovators, start acting like it.

  5. It would have been nice for them to try this. Something I don't understand about low APAC numbers is this. The world's biggest gaming show, PAX (the Penny Arcade Expo), will be held outside of the US for the first time later this year — and of all the world's gaming cities, it chose Melbourne.

    If our gaming community isn't large enough to be cost effective for them to keep our servers open it isn't because a lack of numbers of gamers in Australia.


    Thats the thing... one round of mass media campaigns in Sydney and Melbourne selling SWTOR as "the only Mass Multiplayer Role Playing Game with servers in Sydney, no more pacific ocean lag" should of/would be enough to increase sales. Nope, the one thing they have over and above any MMO in the Australia and they dont mention it. Now they taking that one epic sales point away...


    ... there marketing department SUCKS!!! I seen more advertisement for a B grade romantic comedy that flop at the box office than I do for A grade quality games in this country. Thats sickening.


    Seriously EA, try actually selling games for once!!!

  6. Here is a novel idea for increasing population on the Oceanic servers.... Advertise the game in Oceanic regions!

    Get more customers... seems like a sound business model to me.


    There is little to no advertising of this game in Australian media, seriously, a couple of banner adverts on a few gaming websites is not going to cut it.



    EA spends the same amount hollywood pays for a big budget movie developing this game, and they think a few gaming adverts is enough... wake up... there is like no viral marketing, no cross media promotions, no talk show circuits, media hype, it was just EA going "Heres another game, do the same old marketing we usually do" and then they scratch their butts for 6 months. Big Budget games need Big Budget marketing, not poor uncle EA going a couple of short live TV spots and a few banner ads should do it.

  7. APAC Servers exist for the sole purpose of giving people in the Oceanic region the best possible connection and service... and you just took that away cause of a QQIng about population.


    Would of been more believable if you just admitted that your shutting down the servers due to financial reasons than the bullcrap excuse about ingame populations. I know... if the ingame population is so bad, maybe recruit more people to play by actually "SELLING" the game to the general public of australia. I did not see a single game advert in Australia when this game was released besides the display cases outside my local EB Games store.


    At the very least, you should be providing a free official Tunneling gateway with the EA servers from Sydney to NA West Coast to cut down out latency so its still resonable for PvP and Top Tier PvE... for shame on you, you seriously think your doing us and your APAC players a favour, SHAME ON YOU!!!


    The left Hardbinger so we can have 24ms Ping... now your going to punish us with 300ms...

    that kills PvP and it will be impossible to beat some of the tight enrange timer and quicktime boss fights in PvE as well...

    I was looking forward to the next update... now I am not cause I know it will be one step closer for me to return to World of Warcraft.

  8. I like how DCUO handles this... PvE and PvP are seperate phases that require a fixed point portal to reset your player.

    I like how STO players handled RP when they went one server... find a spot to RP in peace.


    Merge the servers... and run more phases to cover both PvE & PvP (ala like DCUO)


    For the Roleplayers... create new RP-Only locations, like a phased Bars on Capital City and a seperate Fleet. Where the Roleplayer rules of conduct are applied.

  9. Hi everyone,


    I've spoken to the design team about the issue of Grade 7 ship upgrades and the cost in game (resources and time) versus the cost on the Cartel Market, since this concern was raised by a number of people on our forums.


    Our Lead Designer for the game, Damion Schubert, has this to say....]

    As the starter of this thread, thankyou for that response, thats the response I was hoping for

    I am also thankful that you identified the cause of the discrepency and grateful you have learnt from this.


    I want to add that I understand the comment about you not rushing a solution to maintain the "integrity" of the market vs ingame, as you are aware once you release something on the Cartel market any form of rollback on said items is very sensitive matter.


    Beware the content that you dont show on PTR, like cartel market items and ingame events... cause surprising live server with these things, means you dont spot the pink elephants and little gremlins. Please be mindful of this and do your internal testing "better" on stuff you aint testing in PTR.


    Also, can we see better "cartel market" preview pages / release pages on the official site for the Cartel Packs, items... including full visuals on all the items. Usually have to find out about what is in a cartel pack from darthhater or dulfy before I decide if I will buy anything.

