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Posts posted by Pius_Valentine

  1. GG pandering developers at Bioware for appeasing the millions of Sith Sorcerers (there are more lvl 50 sith sorcerers than all other lvl 50s combined on both sides), and giving our classes main edge a complete dip in the ****.


    How about you nerf sorcs stun lock or their ability to escape any fight with sprint?


    How about you nerf autoface tracer missile on mercenaries?


    It may be time to sell my account for my favourite class has been potentially ruined.

  2. Already posted a ticket in game. This is a backward move for the UI. I found myself jamming my Force Push key, thinking it was up. The cooldown 'animation' is BLUE, and the background of the force push ability is also BLUE. On top of that, it has a long cooldown, making it impossible to know in it's final seconds if it's actually up or not. I have no idea how they thought this change was needed.
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