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Posts posted by DarthNuke

  1. Imo, we don't need any more 'nerf pyro' threads. Data is already showing them outdamaging median DPS classes by almost 125%.


    Nerf hammer is getting shined up....turned sideways...and gonna be shoved someplace uncomfortable....and I don't mean the back of a Volkswagon.

  2. 1. How do you think your Shadow spec is perceived by other classes?

    Scapegoat. There is nothing this class can do that all of the other classes can't do better. Yet, everyone calls for Shadow/Sin nerfs. I've never seen my OP class ever hit 500K damage in a warzone. Meanwhile, these classes I've seen hit 800K damage: Sorc, Powertech, Merc (pre nerf), Jugg, Mara, Sniper, Operative.


    2. How do you perceive your own spec?

    Lackluster. Flawed design. Too many keybinds. KC: boring with no real burst and not a feasible tanking class imo. Infiltration: way too squishy while always rooted with burst nowhere near that other classes. Balance: why pick up a squishy Balance Shadow when a Balance Sage can do the job better plus provide off heals...poor design imo.


    Free Tips:

    - Give the class a stealth opener.

    - Make Shadow Strike a core utility...which atm...it is not.

    - Graphically, the double-bladed lightsaber, with no really cool tricks? C'mon. Surely y'all can give us some sort of Impale ability with that thing. :)

  3. U cant be CC'd while a white bar is active on you but a CC stun or mez that white bars you will still remain in effect meaning that the white bar can be active on you but you are still under the effect of a previous stun or mez. Once that stun or mez wears off you cannot by stunned or mezed until the white bar disappears.


    Also roots and snares are not resolved counted so therefore still apply to you while a white bar is active as was stated very clearly in the guide i linked.


    I am constantly CC'd after my white bar becomes active. Not just a few seconds either....can be thru my whole white bar. I'm not the only one either. Btw, never had this happen on my Imps. Happens more when it's an Operative CC. Stuns and mezz's.

  4. My main gripe is the Rail Shot armour penetration. I hate it with passion. Gut it like Acid Blade.


    Other than that, I think PTs are nowhere near as overpowered as some players make them sound.


    Agreed. 2 Pyro's should be able to outdamage a whole team, cuz they are the squishy light armor glass cannon.

  5. hi guys , am i the only who thinks they should make this advanced class more shadowy ? for example like WoW the shadow priest really looks shadow and lethal it would be really nice to do that im looking forward for what you guys think and a reply from BioWare :)


    I think Shadow Strike should be a core must-use ability for all 3 specs. Right now, it's not imo. Class would be sooooo much more fun if Find Weakness was a core class ability and speccing armor penetration wasn't tied to stances.

  6. - Need moar PVP variety. Moar maps. Goal or reward based world PVP too. ** COMPLETELY AGREE 150%**

    - Class nerfs. Pyro's **AND MAURADERS** are stupid right now. Needs rework asap. (Not even debatable imo.) : **FIXED

    - Class buffs. Some advanced classes just are not wanted. Needs rework asap. ** AGREE

    - Fix resolve. Yes, it's broke. **** Its not broken just snares,roots, and slows don't apply to it. The system does suck but its not broken.**

    - Smart queues. Example, if the expertise gap is too large, don't match those teams. (Rated and unrated.) These games ain't fun. Rolling teams and getting rolled isn't fun. Close matches are the most fun, if you're over 10 years old. ** RWZ already have a system like this but non rated how can they do this without player ratings unless they went off there RWZ ratings**

    - Huttball. Holding the ball prevents pulls and leaps. Makes the wz moar universal imo.**Sorry but dumb, huttball is fine as it is even as annoying as leaps, pulls, knockbacks are everyone should be able to use their skills**

    - Make Biochem usable in wz's....or figure out an alternative. Not a huge issue though. **You can use your biochem stim and medpac which is a big advantage already, not able to use adrenals makes sense since you can even use relics with a use on them anymore.**

    - PVP leaderboards.**Cool?**


    On my Pub toon, I am CC'd thru my resolve bar constantly. My white bar stays full white for 10 up seconds while I'm CC'd. When the CC ends...my resolve bar starts to roll back. So at times I'm CC'd for 15 to 20 seconds. From what I understand how it's supposed to work...thats broke.


    Was thinkin though, if they added CC immunity after using CC Breaks...that would be kinda cool.


    Class # Median DMG Average DMG

    PowerTech/Vanguard 372 322k 364k

    Marauders/Sentinels 402 295k 339k

    Snipers/Gunslingers 21 295k 341k

    Sorc/Sage 50 288k 322k

    Jugg/Guardian 42 286k 323k

    Assassin/Shadow 83 277k 297k

    Operative/Scoundrel 22 254k 265k

    Merc/Commando 20 238k 242k


    I knew it was bad...but.....wow. The damage numbers aren't optimal data points, based on WZ objectives and undergeared recruits. We all know how out of control the geared out Pyros and Maras are blowing stuff up.


    The ratio of classes though. That's a telling tale.


    Nerfs inbound, I'll bet on it.

  8. PVP Quality of (Star Wars) Life Issues List:


    - Need moar PVP variety. Moar maps. Goal or reward based world PVP too.

    - Class nerfs. Pyro's are stupid right now. Needs rework asap. (Not even debatable imo.)

    - Class buffs. Some advanced classes just are not wanted. Needs rework asap.

