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Posts posted by Peppzz

  1. Hi Rob


    It was intreresting reading the article about you.

    I have a couple of questions:


    I play a lvl 50 Arsenal Merc in pvp.

    Are you planning to do anything about the DPS , burst or crit on this character

    so we can be that "cannon platform" we where supposed to be as a role in a pvp team?


    Second question:

    Are you going to do anything about the survivability against multipple opponents?

    we have little or none options to get a way from a lethal situation like other chars that can stun more, stealth or run fast.

    The 12 sec shield is not much to have im afraid.


    Third question:

    The pvp vendors does not sell the right type of relics.

    Instead of Elite Warhero it just sells Warhero

    So i guess we have to run to other wendors to buy the relics as i did.

    And the Elite Earpiece have stats wich i dont are shure that are better than the old one due to lower

    hitpoints i get with that. (its to much red stats when compared with the older one)



    Many players i spoke to that have played or tried the Bounty Hunter dps is mainly dissapointed with it due to the nerfs that it gone through and rather play other chars thats are more "favored" and better to play in pvp.

    The all ower dps is pretty medioker theese days compared to other classes.


    I struggle every day many hours in War Zones cause i just love the Bountyhunter as a character and the way to play it.

    And really try to get good scores after a match.

    I recently seen that i quickly get targeted by multiple characters that pretty quick kill me of if they have decent gear.

    I dont know if i should be flattered by that or if its just that they know that our Heavy Armour is as useless as cloth!!!


    Anyway i still !!!LOVE!!! the game but its often a letdown when i see so many things about this character that never improves.

    All i have seen is just making the class weaker and other stronger.



    And hope you read this. :)

  2. Hi Rob


    It was intreresting reading the article about you.

    I have a couple of questions:


    I play a lvl 50 Arsenal Merc in pvp.

    Are you planning to do anything about the DPS , burst or crit on this character

    so we can be that "cannon platform" we where supposed to be as a role in a pvp team?


    Second question:

    Are you going to do anything about the survivability against multipple opponents?

    we have little or none options to get a way from a lethal situation like other chars that can stun more, stealth or run fast.

    The 12 sec shield is not much to have im afraid.


    Third question:

    The pvp vendors does not sell the right type of relics.

    Instead of Elite Warhero it just sells Warhero

    So i guess we have to run to other wendors to buy the relics as i did.

    And the Elite Earpiece have stats wich i dont are shure that are better than the old one due to lower

    hitpoints i get with that. (its to much red stats when compared with the older one)



    Many players i spoke to that have played or tried the Bounty Hunter dps is mainly dissapointed with it due to the nerfs that it gone through and rather play other chars thats are more "favored" and better to play in pvp.

    The all ower dps is pretty medioker theese days compared to other classes.


    I struggle every day many hours in War Zones cause i just love the Bountyhunter as a character and the way to play it.

    And really try to get good scores after a match.

    I recently seen that i quickly get targeted by multiple characters that pretty quick kill me of if they have decent gear.

    I dont know if i should be flattered by that or if its just that they know that our Heavy Armour is as useless as cloth!!!


    Anyway i still !!!LOVE!!! the game but its often a letdown when i see so many things about this character that never improves.

    All i have seen is just making the class weaker and other stronger.



    And hope you read this. :)

  3. Please do some about the survivability on the Arsenal Mercenary .

    First of all i think you should give back the kickback on rocketpunch.

    and also 30m on electrodart.


    Its very strange that a char with Heavy armor lasts shorter that a char in light armor.


    The scoundrel healer has way to much advantages over all other characters.


    Its not fun to play pvp when its so unfair between the roles.


    Please do something about the Bountyhunter.

    As i see it the developers dont give a sh... about it.

    You havent even fixed the Elite pvp gear ventor yet who still dont sell right relics... that say's a lot!!!!

    The feel of this char is that it is very broken in pvp.


    And i understand that many stops playing it.


    I still struggle on to get the best gear.. but its soon to that level of dissapointment that i will probably

    stop playing this game if nothing is made soon.


    All you have done is nerfed it when some chars got just better...

  4. Seriously? I don't want to be utterly negative here, but pvp is one of the most ignored part of the game for the moment... how many times did we get the usual "we are looking into it" stuff, and yet nothing happens. How can you allow these things to go on for MONTHS? I actually don't mind if a class is a bit OP, I can deal with it (lolsmash maras), it happens. But what pisses me off is that mercenary class in basically non-existent in pvp, as well as dps operatives. And these are not beind addressed. How come? They are clearly broken, no doubt about it. And nothing is done about it. I don't even want to mention the also non-existent world pvp. Yeah, it's easier to just scrap it and never talk about it again... but is it something the players like... hell no. Ofc there comes the other problem with the engine capabilities, which is another topic.


    So, to sum up, yo had plenty of feedback on these matters from the pvp community, and you say you appreciate it. Well, I don't think so. If you did, you would have done something about these issues by now. These are not problems introduced in the latest patch, they are around for quite a while. So what are you waiting for exactly?


    I totally agree.

    I am both angry and sad about what they have done to Mercs.

    I have played since start and se how the bit by bit destroyd the function of this class in pvp.

    Sometimes i think the dev probably hate this class.

    You have not done anything good for this type oc class on both sides

    the only useful thing it got was the ability to break an attack in 30m

    The rocketpunch is more or less useless now after the kickback is gone.

    and the dps and survivability (against mele classes) needs to be better so we get a role again in a pvp team.

    Please please please do something about this.

    I really love the game but this is so frustrating for me as a pvp player.

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