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Posts posted by Aetla

  1. The game was designed without world PvP in mind. It was added as an after thought.


    I agree,


    It's a design choice/issue not about the faction population nor anything else. It is designed to be so... It's the major flaw for any PvP oriented gamer who looks for challenge as well as progressing and completing the PvE objectives.


    SWToR PvP is highly instanced and restricted. Just like saying sign for WZ or go Ilum if you seek some PvP action and it's so annoying. Kills the freedom and spontaneous challenges and forces you to become a WZ club membership.


    Anyways, its their choice to shape that game in that way and all we can do is raising our voices and keep posting on that matter. Some may agree some may not but its the best and civil way to sharing thought in a gaming community.


    I thank you for the message and wishes the best, :)

  2. Ilum is not the so called world PvP. It's just a larger mini game with multiple objective.


    World PvP is challenging the other players while questing, leveling and progressing.

  3. Forum posts dont make people quit but the unsubs and statiting the very reasons do.


    This is not a call of any boycott any unsub campaign which is pointless.


    IMO, Bioware shall examine and try to understand why the gamers leave it and what do they say before quit. If they look at the reasons and see the "PvP" then the fingers point who is responsible of certain department.


    Put aside the gaming industry thats how the job runs in RL. If someone trusted me on a matter and i fail then i'm the responsible. Simple as that...


    There's no need to point Gabe and asking for his firing.


    If i've been in shoes of Bioware' lead figures i'd call a public survey amongst the paying and quitted SWToR players. It's not that late to talk on doom n gloom but there are something needs to be fixed and even redesign before too late.


    This is an open call for a survey Bioware,


    Ask people what do they wish to see in game, what needs to be fixed and many more


    If you're really care of your customers thoughts and expectations pleas do this,


    Analyze that,


    and tell us what are you gonna do about it.

  4. IMO he points the restrictions and faction instancing while progressing.


    PvP is all about premade contents of war zones and wonderland of Ilum. Real open world PvP is a ghost. That's why i canceled my sub and wait for upcoming patches and changes on that matter. I won't repeat the cliche arguement of great PvE and fail PvP bla bla.


    TBH it was suprising thing to play in PvP server but leveling and progressing like in a PvE server. I was not expecting such a thing. I've been rolled in PvP server for a reason.


    Anyways, i hope Bioware focus more on PvP and provide the gamers more challenging content and expand the PvP zones in questing areas.


    Good luck and have fun :)

  5. "most experienced"


    Sounds exciting when you see on paper but in the end and see the results its hard to believe such a thing.


    PvP in SWToR somehow and still wondering the very certain reason, is highly restricted and instanced.


    Releasing new warzones won't make a real difference at all. I believe majority of the playerbase is know what is this about. It basicly works like typical FPS maps of Battlefield series or Quake, Unreal et cetera... Objective based mumbo jumbo... It's not a bad implementation though as long as it won't be the major "content" of "PvP".


    Even if you're die hard premade content fan you'll such bore of this after grinding that content package daily basis. Even the tokens, relics, expertises and other trinkets won't make a difference. You unlock that armor, this gun so what else?


    Real beauty of PvP is open world PvP. Spontaneous challenges against random people. Constant feel of danger. While exploring the galaxy, trying to complete your story you compete against the other players.


    Solo, group and even Zerg it really does not matter...


    However, while you are progress in SWToR everything designed so secured and safe even in a PvP server. Without any "problem" you level your toon like a droid and complete your tasks.


    People roll chars in PvP servers for a reason Bioware.


    While you pull out the element of suprise and danger which are the finest motives of a PvP gamer you just cripple the game. And your most experienced developers approve that?


    If you won't sign for a War Zone match you level up until mid game without any single fight?


    Is this normal?


    Long term content is not just about content packages its purely a self motive of becoming a good player. Achieving this leads you to dedication of mastering your class and knowing your rivals. It takes time and its a harsh way to become better.


    War Zones are group therapy for addicts and ease some pain but real open world PvP is the real challenge. You go War Zones for relaxing when you need to take a breath not to make "PvP". War Zones are like boxing rings where you need to be a act and fight like a pro but streets and slums are where the real challenge happens and where the good fighters rise.


    I love premades and instanced challenges a lot but they do not sole represetatives of PvP.


    I hope Bioware reconsider the situation and extend the world PvP, combine questing zones for rival factions and allow them to communicate each other.


    If they insist on releasing "zone" contents and instancing.


    SWToR is one of the greatest MMO project ever in gaming industry but it lacks seriosly on designing mentality and higly controlled and restricted challenge factor.


    I'm just a simple gamer and wanted share my thoughty from a gamer to gamers.


    My two cents

  6. Expand!



    PvP is not all about instanced and restricted "nasty" pack of action.


    Bring us the real open world PvP. While, questing, gathering, traveling... In questing zones. Combine the questing zones of Republic and Imperials.


    Heavy instancing is a killing blow Bioware!


    We already fed up with instanced PvP. SWToR is not the first for the majority of your player base including me.


