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Posts posted by Federnder

  1. To be fair, the Star Cabal has also changed overtime.


    At first, they didn't want to have much of a direct hand in Galactic Events, else end up overplaying it and... well, basically attracting the attention of people like the IA.

    Therefore, they didn't do much beyond subtle control or direction, probably encouraging rebuilding efforts here, anti-force user sentiment there, etc.

    Wiping out the Jedi, even when their weak and scattered (hey, especially when their weak and scattered) would have been too much effort. Someone always gets away, or notices that the last few Jedi are getting offed. Besides, at this point, they didn't want to annihilate them, only keep them from being a major power. The Jedi had a purpose, just not at the head of Galactic Society.


    As for failing to stop KotOR, they probably didn't know about the Empire then, though they certainly knew before it became widely known. This is a murky area, because there's not a lot of specifics on their history.


    By the time of TOR, the Star Cabal has grown arrogant of their power and influence. They've begun acting much more aggressively in order to fully reignite the war, hopefully to push the Jedi and Sith into killing each other.


    It's also true that the 300 year delay is mostly due to Revan's messing with the Emperor's head. But the information presented in the IA's Act III makes it clear the Star Cabal was messing with the Empire before contact. It's probably safe to assume they capitalized on Revan's efforts, encouraging more cautious activity all around, that the Emperor then made no moves to counter.


    You're right about them not being a legitimate third power, but that's because they're not supposed to be. They are integrated into the Republic, not separate from it. That was largely their point. They're largely pro-Republic, but they're not really concerned with who is incharge, so long as they can exert they're influence and it's not force-users.

  2. What he meant was that the storyline/setting for the game was already written before the comics came out. Indeed, it was probably the first thing fully developed during the game's development period. The comics grew out of this and, being on a much shorter creation period, were released first to add more backstory/satisfy those waiting for the game's story.


    In all likelihood, the comics' stories and the game's story were developed together. One just happened to be released first. So even though the comics are "before" the game, in terms of both release and time period, they were not developed separately then folded into the game's canon. In fact, pretty much all SW EU during this period comes from this game's development (being 300 years since the last games/comics and a couple thousand from the next set of EU works).


    As for me, my happiness at the shoutouts comes from somewhere in between your liking the Old Republic Era comics and VoxTheHero's Tales of the Jedi. I was wondering if they were going to tie in anything from The KotoR comic, and it's nice to see they did. "Carrick" Station, mentioning the Rakghouls' origins as a Sith creation (though, I don't remember if that was established outside of the Comic first), the covering of the basic arc in the Datacron histories. Always fun to see things like that. Too bad I went Imperial first.

  3. I would have to say that most of these entries don't count, while some may. Certain entries are only available to one faction or another, and some are only available to certain classes. I'm fairly certain some just don't count, because of my experience with the "Mutated Colicoid" entry. It is possible to get with some tricky rock jumping, but getting it did not actually increase my number of "found" entries on Balmorra. It's supposed to only be accessible by the SI, but I got it as an IA. It's still recorded in the Codex, but it doesn't count towards completion. I have 3/6, one of which is the "Grandfather" World Boss. I have no idea what the other two are, but since that's less than what's listed up there, I can conclude that some entries have been made so that they are only needed by some classes/factions for completion (ie. those that can actually get them). In addition, there are reports of being unable to get codex interactable items in certain areas as one faction , while being able to get them while playing a character from the other faction.

    I can also say for certain that the "Persons of Interest" specific to each class do not count outside the class, as I only need 3 more entries on Tatooine, and there are much more than that listen in the Persons of Interest for the classes that have them exclusively.


    Not that there aren't bugs or mysteries. The "History of Tatooine" one, for instance, is one entry that we might be able to all get, but I have found no clue of where it might be. The titles may also be bugged, given the huge number still shown in the codex compared to the few we can still get (unless there really are 57 titles accessible by the IA, which I suppose there could be).


    I think that such a list of broken/bugged/missing entries needs to be much more refined. Separating out what isn't needed for which class, and which entries really are messed up.

  4. I find myself at odds here, if only because I'm still not quite sure where I stand on the long term (read: current endgame and beyond) viability of crafting.


    But I think I like the idea of BoP enhancement/skill to armor/weapons the most. I haven't played WoW, but my friend regaled me with stories about the weird and useful, but mostly just interesting, things Engineering could do. Depending on what these skills would be, it might add a bit of fun/chaos to the mix.


    It might also solve some complaints about certain specs/class in a role. Don't have enough interrupts? Bam! Armortech can craft a mod that grants it.


    I also see it as a nice way to shake things up a bit, if only in superficial ways. Might be interesting to have skills that, while they don't wreck the system people have now, shake it up just enough to send people scrambling. Something like summon a mook that mess up the opponents strategy for taking you out. Something to help you beat a hasty retreat from an unfavorable situation. Things to make it potentially possible to completely turn the tables, but not guaranteed to do so.


    Of course, the basic idea of this is what MMO developers always try to do: make a balanced (for whatever the definition of that is) game. The real key here would be making these bonuses not so overpowering to any one skill set.

  5. I just had the most awesome moment in the game last night with my Imperial Agent. She talked the big bad of Chapter 1 into giving up his evil plans of terror and destruction and abandoning his ship and prisoners to her and leaving on a tiny shuttle, asking her to not take revenge on him. It was amazing seeing this powerful character (that my agent's entire team feared) giving in and giving up.


    She caught him contradicting himself and called him on it, revealing his own fear. When he started glowing red and threatening her life in earnest, she said:


    "Kill me if you must. You've already lost."


    He leaves, saying one day he'll be back, and my agent's last line is, "Hurt anyone else, and I'll come looking for you." He replies that never has he known anyone that he hated and respected so much.


