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Posts posted by xobobox

  1. I was leveling a sin tank during 2x XP. If I tried to get agro on a target this marauder would instantly switch to another target like it was his job. When I asked him to," please stay on my target" so I wasn't constantly chasing threat the dude says "S.T.F.U.". After the 3rd wipe I quit the FP and explained to the guy why he was wiping the group then I blocked him. I don't need to get angry while I'm trying to have fun. This guy switches to another character and starts whispering me for help. When I don't answer he whispers me with a big nasty message telling me how much I suck and that I don't have any achievements. Funny, I've been a paid subscriber since launch, I have 10 characters, 7 of which are 55s, my achievements for that particular FP are at %100, and I've defeated all of the HM content except The Dread Council. Of corse, this dude blames the tank for losing threat when he's running all over the place attacking every F'n target he can, including CC'd targets.


    Threat management is not just the tank's responsibility. It's on the DPS to not grab threat. It's also their responsibility to drop threat and/or stop attacking if there's someone on them.


    TAKE HEED NOOBS. :rolleyes:

  2. I was in this flashpoint with my Sorc heals. There's an assassin tank. I was over geared for the run but I was still having trouble keeping the tank's health up. I inspect his gear and find he's running with a focus in is offhand. I'm like "DUDE!!, you can't tank with no damn focus for your offhand. You need a shield generator, You'd be dead 10 time over If my gear wan't so pimp" :D He's like " Why? I do more damage this way." I had to scold him until he left and bought a generator.
  3. "Pinning Fire" and "Afterburners" in the Arsenal skill tree, along with "Hydraulic Override" with help lots when dealing with melee DPS in PvP. Use any movement impairing abilities and get away from them. I don't have an exact rotation for dealing with melee. It's mostly situational. Some combo of "Jet Boost" knock back and the slowed movement speed from "Unload"/w "Pinning Fire". Or I'll root them with rocket punch and pop "Hydraulic Override" to get out of there. Also drop electro net if it's up. Try to save something for after they pop force speed so they can't catch up to you.



    Additionally, the electro net hinders the target, preventing the use of high mobility actions and escapes such as charges, vanishes, and speed boosts. Lasts 9 seconds


    My PVP build:


  4. Maybe the ability to backpedal at the regular forward running speed for a period of time would be great. You could use the current jet animation for the recharge that slightly lifts you off the ground and you'd be able to cast while escaping.


    I know I just said above that we didn't need more escape abilities, but :rolleyes:

  5. In Terms of PVP,


    The Mercenary community has been asking for a disengage ability for quite some time now. The ability to use my jetpack to put some extra distance between myself and a opponent would be nice. Many of our opponents have better escape abilities than we do such as stealth/vanishing moves. Plus the bounty hunters have a jetpack that is hardly even used. Having this ability or seeing the return of the knockback effect on Rocket punch would be greatly appreciated.


    I disagree for Arsenal spec. With Afterburners, Pining Fire, Hydraulic Override, and Electro Net you can gain plenty of distance these days. I use rocket punch(w/ afterburner for root) and pop H.O. That gets you out of there plenty fast. Also, the extra Jet boost knock back you gain with afterburner combined with electronet or pinning fire keeps the smash monkeys at bay just fine. AS long as all my stuff isn't on cool down I'm not scared of any of those Mother F'ers these days.


    I find the biggest problem playing a merc in unranked matches is the class prejudice that was cemented into the minds of pre-2.0 PVPers. You used to be able to feel the eye roll when you'd show up in a WZ. You'd get focused first, because you were the easy kill. Healers would pass over you and focus on the "good classes".


    Last week I was running unranked with guild members and I went undefeated and got 1.2million dmg. I was consistently at the top of the chart in DMG and kills. STOP THE MERC HATE!. Hug a merc today.:D


    P.S. This is more of a general change than a merc specific but here it goes. It would be nice to be able to re-spec just a few points by right clicking, rather than the full reset we have now. Running PVP and PVE I usually only need to swap out 4-6 points.

  6. I pray this is the case. The heat build-up and dps reduction made pve nearly unplayable. I felt as squishy as a sorc with less damage output and less effective heals. I'll run a repair when I get home and try again tonight, but it would be nice to see a BW response on this. Between the "mouse fart" sound effects bh abilities now produce, dps reduction, heat increase....well...let's just say I'm not really enjoying the gameplay (HUGE fan of this class prior to the latest patch. My lvl 50 sent is getting zero playtime since I discovered arsenal merc).