  10. To me, yes that is pay2win. But to a lot of other people it won't be because you never interact with players during the space missions.

    the completiion of said space missions results in daily, blackhole and fleet commendations, and credits... ingame currency farming.


    Also just saw them ingame. I feel really sick in my stomach.

    Thats just plain disgusting... 2nd interation of cartel market, and its already taken a shady turn.

    Even if its just the space "mini" game, thats just plain wrong, selling the items that require large volume ingame grinding... I hope this is something they STOP here and never repeat again, cause if it turns up again.


    The only thing the store should be selling is new ships, ship skins, colour crystals for ships imo... not usable, and top level space combat gear.

  11. Am I reading and understanding the following right....

    The Grade 7 Starship Defensive Bundle contains defensive upgrades that will protect your ship during the most difficult missions! Cost: 400 Cartel Coins.

    Purchase the Grade 7 Starship Offensive Bundle to give your ship enhanced firepower! Cost: 550 Cartel Coins.

    The Grade 7 Starship Tactical Bundle contains powerful upgrades for your personal starship. Cost: 350 Cartel Coins.


    Grade 7 items I know of ingame cost a huge amount of daily / fleet commendations as well as pricey craftable objects... so giving them out day 1 of the new heroic space missions, in a Cartel pack...

    circumventing all ingame crafting/grinding by throwing real world money at them...

    is that not by definition "Pay2Win" Space Missions ???

    :rak_02: :rak_02: :rak_02:

  12. meh... and with the Cartel Coins / free2play model as it currently is being able to unlock everything in the Legacy Tree anyway, if you want it that much you got two ways to pay for it.


    That said... I am kind of disappointed that the whole Legacy Level. By legacy level 10, you pretty much have unlocked 80% of the stuff, by level 15 you have unlocked all but 1 item (which is level 25).


    There is nothing from level 25 to 50... and nothing for capping out. No titles, no free pony, no pat on the back.

    There isnt even a bonus for say unlocking all the Empire classes/companions or Republic class/companions or BOTH!


    I wanna see a few more bonuses added. Specifically for level and faction completions, make the Legacy Level feel as EPIC as it was suppose to be, not nerfed like it is now!

  13. I cant see a new class being added to the game easily, given the quest structure of the class chain of Acts 1 to 3... and all the basic MMO class types are covered with tank / heal / range / melee... and a pet class is kind of null and void with companions already being a handful.


    Even most of the NPCs are based on the main classes existing, not like another game where you can point to obscure lore and say that one is different enough. The only things I see that are different are a non-force user melee class... or a droid class... but then most of those type of NPCs common to those dont scream Epic Story time, they usually spell cannon fodder.


    Else the only thing I could see would be Defectors... having say Imperial Smugglers, Republic Snipers, Former Jedi turn Sith, Imperial Troopers, Republic Bounty Hunters.

  14. Not mission tab... A Whole New Tab called "Cartel items" or "Toybox"


    Where all the cartel items, and any "toy" (social items, special edition items etc) items go... so they dont take up precisious realestate in the inventory/bank tabs. Cause you know eventually new packs = new items = less inventory = more items not used placed in the bank tab gathering dust.

  15. If you looking for ideas about a guild hall / Guild Capital Ship. I suggest looking up what Star Trek Online is doing with "Fleet Starbases"... I would like to see something on that scale implemented. Where the guild builds and funishes, builds and refits their whole guild with "guild" items and trophies.
  16. I would like the suggest two new titles to be added into the game.

    "Advanced Class" and "Skill Tree" Titles. I believe these to be both functional and informative to other players.

    cause of all the titles I have, none of them really scream out to others that I am a Marksman Sniper, especially since I am dressed in Social Gear.


    Advanced Class ____________ title, being the name of the advanced class your toon is.

    • Sniper "Name"
    • Operative "Name"
    • Commando "Name"


    and a set of 3 titles per major class for the Skill Tree the player chooses to spend the majority of their points,

    displaying as _______ the Skill Tree Advanced Class.


