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Posts posted by Keese

  1. I use a 5 button mouse + a Nostromo n52 Speedpad with a D-Pad that I can use ith my thumb. Ive got W Q E bound to the thumb pad ( no S for me ) and then I use my mouse thumb buttons for the Alt/Ctrl Modifiers. With the Speedpad I can have a total of 42 Keybinds. I could have more if I took the time to set up the On the Fly Profile button locate just above the D-Pad.


    Looking at the instructions I could theoretically have 126 total keybinds all at the fingertips of my left hand.

  2. Im wondering if the 2 are sperate in the Que system? Like can I que for ONLY 4v4 Regs or are the 8v8 maps included in the rotation?


    While I might enjoy the 4v4 with a group of friends, I wouldnt want to que for them solo. Id rather have the option of an 8v8 only que for solo que'ing.


    Also while Im thinking of it, can a group of 4 still que for 8v8 Only? If not then that should reduce the headache of solo que vs getting steamrolled by two 4 Man Team Super Ques.

  3. I think most people in this thread are not getting the original intent of the OPs post. This is a post about the fact that Treek is the first CONTENT that Subscribers dont have access to unless we PAY for it like we're F2P.


    Im in agreement with the OP I think its a sign of whats to come down the road from BW/EA. Pretty soon Subscribers wont be that much different from the F2P/Preffered customers.


    Now to adress the posts about people saying the Companions should disapear when wpvp is initiated........lol Me thinks someone got creamed with a Heroic Moment ability string. I love being on my Level 55 and having HK out in full gear and then getting jumped. I use Hero Mom right off. Dirty Kick do some damage and when they CC break on my Dirty Kick I follow up with a Heroic Moment Dirty kick and drop XS Flyby and Legacy Orbital Strike and watch em melt. :D

  4. Nah bro, no hax, its intercede to an operative !!! The operative was in stealth that is how they capped :rolleyes::rolleyes:


    Im hoping this was sarcasm and not a serious attempt to explain what happened lol You considering the guy capping in the video was a Shadow and not a Guardian that actually can intercede to a stealthed unit.

  5. I've never done it as it takes more effort than I usually put forth, but essentially it goes like this: max ranked comms --> then max warzone comms --> then buy 1 900 comm weapon --> max comms again --> buy new 900 comm weapon --> sell 1st weapon back for full refund --> buy new 900 comm weapon

    At that point you have 2 weapons with a refund value of 900 each, both sporting a 2 hour return window.


    Rinse and repeat until you hit 55. Very labor intensive to have 18 of them, but hey full min/max partisan immediately.


    I've juggled 30 weapons on one toon I leveled. Maxed RWZ Comms at 46 and then just weapon juggled till 55. Had MH/OH Conq and full Part as soon as I dinged 55.

  6. Doesn't the game already auto turn you when you cast? You should be using your mouse to move regardless.


    Like I stated above the initial keypress needs to be while facing your target then the Auto-turn kicks in I think.


    Again learning to Keybind effectively and mouse turning your camera can alieviate problems in fighting against melee players using the step-through/circle round method of avoiding the start of a cast timer/channel timer.

  7. Dunno if this is a bug or a brand new hack. I had it a couple of times lately. I press a key but nothing happens. I'm not stunned, mezzed or interrupted and the GCD animation runs normally, but the ability doesn't shoot. Strange, this.


    I belive this is what happens when you get the Ability Animation Hitch. Your toon will lock up mid animation.

  8. Auto-turning in PvP is Cruise control for bad pvp lol If you play an MMO with auto-turning then IMO its just baaaaaaaad. If you want to play well as a ranged caster/dps use keybinds for your abilities and then use your mouse for turning your toon to face your targets.


    Also this game has something like auto-turn I think. You just have to already be casting when the Melee target starts running around or through you. I could swear my Sage ( who is Balance Spec'd ) will turn to follow my target while channeling Telekenetic Throw.

  9. U mad bro? At least Sniper/Slinger roll has a CD, and the bomb thing isn't an exploit, it's a glitch. Call a spade a spade.


    Scamper does not cost a **** ton of energy, especially for Scrappers. 21 energy>walk 3 steps>full energy again.


    A glitch like the Sniper/GS Hight Tail it ability when used to drop the bombs in one place is a glitch till it becomes repeatable with ease, then it crosses over into Exploit Territory. Using a Glitch to gain and advantage of any kind is an exploit.


    P.S. I should point out that when the above mentioned glitch is used its called "wall banging". Its such a popular exploit now ( IE used so much ) its even got its own name LOL. Its kind of easy to set up a wall bang too apparently especialy if you have 2 people coordinating it over VoiP Chat.


    1. Vanguard/PT or Shadow/Sin says to GS/Sniper "Hey bud found the healer go set up for a wall bag!" They then position themselves to Pull and stun the Healer ( or any target for that matter ) onto the Slinger/Snipe and execute the wall bang and kill the healer in a mostly 1 shot move.


    2. Same as 1 but with Jug/Guard instead of pulling they can just force push>charge to root and Force Choke/Stasis the target in place while the target takes damage from the Bombs.

  10. Not tonight on the Bastion its not, with stealth bomb planters it is easy. In just one match we saw 3 stealth bomb plants and 1 stealth bomb defuse.


    I wish BioWare would take the hacking in PVP seriously. Its ruining the game.


    I dont think this is an exploit so much as the game isnt loading the stealther breaking stealth to plant fast enough. Ive run into this issue too.