    My little non-force user talked the enemy into submission. It was so great.


    That is... pretty awesome. Had no idea it could go down like that. Makes me wish I'd thought to experiment with the dialog a bit more earlier on in the IA story.


    I'm not sure I have a "favorite" line of dialog, especially for the IA where individual lines can be a litte "ho-hum" but the scenes themselves can be pretty awesome. But yeah, pretty much any time you get to do something like Tamyn pulled is great.


    Aside from that, some lines do shine through. When told someone in the Imperial Military has been hiding their force sensitivity, the IA (at the Male one) can say:

    "Why would you hide it? You could be one of them." A little standard, but it's all in the delivery. The emotion behind it is one that clearly shows the IA knows exactly how the Empire's hierarchy works. You could easily interpret it many ways, especially one towards a certain longing for a different kind of position. For all the hate the Male!IA voice actor seems to get, that one line really stood out.


    Another nice point is anytime the Agent changes their accent. Even better, if you're not supposed to be Cipher Nine, the name on the subtitles changes back to your character name, rather than your code name!


    The SI, on the other hand, seems to be the reverse so far. They get great single lines, but I've heard that their story is a little band (Only around level 20 myself). But lines like:


    "Is that fear I smell?" (One of those repeatable ones)

    "Well, first I took a magnet and then a puzzle box..." *The prompt is something like "I had to do a complicated puzzle" when asked about how you got the artifact from the dark temple.*

    "Like a rancor with a rash or..." *When told something might be "unpleasant"*


    Are just amazing. Really give a certain snarkiness to the SI.


    My favorite line though, if I had to choose, may have to be when the SI says, dripping with ironic enthusiasm:

    "I LOVE surprises! :D"

  6. Thanks for the correction, and the catch on the 11 that was simply a typo.

    Hopefully they fix the level 50 cubes soon, I'm sure it will make a lot of people happy :)


    Hrmm... I dunno, are they broken? I mean, it does seem weird for two of the cubes to share stats between the Tech and the Force classes. I haven't really heard about it either way.

  7. To be fair, the Empire originally attacked the Republic for no reason other than to conquer them and take over. The Republic knew perfectly well that If they didn't wipe out all the Sith that they would seek revenge in the future.


    Ah, but can't you use that same justification to totally exterminate all enemies? Because if you don't, surely they'll eventually just start fighting you again?

    It's an understandable justification, but rarely a very grounded or moral one.


    For me, I've always viewed the Jedi Order as inherently leaning more towards what one might generally agree to be a moral good. It's never perfect, and trying to teach people to be paragons of morality from childhood has... not always resulted in the best outcomes. But on the whole, the Jedi tend to go for the whole "let's not be absolute jerks to everyone" and "I think some amount of self sacrifice might lead to a more acceptable world" sort of gooviness than the Sith.

    The issues of rigidity, self righteousness, uncompromising world views, and just general stuffiness are real and worth point out too. These things also tend to lead more towards the whole "crusading, slippery slope dark side" sort of fall too.


    The Sith on the other hand... well, they're basically out to manufacture a bunch of sociopathic psychopaths. While the Jedi teaching might lead to this, the Sith sort of have it as a stated goal. This doesn't mean that Sith are any more inherently "bad" than Jedi are inherently "good," and certainly "good" Sith are not a theoretical impossibility, but... well, the Sith aren't very big on being generally swell people unless they'd be too much trouble to just kill off.


    When it get's right down to it, Jedi generally try not to be jerks, and Sith... don't. But the Sith don't always see being a jerk as the end goal, it just sort of tends to... happen. That's about a morally clear as we're going to get on the issue.


    As for the civilizations they support, they can basically go either way. The Empire was way more ingrained and social acceptable/mandated racism and so forth, but societies are quite capable of manufacturing a whole range of people and personalities, and there will always be those who are able to be "good people" in the mist of otherwise reprehensible behavior.


    And no such thing as black and white, blah blah, shades of gray, yadda yadda. The core of idea of this topic is basically the fundamental questions of right and wrong, social justice, and society that people have been arguing about forever.

  8. I think I am not explaining this properly - when I consumed the datacron on Korriban I got the stat bonus from it. I don't want the stat bonus I want the shard and apparently its not letting me have both and won't let me reverse my choise


    Ah see, there's your misconception: Datacrons will ONLY every give one thing. Some give stat bonuses, some give shards, but the same datacron in the same place will only ever give the same thing.

    You haven't actually gone to the red matrix shard cube yet. Just a different one. There are three in total on Korriban: 2 with stat bonuses, 1 with the shard.


    EDIT: Right, Seishiro, I got my last few shards, and can confirm all the tech Level 50 Cubes.

    All the data that you have for them is correct except for the BBB cube. My BBB cube was:

    +58 Aim, +50 Endurance, +24 Critical Rating

    Which, like the Tech GGG... is exactly like the current information on the Force BBB... >.>

    Also, I can confirm that my RBG cube has only 10 for the Endurance bonus. Can you confirm that your RBG is +11 Endurance?

  9. Thanks for the update! If anyone else has any info on the 50 cubes, those are the only ones not completely updated or confirmed. The g,g,g Tech cube info would be greatly appreciated as well!


    The GGG Tech Cube is +58 Strength, +50 Endurance, +24 Critical Rating.

    ...which is exactly like the GGG Force cube.... >>


    Anyway, thanks for the list, it was helpful and most of it fit my findings, except for one: The RBG one. I have it as only +10 Endurance, and you have it as +11 Endurance. I can check it later when I log in again, but I was just wondering if you could confirm it yourself?


    I would also be happy to give information on the other level 50 cubes once I get my last B,R, and Y shards, hopefully sometime today.

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