    If you don't expand the open world PvP you'll lose PvP gamer player base slowly but surely. You can't expect from the people to grind war zone relics and Ilum "Sitzkrieg" all day long.


    Removing the PvP from questing zones was a fatal mistake. Please reconsider the situation.

  7. Open world PvP is kinda joke. There are too many private instances for factions. While leveling your character time to time you feel yourself rolled a char in PvE server.


    As a PvPer i cannot see a proper long term motivation.


    Warzone grind? No thanks...

    Ilum? If there's a real challenge which is none novadays. Why not...




    If i had a chance way back to day that i paid the game. I'd not do that and wait until PvP considered seriously and structured as a long term content.


    Now, compared to PvE elements and amazingly well crafted storyline and questing PvP is failing bad. And releasing the game in that shape is a shame. Sorry for being harsh but its a bitter reality IMO.

  8. PvP is not just about instanced and predesigned mini games so called the Warzone's and Ilum.


    Where the Bioware failed to provide us a proper world PvP as well as design issues of both instanced PvP content packages.


    Playing in a PvP server means while you quest and advance by leveling you're open to challenges of other players hostile actions. However, leveling in SWToR is pretty secure and this is an absurdity.

  9. Honestly, for a LOT of people, it's not trolling or anything. It's because they fear what TOR represents. What TOR represents is stagnation. Like it or not, TOR rips off WoW just as much as any other wow clone. But if TOR manages to be successful it will tell every other developer "oh look, all we need to do to get an easy cash cow is to copy wow and use a popular IP!" However on the flipside, if TOR were to fail it'd send the message that no matter what names you slap on your game, if it's a wow clone, it will fail. So by failing it will send a message throughout the industry that wow clones don't sell, and thus they may be inclined to actually try something else that might actually make money.


    They should have been aware of cloning would fail! I was talking to my Hardcore WoW veteran friends just couple of days ago. They already started the SWToR and i asked the similarities between two games. They replied "a lot" and continued to talk "we were expecting something different and more".


    So yeah, just because people want tor to fail doesn't mean they're trolls or just haters, it's because they legitimately fear for the fate of the MMO genre.


    I couldn't agree more... This is not about the titles. It's all about the MMO gaming' dull and clone development attitude. Developers and publishers are so afraid to take risks and try something new on that genre.


    SWToR has anything new but voice acting, brilliant storytelling like a RPG game? Nothing radical, innovative, bold and risky stuff there. Highly sterile, restricted and constructed PvP.


    Until the people dry out the story and PvE content SWToR shall live its good days but after that it's gonna lose people slowly and become a F2P game if:


    Bioware don't think twice and work hard on providing quality content on "player vs player" as a whole! Combat is already has no different neither requires any skill just like any Korean MMO game. Point click spam ability spam more... That's terrible... Even failed Age of Conan tried to do something new for gods sake.


    Whats wrong with you Bioware?


    Your real intend is making a colossal milestone game or just another MMO game?

  10. Guys why do you always focus on the negative?


    You can call a friend and gank the ganker :) Infact, setting traps, engaging with someone who thinks better and smarter than you and defeating him is priceless. Expecting from people to be "fair" in PvP server is pointless. So, don't be that naive. PvP in server is best when you form a group and fight against a group.


    That needs some time and demands from player to become a teamplayer. If you become one then you become a good PvP gamer. PK individuals, campers... They're worthless because they always lose against organized players and try to prey on weak.


    Good and mature PvP gamers value on team tactics and theyre good team players first.


    İgnore the obsessed ;)

  11. No thanks. Plenty of WPvP games out there, none of them are currently competing directly with WoW or SWTOR in numbers. There's a reason for that. I prefer my game not to suck between prime times.


    So, there's no need to giving server titles as PvP and PvE.


    Then just give a name not a title...


    What makes a difference? Gimmick rulesets? Cosmetic name?



    - - -


    Who loves to level up in extreme in sterile, secure and friendly zones then roll PvE.


    Who loves the opposite, open to any challenge, focused on bringing down the player not the mobs, while enjoying the lore and story then this is PvP.


    PvP is not when you tired to kill mobs and level up signing to minigames and warzones to relax and take a break. In a PvP server PvP should be every possible place in "open world". Put aside the hubs, trade centers, class story zones its ok to restrict PvP in such areas but theres a huge galaxy to offer us.


    This is not being hardcore this is the very challenging essence of PvP.


    Somehow new trend in gaming industry based on protecting lazy kids and nerds who seek quick results no risk, no possibility of lose... Good, with the minimum skill and dedication you become a god while grinding commendations. No sweat, no adrenaline and no hardwork.


    If anything offers a max entartainment while demanding min effort i call it addiction.

    If anything offers a new world while demanding extreme hardwork i call that perfection.


    In a PvP this is all what we need

  12. If you join one,prepare to be ganked or however you wanna call it.PvP servers shouldn't be a pony ranch where you can level without the fear of being killed by other players.




