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Posts posted by Jeckll

  1. I tried exactly that and I specced back to 23/0/18 after determining that the new slow time is not that much of an advantage compared with what you lose in the balance tree.


    Do you use a shield for 23/0/18 and if not, have you specced in Kinetic Ward? (And if so, why?)

  2. Is there any reason to go for kinetic ward in the kinetic/balance hybrid build (23/0/18) for PvP?

    There are several threads about how useless shields and defensive stats are in PvP due to the fact that only white damage is affected by them.


    So in my opinion, for the build Kinetic Ward is a wasted point am I right?

  3. Did you already read this Bursting Guide?


    Most targets are nearly dead when I drop a 2x Clairvoyant Strike, [POP Force Potency and Crit/Surge Relic] Project + Force Breach on them.


    It's basically a matter of CC and burst phases.


    In a 1on1 situation, I usually do Spinning Kick, Bust-Phase, dps until Find Weakness procs, Low Slash, Shadow Strike, dps until below 30%, spinning strike.


    ofc, there are many situations where you need Force Stun, Force Slow and other cooldown abilities but basically, I managed to take most enemies down with that.

  4. I can't do the math but I have to agree that a shadow strike with FW proc does more damage than Clairvoyant Strike, especially the crit since infiltration gets +30% surge from talents.


    I could provide some video footage to prove this point...


    @Silverspar: How can you "save force" by using CS over SS with FW? Same Force cost...


    "Furthermore, since Shadow Strike is also weapon damage..." << as is CS, but without 50% Armor ignore and 30% additional surge...




    Your statements are misleading, sir.

  5. I'm thinking about taking the 30% armor buff in the infiltration tree and taking pts out of celerity or the force slow talent.....i don't use force slow that often because im hardly ever chasing enemies...what do you guys think?


    Why would you consider taking it? Do you feel too squishy? I tried it for a couple hours and respecced the same day. Maybe I didn't give it a good shot but I didn't feel less squishy at all.


    Most abilities in PvP don't care about your armor value at all so for me, it was not worth it at all.

  6. I did several hard mode flashpoints so far and enrage timer was no real issue even with melee only DPS. I respecced once to a PvE version of my PvP Build (PvE: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#601MZhGMRkhMrtzZf0c.1) but it wasn't really necessary as I also cleared them with my PvP Specc.


    Blackout and Force Cloak are key parts of your ability to constantly dps. There are many encounters that require moving away from a boss as melee. In this situations, you can also gather some force.


    Other than that - watch your buffbar and use the right abilities accordingly.


    Overall, single target DPS is very nice.


    I heard balance DPS is also valid, but I never tried in PvE.

  7. Having about even WP and Endurance is pretty normal. I wouldn't care that much as long as you're not lvl50.


    At 50, with Champion Gear, you can usually focus more on specific stats like crit by taking crit/surge Enchantments from Champion-item A und slot it into Champion-Item B. That requires multiple Champion-Items A ofc.


    I also don't agree that a stealther should be able to keep up with a non-stealther. There should be penalties for being able to remain unseen.



    Our penalty for having stealth is that we do not have a charge ability which cripples us in Huttball for example as well as in kiting situations. Granted, kinetics can Force Pull a target but being able to charge up is pretty good ;)

  9. I think it's more a bonus, as I don't think I ever saw 5 stacks of it in pvp. But 2-3 stacks are already a nice boost to an ability I use on cooldown, deals internal damage and is a vital part of the standard burst-down combo.


    And consider the synergy with deep impact as well.

    I'd prefer having it, but I'd be curious if there are more opinions on that.

  10. Interesting. I'm playing in a premade as well and obviously, we have the same goals.

    I see your points and think they are valid for your approach to your "duty" to kill single targets.


    I usually migrate the damage of AoE with Resilience and/or CC multiple targets.

    With the default Focus Target frame, it's quite easy to interrupt the aoe-caster and switching back to your main target asap. You might say you need all interrupts for the healer you're trying to kill but I'm not alone on the battlefield. My Assist-Sentinel can interupt a crucial heal as well.


    In general, the Sage healer I'm playing with feels like the AOE spamming can be healed way easier than the single target bursting so walking 2-3s through an AOE effect is not that bad so far.


    I find Force slow quite handy when disabling multiple targets (after voidstar door opens) and at 2on1s, where I can keep 1 enemy away (knockback, force slow) while killing the other.

  11. You're all assuming solo query. This is a MMO, just for a group. 4 people can make a difference.


    3 wins are perfectly fine. Who said dailies have to be accomplished easily every single day?

    In fact, we did the weekly (9 wins) in 4 hours last week (grp qry).


    Most annoying thing is not 3 wins but the massive amount of wins that are not counted for some reason and the disconnects some people encounter while in warzones.

  12. I think it's almost always possible to avoid AOE effects in pvp so reducing the damage of stuff I'm trying to avoid is like saying: "If I play poorly, this is Plan B..." I'd like to try playing good enough so Plan A works.


    Btw, how do you deal with kiting with no points in Subduing Techniques? I would imagine that's quite difficult.

  13. If you're searching for Damage, INF and Balance is superior to kinetic.

    But PvP Kinetic is also really strong in PvP. You can gain very nice survival and utility...

    Damage is okay as well. Not as pressuring as Balance and not as bursty as infiltration, but way better than other tanks imho.


    But I don't think there is THE way to go. It depends on your playstyle and preference.

    I tried all possibilities and chose my favorite.

  14. I just know the second I switch, BW will nerf it or make other crafts useful.

    If that's true, I beg you - please switch :))


    As for your question, BioChem ist amazing. My GF rolled BioChem on her Sentinel while I stick with Cybertech. She got the better end of the deal, believe me .)

  15. Since you asked for any specc. The infiltration PvE specc includes "situational awareness" with reduces the force costs of WB by 10. That way, it's a good AOE abilitiy, especially as long as Shadow's Respite is up.


    As mentioned, I use it in PvP to interrupt multiple targets at once.


    For Kinetic, I understand that it's you're standard ability for aggro generation on multiple targets.


    BW should actually take away the damage medal and instead put in a kill/dmg medal to promote actually playing good instead of randomly inflating scores


    Kill medals usually promote Burst classes because they're getting the deathblow in most cases. I think that would be rather unfair as well.


    As is, I think BW should add more medals that are healing related because my healer usually gets the least amount of medals but he heals for 500k-700k every warzone.

  17. Low Slash is a vital interrupt in a infiltrators arsenal.


    I use 2 basic ways to kill a healer.


    1) Burst Opener deals enough damage to take them below 30% where spinning strike usually finishes the deal.

    2) DPS and interrupt the best you can without burning your burst and CC early. When your target is at about 50%, force stun - burst - down.


    That said, a healer of equal skill and good gear is hard to break. When most of your frontload burst is absorbed, they usually win or outlast forever.


    Imho, a part of improving as a shadow involves learning about all heal abilities to be able to interrupt the greater heals, rather than just interrupting any...

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