    Where the skill tree name may be altered to make proper gammer as in Lethal Opertaive, instead of Lethality Operative, or Medical Operative instead of Medicine Operative)


    • "Name" the Arsenal Mercenary
    • "Name" the Lethal Operative
    • "Name" the Medical Operative
    • "Name" the Marksman Sniper
    • "Name" the Mad Assassin (instead of Madness)
    • "Name" the Corrupted Assassin
    • "Name" the Tactical Vanguard
    • "Name" the Shielded Vanguard
    • "Name" the Combat Sentinal
    • "Name" the Dirty Gunslinger

  17. Free-2-Play... seriously.

    Please... dear god.... please dont go free-2-play.


    Of all the games I have played that I had a paid subscription in... that went free-2-play... I STOPPED PLAYING.


    Dungeons and Dragons Online

    Lord of the Rings Online

    Champions Online

    City of Heroes

    Star Trek Online

    DC Universe Online

    All Points Bulletin


    The reason I stopped playing them... is after they went free-2-play they started to produce far-less new content than they did when they were subscription based, and some of them started to slow down to a grinding halt while they "restructure". Star Trek Online stopped producing new content for over a year, only publishing token vaniety items, while they sorted out their whole activision/perfect world business problems.


    I love end-game content, and I see free-2-play as the end of regular end-game content. If the game cant update on a regular interval, then the games end-game content is repeatetive, grinding, unrewarding... and people stop playing.

  18. Given the cover shield is a prominent part of our active appearance with us constantly crounching behind it, I would like to see the option to customise its colour... where matching it to the colour crystal of our weapon would probably be an appropriate method.


    Suggestion: I would like to see the colours of the Cover Shield (aka Hold Position), not be blue (gunslinger) or red (sniper)... but be the coloured as per the colour crystal the main hand weapon. The color shield will also extend to abilities Entrenches and Shield Domes. In the case of black crystals, coloured to match the colors glow.


    ie Green Crystal = Green Shield

    ie Black Orange Crystal = Orange Shield

    ie White Crystal = White Shield



  19. Unless I missed something in the patch notes... can the Developers please tell me what you did to the sound effects / sound codecs for the game.


    From my computer it sounds like the Surround Sound is completely broken....


    Constant Jet engine noises in Station base.

    Companions sounding too far away, then too close, then too far away again.

    Space Combat is defeaning with Auto-Cannon noises.

    Sound effects are cutting in and out.


    P.S. After a closer listen, it seems that the sounds are playing at wrong locations, and duplicate sound effects are not overlapping.

    a) Companion voices is coming from the nearest companion of that type... ie if someone else has Khem Val out, its coming from that Khem Val.

    b) The sound effects are cutting out, cause someone else is causing that same sound. (ie if I do a flamethrower... then someone else starts theirs. Mine cuts out, and theirs plays)



    What did you do ?

    What options in game undo it ?

    What options out of game (ie sound drivers - Asus Xonar) undo it ?

  20. I dont post much on forums, but when I do, its really something I find annoying/frustrating and I believe strongly there has to be a better solution.


    The annoyance, is Crouch / Cover Shield for Snipers.


    More specifically the need to pop into cover everytime I need to move or get knocked out of cover during instances/operations/pvp. Over time this is a detrimental effect, especially when the button become unresponsive and I cant seem to get back into cover due to lag/ui/ability delay.


    I started asking myself... why isnt Crouch /Cover Shield automatic with certain abilities.

    Instead of cover "then" shooting, why not cover "while" shooting.


    While my Sniper is standing up, if he tries to use a cast time cover ability like Snipe / Ambush / Series of Shots... why cant he drop to a knee and deploy the shield while casting. A fluid motion that is like drop knee, deploy shield, aim, take shot.




    "Duck and Cover"

    Passive or Toggle


    Crouch, Ambush, Series of Shots can be cast while not in Cover, however the sniper will automatically enter cover while taking the shot by dropping to their knee and deploying a portable cover where they stand.

  21. I understand why the Aussies are doing it. I have no real qualm with them. Like I said, they can have the server. But what you don't realize is that by "unofficially" dubbing the server in the name of Aussies, you created a community that Bioware never thought would be there. Because of this, now none of us can play.

    We warned them we were coming.

    They knew we were coming.

    Amazon.com told them we were coming.

    They admitted that games are being delivered there, so they knew we were coming (again).

    New account data told them our home addresses are in Australia, so their account computers knew we were coming.

    They just didnt do anything.

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