    If you put aside that "risk factor" then what's the real purpose of rolling a char in a PvP server?


    Essence of playing in PvP server is "quoted for the truth" look above and re read the HerrFett' summary...


    However, in PvP numbers mean nothing. Organized PvP group crush pack of sheeps. Any PvP gamer know that truth and try to hone their group PvP skills and team play. You become a better PvP player when you real figure out how to be a working and efficient part of a whole.


    My two cents and thanks HerrFett. Great manifest indeed.

  13. Great!


    Who loves gank, spontaneous challenges, becoming a PK or hunting down a PK, group vs group and even zerg vs zerg. Not only in premade warzones...


    In natural beauty of galaxy or beautifully crafted city planets, shady corners of Nar Shaddaa and many other planets...


    Put your thoughts and support the cause :)

  14. Hey guys n gals,


    I won't make my point a long confusing story.


    Here is my suggestion on open world PvP.


    Besides the homeworlds and faction specific planets. Questing zones for Empire and Republic needs to be combined into one. No private instancing, no friendly questing zones in PvP servers anymore.


    If you support my suggestion and want to add something more, brainstorming...


    All welcome here,


    May the force be with you

  15. I agree with most but the raiting loss. They tried something like that in EQ2 excuse for PVP and what happen? You had only IWIN groups that stayed near safe spots engaging anything they were certain they'd beat. So no, none of that please, cause the moment someone starts doing it, everyone does.


    That's right!


    Proper way of motivating player is kill and win. If you lose a fight and lose something. Point, valor, money, gear...


    You just trigger a foolish self defence mechanism and people do not take risk. Look for guarantee wins and such absurd stuff.


    If you kill you get the point or something.




    If you're ganked, being killed etc


    None xp, item, money, armor penalty&lost is required. Do not punish the victim. Just encourage him to get his revenge and reward the winner


    Proper motivation is hone your skills and kick **ss next time and get your revenge.

  16. Sweet mother of mercy i think this is gonna be my 100th time: :D


    Combine questing zones for Real Open PvP (RoPvP) :)


    • Space ports, trading centers, medical center ish places are hubs and PvP restricted.
    • No armor penalty, repair cost for PvP deaths.
    • Temp immunity for PvP victims (Breaks on damage)




    • Valor for each kill.
    • No loot no XP + loot loss for being killed.
    • Accessing PvP items via gaining more OPvP valor points.


    Proper motivation is killing more not afraiding of being killed.




    Level capping i think works like a charm, there's no logical benefir neither a motivation of putting lvl 50 beast and lvl 10 babygirls into one cage and expect them to "compete"


    So, here's my suggestions








    And we should able to select desired warzone. I mean i do not like huttball and die for Void Star. Well then give me an option Bioware?


    GG all guys n gals


    My two cents, :)

  17. It's not that hard to combine questing zones into one.


    • Game protects the quest givers, med camps, personal story areas by couple of guards.
    • Immunity for the PvP victim at least 5-10mins. Breaks on damage...
    • No armor penalty for PvP deaths. No cost for repair, nothing! I say again NOTHING
    • Trade centers and hub areas such as spaceports are restricted.


    Open world PvP is a MUST!


    We're in a Galactic scale war for gods sake Bioware :D but you expect us to quest in peace and harmony. If i see a Republican in Space Port before our questing begins should i hug em give my best? Wishes for success?


    Just come' on! :)


    In questing zones i just want to see:


    Fire at will!



    P.S: CptBrit Apoligiez? Np mate That's the forum fever. It happens ;)

  18. You missed my point.


    I do not say


    "hey i don't have a companion hence you shouldn't have"


    I say again:


    If we share the same questing zones, whats going to be "our" companions. While i mean and say "our". I mean us and them as a whole. Reps and Imps as opposing challengers...


    Because companions cause complexity and mess in open world pvp fights.


    Are we clear on my point?

  19. There's a paradoxal design flaw to expand consted areas from private to common for all factions.




    Questing is designed to be completing them as pairs. You and your companion. If Bioware combine Republic and Imperial questing areas that means there will be a huge possibility of engaging opposing faction' player very often.


    So, when someone try to gank you or you do the same thing what's gonna be to your companion?


    Will they join the fight or basicly such fights disable them?


    Just wondering, brainstorming a possible solution but couldn't find any...


    Because, if they join the world PvP everything is gonna be mess for all. Even crippling the challenge in a way of complexity. (Healer companios, DPS and et cetera... your call)


    I strongly support open world pvp and want to share the same questing zones with the opposite faction. That would be a great thing and completes the lacking flavour of RvR element.


    Still, i'm positively waiting an official response from Bioware on:


    PvP gaming, mechanics, design and content as a whole.


    Hope to see some positive reaction in return

  20. "Level to 50 and stop QQ"


    How plain idiocy is that logic... Grow up kids and get some sense of empathy and provoke grey matter activity eh?


    I agree with the OP and


    Putting level caps for warzones just work like a charm. No need to boost lowbie HP and such etc







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