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Posts posted by Caydnn

  1. They said only the races would require new characters but what about the new customization options that are unlocked by taking a race to 50 for example (all 4 cyborg look options). Will you have to re roll just to change your look also? Some people want to use the new look options and race options on existing end game characters. Some people like myself have OCD and will have it nagging at them until they re roll and make it look the way they want to.


    What is the harm in allowing us to make the change after creation. I mean, I plan on playing all 8 classes. But I have to re roll existing classes to use some of the legacy features.


    This really takes the wind out of my sails so to speak that I had while leveling my shadow and now I have to roll a cyborg agent to have him the way I wanted at launch. Even though Luke was a Jedi and had a mechanical hand. Now I am frustrated and am having trouble even feeling like playing any of my characters because I don't know what is going to be changed and what will require a re roll. This whole legacy thing has so far made me more irritated than happy with the time I have put in. As if I should have not played until it was added even though I got access on dec 13th.

  2. Did I read this correctly?...Legacy perks are for new characters only???...wth...I'm level 17 in legacy BECAUSE they said we will reap the benefits when they put it in effect...I already have maxed alts on the server, no way will I level new toons or delete to make new ones to benefit what we worked to get...what a waste...WoW is starting to look good again...sorry to sound a bit negative, but man...even Dual Spec isn't really dual spec..should be dual spec in advance class not in same advanced class..who wants to be a dps or umm.. dps ...or in my case Jedi Guardian Tank or Bad Guardian dps...lol..works good for dps/ healers...but maybe I'd like to tank on my Bounty Hunter...well, I guess we need to give them time to sort this out.


    Just the unlocked races are for new characters only. But that bothers me as is. I wanted a cyborg jedi guardian and shadow at launch.

  3. I just don't like that I wanted to make a shadow who was the "cyborg race" from the start and now the only way I will be able to do so since I made my shadow already as a human, is to roll another character, level him to 50 as a cyborg, then re roll my shadow.




    Like no one in Star Wars has had mechanical additions after birth. Right? *Cough* Luke *Cough* Luke's Dad.

  4. I am here to voice my concerns regarding new character only legacy content. I am fine with being given reasons to make alternate characters. But I am not fine with being given reasons to remake existing ones that I have put time and in game money into.


    I have OCD, if there is a new character creation only option and it is something I wanted to do with my character when I made them in the first place, my OCD will make me delete a high level character just to change one aspect about them.


    I am not saying that we should be able to change races and everything at random. But even if it costs 50 US dollars, I want the option to not have to start over. I think it would be fair to give that option even if it was a cash option, for people like me.


    There are other people who have put lots of time and money into their characters more than I have who feel the same way. People will be very upset and feel like these new additions are less a reward and more a chore. Please don't make that mistake.

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