    The heat increase is the most noticeable for me. I'm maxing out in the middle of what would have been only 1/2 of my rotation previously. Plus, removing the knock-back from rocket punch is killing me. It should have been buffed to add the root to the knock-back. Now I'm just rooting a marauder in my face so he can pull of a melee ability plus force scream and saber throw as I try to scurry my *** away. Oh yea!!! I'm rooted from force leap. Never mind, I meant I'm just dying lots.


    I was doing well in WZ before 1.4. Now it's close to unplayable. I was also a fan of tis class, now, not so much. It makes me a little pissed I spent time collecting a full War Hero set, all with augments. LAME!


    Oh yea, I can only play on "VERY LOW" graphics settings now. Compared to "LOW or "MEDIUM" before. But that's another thread.

  7. and don`t forget to always throw the ball to a healer or someone with less than 10% hp !!


    This drives me bat **** crazy as a healer. I'm standing in front of the ball carrier with less than %50 health. I'm healing the crap to of them or about to pull them to my position and I get a pass. 4 shots later I'm dead and dumb-*** is attacking the NEW ball carried on the other team. Face-palm WZ. Even if your in the pit and I'm near the end zone DO NOT PASS IT TO ME!!!! I'm there to pull you up and heal. I'm wearing a bikini top. How long can I possibly last?

  8. I've got 2 lvl 50 characters, one is in full war hero gear. I'm saying I've played plenty of PvP. I still don't know what to call in void star on defense. Does left/right refer to the mini-map/attacker-spwwn perspective or defensive-spawn perspective?


    I always call something but it seems like somewhat of a s!@# show.


    I think the mini map should flip when on defense to correspond with your perspective from the respawn location.

  9. My arsenal Merc is fine. I played 5 matchs this morning. The only real problem I had was that everyones expertise was jacked in comparison.


    TM and PS now generate 16 Heat(down from 25), and has a 2-second activation time (up from 1.5), but Muzzle Fluting lowers the cast time of TM and PS by .5 back to the original 1.5 cast time. Same cast time, less heat.


    They took 10% damage from PS and gave it to HS which is fine with me. I wasn't using powershot much in the first place and HS damage increases 5% with each heat signature applied. Even more damage! Now I have almost no reason to use PS. HS now also takes into account the correct number of heat signatures on the target.


    DFA just had the radius changed a bit. It actually begins dealing damage sooner after activation.


    They also significantly increased the chance for "Barage" to occur from TM and PS


    As far as I can tell WE JUST GOT BUFFED DUDE!:D


    Get some better PVP gear. You'll be fine.



  10. My arsenal Merc is fine. I played 5 matchs this morning. The only real problem I had was that everyones expertise was jacked in comparison. TM and PS now generate 16 Heat(down from 25), and has a 2-second activation time (up from 1.5), but Muzzle Fluting lowers the cast time of TM and PS by .5 back to the original 1.5 cast time. Same cast time, less heat.


    They took 10% damage from PS and gave it to HS which is fine with me. I wasn't using powershot much in the first place and HS damage increases 5% with each heat signature applied. Even more damage! Now I have almost no reason to use PS. HS now also takes into account the correct number of heat signatures on the target.


    DFA just had the radius changed a bit. It actually begins dealing damage sooner after activation.


    They also significantly increased the chance for "Barage" to occur from TM and PS


    As far as I can tell WE JUST GOT BUFFED DUDE!:D


    Get some better PVP gear. You'll be fine.



  11. 02.08.2012 , 11:50 PM

    I wanted to also address concerns about the Public Test Server. We're working towards enabling character transfers so you can move your own character across and test new patches. Other ideas to allow the testing of high-level content have been explored, but ultimately character transfer is what we want to allow for everyone.

    Stephen Reid | Senior Online Community Manager


    They're trying to hook it up. They just don't know how yet.:D

  12. Well forget AoE I've seen plenty of people just run straight up to my CC'd target and attack him with regular attacks.



    What he said.


    This shouldn't just be an open letter to DPS players. I've watched plenty of tanks run right up to character I just use Force Lifted. :t_rolleyes::t_rolleyes: I definitely give a heads up before I do it too. I like to mark the character with a lightsaber. :sy_lightsaber:

  13. I'm looking for my low population server to be merged with another. Right after the free subscriptions were up my server became barren. I haven't been able to find anyone for a heroic mission or flashpoint for days :jawa_frown::jawa_frown:. I've been moving through my story and PVP only. MAKE IT HAPPEN (bioware) PEOPLES!!!!!!!!!
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