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Posts posted by Shiftius

  1. why is it so hard to grasp that the 20th 3x the people that pre-ordered the game will purchase the game and it will be server *****torm, if they can't handle to let the people that pre-ordered the game in, how do they expect to survive the 20th? Contrary to most of the people on the forums 90% of people do not pre-order things.


    <<work at gamestop

    << midnight release for MW3 sell 700 copies

    << day MW3 actually came out sell 5,000 copies

    << where the hell were all these people at midnight release?

    << oh ya they are lazy and didn't preorder.

    <<20th == server *****torm INC


    Mostly, i agree with you. But about the midnight launch rant... Normal people sleep at night, not go out and buy vidya games.

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