    - Fix resolve. Yes, it's broke.

    - Smart queues. Example, if the expertise gap is too large, don't match those teams. (Rated and unrated.) These games ain't fun. Rolling teams and getting rolled isn't fun. Close matches are the most fun, if you're over 10 years old.

    - Huttball. Holding the ball prevents pulls and leaps. Makes the wz moar universal imo.

    - Make Biochem usable in wz's....or figure out an alternative. Not a huge issue though.

    - PVP leaderboards.


    It's late....thats about all I got. Not meant as QQ obviously. Just things we the players can request/demand to improve PVP. Keep adding...

  9. The class has been pigeon-holed.


    Only viable (allowed) rated specs are 31/0/10 and 27/1/13. And really, only one Shadow can be a filler for 1 of the 2 open slots in the premade, which is not preferred. (6 of the 8 are predetermined must haves.) That said, I'm averaging 320K damage and 115K protection in rateds with hybrid spec.


    Anyways, the problem is 2 fold.


    1.) Like I said, our class has been pigeon-holed. Infiltration is useless. Balance is not needed, since a Sage can do the same job better. Only having 2 useful specs, which really isn't needed in a team, that's a design flaw that is correctable by revamping the trees.


    2.) Other classes are just much better in team play. Call them OP, or just having a better design. Don't matter...


    Only hope for the class is revamping and/or nerfs to other classes. Sad but true, imo.

  10. I was on a dead server and still got half WH before 1.3, people like you are the reason I absolutely LOVE the fact that Ranked are out. Go QQ and play reg WZ so that we only have to play geared people. IF you keep playing regs and leave us geared toons to the Ranked you wont have to face us much anymore, I promise. Plus you can pretend Ranked doesnt exist until u are geared.


    We averaged 3 or 4 queue pops per MONTH. Took me 2 months to finish my weekly pvp quest. Only reason I was able to complete it in 2 months....subs increased a week before the mergers.

  11. It is very amusing that many posters whine at the OP for whining.


    Carry on this is popcorn worthy stuff.


    LOL. I thought I was venting. Being on a dead server for 4 months will do that to ya. Guess I was whining.

  12. Seriously? DPS is now just cutting everything down like 20mm cannons on water balloons.


    I just ran my: Sniper, Jugg, Shadow, and Sorc. The results were all the same whether I was tanking, healing or DPS. The group survival and solo survival has evaporated. The warzones are just a burst AOE-fest now.


    "Time to die" has been reduced to such a ridiculous level that more time is spent in the spawn area than fighting. Tanks can't tank, and healers can't get heals off to save anyone. I'm talking 1 v 1 or 2 v 2, not 5 to 8 focus firing on 1 (as that would be appropriate for a fast melt).


    Resolve was nearly useless in 1.2, but in 1.3 it is completely useless. At least in 1.2 you could benefit from resolve about 1 in 20 times when it maxed and you were still alive. The other 19 times out of 20 it was just a white rainbow that ticked down at the spawn point. Now? The resolve bar doesn't even exist, because you die well before CC maxes out the resolve mechanism.


    WHO tested this garbage?


    Doesn't help that there are mechanic exploits to keep you CC'd thru your resolve bar.

  13. Bitter that the merges took so long.


    Yes, I will still keep grinding unrated. Or, ditch my guild just because of the gear issue. Not cool on my part, but what else can I do?


    I'm in half BM half WH gear. I can hold my own just fine, Shadow Tank spec is still solid. But my faction seems to have 80% of the pop still having some Recruit pieces. :mad:


    BW waiting so long to merge....screwed the people on dead servers. Just sayin.

  14. I'm in half Battlemaster and half augmented War Hero gear.


    Unrated, couldnt tell the difference. Rated, got completely melted. Seems I was only taking 3K and 4K hits. But...that could be that the rated teams I played were strickly FotM toons that seemed to be owning at focused firing.


    (My guild is from a dead server, mostly in Recruit/BM gear. After getting rolled a bunch...they quit.)

  15. Most customers on dead servers had moderate to severe gear issues.


    Yay. Server merges. We can play again. We can start to earn gear.


    Then you go and include Ranked WZs today...which most players from dead servers are undergeared still.


    Is getting rolled by teams in Full WH gear worse than being on a dead server? I dunno. But this is a sick joke, imo. GG.

  16. On Death Wind Corridor, I have trouble logging in to see more than 50 people online total. Our server is not up for transfer yet, which makes me wonder, "How bad were the other servers?"


    It took me 2 months to complete my weekly lvl 50 pvp mission. WZ pops once a week or two. I think Infinity Gate (Republic) was a bad as there is out there...


    (Only reason I finally knocked out my weekly from April is due to resubs this week hoping for a transfer....someday.)

  17. We will continue the process of monitoring and releasing new origins and destinations as long as we need to. I know that's vague, but it really is a process that requires us to proceed by reacting to the data we have. When we can get more specific, we will (it's always the goal to give details as soon as we're able to), but right now I don't have an estimate as to when we would be done opening servers to transfer.


    - If youse guys decide to halt transfers.....can you please sneak in Infinity Gate first?

    - If the server for Infinity Gate ever goes offline....can I buy if from BW so I can throw it in the Gulf of Mexico?

    - If I do a good deed, like for charity or something, will youse guys push Infinity Gate to the top of the next transfer list?

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