    I think its just a poor coding issue on the client side thats causing the Stealthers not to show up right away in the middle of a fight. Seems to me the more abilities going off around me ( IE Combat Log spam ) the less the client can keep up with it and render it on your screen.

  11. I've played several rated games on my Con. Operative, the reduced cost of the roll is fantastic for huttball, and i've rarely failed to cap the enemy's off node. But then again, my server isn't exactly an amazing pvp server.



    Dodge is a cleanse.




    Here's what I believe to be the best rotation:

    Acid Blade >Hidden Strike >Backstab >Shiv >Laceration x3 >Cloaking Screen and repeat


    Where's your Sabatage Charge in that rotation?


    When I play Scrapper/Concealment I do AB>HS>BS>Debilitate>Probe>Laceratex2. And if they target it almost dead I'll do a Overload Shot ( whatever the Instant Cast is called ) If the target hasnt died. Ive still got a TA/UH usually before I Cloak Screen and go for the rinse and repeat. You never want to spend all your TA/UH as a Scrap/Concealment spec cause they give you an increase in damage.

  12. Heres my guide to forming a premade team :


    Premading Made EZ


    1. /1 Looking for 7 more for Premade WZ! PST FOR INVITE.


    2. Repeat 1 until group is full.


    3. Count down in Ops Chat for both groups to queue at the same time.


    4. When the Queue Pops send 1 person from each group to check and see if both groups of the Ops will be in the same WZ on the same team.


    5. If 4 shows that both groups are on the same team everyone take the queue and enjoy.


    Now this only covers HOW to make a premade. Its up to you and your team mates to play the objectives call out incs ect ect.


    Quit *****in about groups of players from the same guild queu'ing up together to play a game that ENCOURAGES group play. If you dont like it then lump it. Stop trying to get BW to add another few hundred lines of code to the game that will end up being Bugged for a year before it gets fixed and works properly.

  13. I have noticed a few times as of late, people planting bombs and defusing them while being shot and/or with AOE's going off all around them.


    That is getting a bit annoying, attacking someone while watching the timer just run and then "Alert" or "Bomb defused".


    I think that might be the result of some talents. Arent there some talents that increase Defense ( read Resist/Dodge/Block) by 100% for a couple seconds?


    Oh and also when doing AoE if the target is on a node and it LoS from you, you need to place the center of the AoE Targeting Reticle so that the center is not effected by LoS.

  14. I think its a client side bug/glitch/lag for when stealthers break out of stealth. Ive noticed that it take a few seconds sometimes for a stealther to completely render on my screen. During this time I cannot click on or tab to a target effected by this bug. It really sucks when I suddenly start taking damage from a Sin/Shadow or Scound/Op from behind and I cant target them to CC or attack back.
  15. it would be nice if BW would level the in WZ respeccing playing field by


    • providing respec (skill tree, quickbar mapping and gear change) as part of the in game UI
    • eliminate external respeccing macro advantage. E.g. by having the respec commit (and in game auto-respec) take a period of time (e.g. 10 seconds or what ever is deemed best for the game).


    I would actually prefer for respec to be disabled once a player has entered the warzone playing field. This would restrict the whole respec macro question to after WZ is known but before the match has begun. In this scenario a 4 second respec macro confers little or no advantage over manual clicking.


    Of course the question of "does respeccing on the playing field (after WZ has begun) make the game more interesting or less interesting?" is a separate discussion.


    I actually know of 2 other MMOs that disable Field Respecing ( Dual Spec Swapping ) after the WZ/BG timer begins. So basicly Bioware could potentially set it up so that Respecing is Disable after the WZ Pre-Match Timer reaches zero.

  16. Yesterday or the day day before that I saw a duel on Hoth - level 55 Jedi against level 50 ? Scoundrel - Scoundrel won.

    How ? Well, the Scoundrel had a self-healing ability, after all ...


    That just sounds like a poorly skill level 55. Scoundrels and Agents arent THAT all powerful.

  17. Anytime you get more than 2 healers cross healing each other you arent going to kill them.....or rather it will be very difficult. You best bet is to try to CC the 2 off healers in a way that allowsa you to kill them 1 at a time. Thats what AoE Mezzes are for. Also you gotta time those Interupts like perfect but its still possible to do just takes a lot of coordination. But you were talking about a Pre-made vs Pug situation I think in which case just go defend a base and get your 4 Medals can hope you dont get the same pre-made the next queue pop lol
  18. Seriously folks enough of the whining about friggen Scamper/Exfiltrate.


    Instead of complaining how about some contrustive suggestions on how to balance it? Here Ill make the first attempt and then you guys can make some suggestions.


    I propose that when an Agent or Scoundrel uses thier roll ability it adds a debuff to them ( can call it Dizzy or something similar ). This debuff will last 20 seconds and stack up to 3 times. If and when an Agent or Scoundrel hit the 3 stack mark, the ability goes on cool down till the Debuff falls off.


    In my opinion this should reduce the about of rolling spam in WZ and still leave the ability with the same energy cost and instant cool down and require more intelligent use of the ability instead of the constant spammage we see of it. It should keep people from being able to roll x 3 hitting thier energy return ( Adrenal Probe/Cool Head ) and roll x 3 again every 2 minutes.

  19. I use a nostromo Speedpad with the mpvement keys maped to the D-Pad for my left hand thumb and then I use a 5 button mouse with the 2 thumb buttons set as alt and ctrl for modified keybinds. I never have to touch my keyboard except to chat or open UI Elements in game.
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