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Posts posted by magnashear

  1. What about Snoke? Do you think he will fight as is or wear protective armor. He's kinda frail looking as is. I for one hope he fights with a light Saber and armor and not like RotJ Sideous. Walking around in a robe just using force lightning talking bout " blah blah light sabers are for ******* witness the power of the dark side blah blah lame ".


    Also hoping the Knights of Ren show up with some light sabers too and make for some good fodder for Luke and Rey.

  2. Even in star wars canon there's been a lot of instances of people using the force in big ways enen though they were untrained. If you look at the eu there's a ton of it. Darth Zannah was snapping people's necks at 6 years old with no training. There was even a guy who could use the force to make stars go supernova with no prior training I think.
  3. I think Snoke appears to his subordinates in just a robe but I wonder if because of all his scars and damage I wonder if he fights in some kind of protective armor with a mask and everything. At least I'm hoping so. What do y'all think? What should it look like?
  4. I would be surprised if she doesn't end up with a double Saber seeing as how she is already gifted and comfortable with a staff. Also Darth maul was such a fan favorite because of looks but mostly because of the double Saber fighting style. Giving Rey a double Saber would make a lot of fans happy and it would be a way to pay some homage to the prequels. It would remind fans about the good part of the prequels, ie light saber fights, and not all the bad stuff, ie everything else, which would be good for Disney since they own the prequels now too and are gonna have to box them back up at some point with the episode 1-9 DVD blue ray collections
  5. I didn't read all the replies either. I was just going to point out that Kylo just got shot in the gut with chewie's bowcaster. Everyone else who got shot with it in the movie pretty much got exploded. I think Rey and Finn would've had a harder time fighting against him if he wasn't so wounded.


    One other thing . Does anybody else think they should've at least let Finn win the duel with the stormtrooper before they got temporarily captured? I thought getting his butt kicked so thoroughly by a random trooper was kind of lame.

  6. I did it and my legacy bank bays didnt initially transfer. I opened a ticket, the guy said my legacy bank wasnt part of my legacy!:rak_02:..It took me 4 tickets to get a cs guy that could read and tie his own shoes. that one fixed it.


    I opened a ticket and finally talked to 2 different people and they told me I was SOL as far as legacy bank stuff was concerned. My only option was transfer a toon back and get everything out of the legacy bank and put it in their inventory and transfer again or create a new toon on the original server , put all legacy bank items in their inventory and cargo hold and transfer to the new server

  7. I transfered my characters to a new server. Everything left in your legacy bank will not transfer. Also you will have to re buy the strongholds on the new server. For some reason when u buy them the rooms that u unlocked on the other server will be unlocked on the new server but for some reason they make u re buy the actual steonghold. And I repeat anything in your legacy bank will not transfer no matter how many toons you transfer. You must empty your legacy bank and put it in your toons inventory or their personal cargo hold for it to transfer. Also you will have to redecorate everything from scratch. I learned all this the hard way.
  8. Actually the really really really really really super skilled pvpers quit during beta b4 the game launched. So this game has never seen an actual super elite pvp player. If any of them ever came back they would totally like 1v8 any of us scrubs that are left.
  9. And in reality you could never throw a double ended weapon like it is in the animation because you would cut yourself in half mid throw. The only way you could possible throw a double ended lightsaber is if your threw it like a javelin.


    It's hard to see but he activates the second blade with the force moments after he throws it

  10. I think lightning is considered force/tech damage. So anything that's protects against that protects against lightning. You can't catch it with your light sabers or your hands or anything like in the movies. And this game doesn't have use able shields that anyone can use like kotor had.
  11. Oic what u are saying. Make it so u have no room in your inventory when u open it. Click take all instead of just closing it and it will put it back in the pack but start the timer. I'll have to try that and see if it works. I sure hope it does
  12. I have opened packs and just took out the rep and the gifts . The packs then sit there for months or so. Then when I'm low on credits I'll open the packs to get the cm items out and sell but they always come out with a timer on them and I have to wait 1.5 days or so to list the items on gtn.
  13. When my sin, and my sin alone, dual wields sabers(taffs?) I will be truly happy.


    The opening cinematic where the jedi has a Saber staff in one hand and a single Saber in the other=awesome. That's what I want.


    Also why does my phone auto capitalize Saber ?

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