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Posts posted by Butterstoo

  1. When a healer cleanses off your dots, and your dps falls flat then yes it is a dot heavy class. Do not forget fusion missle is another dot you can use too. Try to save it for when they are around 30%. Do not know if flamethower counts for the extra 30%, I should use it more, but I have to channel it.
  2. If you cannot beat a mara 1v1 as a pyro merc you should consider lessons, I charge $50 an hour :p.


    Step 1. spec 0/12/28, with one floater point.


    Step 2. Find a pole and hump it. Line of sight is your friend. If they charge you do not wait, if it has TWO lightsabers and it charges you KNOCKBACK. Be aware, waiting until the mara has built up rage, put up dots, and has started to ravage you to THEN knock them back it is way to slow. Cleanse any off that they might have put up.


    Then instant dot, (maybe auto attack next depending on distance) rail shot, unload, re rail if it procs, make sure the procing dot is up and LOS/polehump. Spam your auto attack as you run around the pole, reapply instant dot, rail shot, etc. Keep polehumping if the mara actually gets a charge off then rocket punch or jet boost will be off CD. For 1v1 try to use rocket punch, does more dmg and you can save jet boost in case it turns into something other 1v1. You can heal too while kiting and LOSing. You have to REALLY watch the resolve bar since merc have so many knockbacks, CC, stun.


    Step 3. Lol as the mara chases you around the pole.


    You can beat them without a pole, but it is not as easy since they will be able to charge more often.


    *You can beat Juggs with a pyro merc by doing the same thing. The key with juggs is waiting 4 secs if they have the one talent, which is a long time. Try not to stand in the open and let them charge you. If they do charge you stun them or instant cast CC them. LOS to make them come to you, inside of 10m they cannot charge to get that buff. Keep them from charging and you can mess up poor ones that do not know they have an aoe slow. Backhump them and you can rage starve them too.


    * You can beat Pyro Powertechs too as a pyro merc since you can cleanse off the dots and they cannot. Use the same method, dot, cleanse, LOS, heal. If they grapple you, then jet boost, stay outside of 10m so they cannot get rail shot procs over and over again. You HAVE to cleanse off the dots or else.


    Pyro mercs have their weaknesses too, and can countered by other classes since they are a dot heavy class. Rock, paper, and scissors.

  3. 1 divided by 0.16 is 6.25 the odds of getting a proc, or 1 in 6.25 as you said. There are still 244 possible outcomes, 6.25x6.25x6.25. I rounded to 6 to make it easy so I could cheat and use dice odds since there are tons of them out there. 0.16x0.16x0.16 is the odds of getting the single triple proc or 1 in 244. |(0.84x0.84x0.84)-1| are the odds of "not" getting a single proc.


    I enjoy min/maxing and theory crafting as much as I do playing. This was just one of those late night questions and wanted to have some fun. If you do not use it you lose it.

  4. You could kill an unguarded healer pre 1.2 (sorc even) as a mara, you just had to work for it and use every one of your tricks. They could even cleanse off trauma back then faster then you could reapply it. You should be able to kill them post 1.2 1v1 if they are of equal gear. An OP healer might get away, but that is another story. If you can get them to use the bubble early then you might be able to keep a bleed up or aoe if/when they vanish since it will be on CD. As an anni mara you can use your bleeds and few ranged attacks to break those pesky sorc bubbles that CC you if they do not cleanse them off. After the bubble breaks return to melee range.


    The "guard" itself is not the problem, it is the taunts. Guard does not reduce damage taken by 50% it transfers it so unless the tank is getting healed they will die eventually. Attacking a guarded healer is 2v1, you should lose unless you have help.

  5. Which is why I did 6x6x6 for 216 possible outcomes, one of which is the triple proc, and 15 are double procs. I should have done 6.25x6.25x6.25 for 244 possible states, but I was trying to keep it simple. Just have never seen anyone figure out "not" getting something, did not know you could shortcut that way and it would still account for the doubles, triples, etc. as I have always been shown the old way.


    It was late and was easy for me to shift .004096 (.16x.16x.16) to .4073 or to somehow think that they might be equivalent. 1 divided by 216 is .00463 which threw me off, but 1 divided by 244 is .004098. Had I not thought that 8% was a bit much I would have never went back to edit and would have been "right", but then I would have missed out on a lesson/shortcut.

  6. Yeah I had it at 40.1% then thought I had it wrong edited it and then doubled checked it again.


    Why not just do 0.16 x 0.16 x 0.16 is equal to 40.96%? Was trying to show some proof and got lost, late night.

  7. If a pyro merc has a 16% chance to proc combustible gas cylinder per hit what is the chance or probability that it would proc using rapid shots which hits 3 times per use? This came up on my server right before reset, the conversation did not get finished, and I forgot the names.


    One answer in general was 16% per hit no matter what, which I understand the principal of in that past outcomes have no effect on future events. But this did not answer the question of each time I use rapid shots what is the chance to proc the cylinder. It is not 16% for the total of all 3 hits.


    It is not 48% as I stated in general either since I did not account for double and triple procs that will happen in the same GCD or event. Double and triple procs that occur will eat some of the procs and "waste" them for the most part.


    These double and triple events should lower the chance to get a proc to below 48%. Since we have approx. a 1 in 6 chance of getting a proc, and are hitting 3 times, there is a total of 216 possible outcomes in which one is the triple proc. We also have the chance of getting a double proc, which has 15 more possible states out of the 216. In those 16 states, we waste 17 procs since the triple wastes 2.


    This should reduce the chance to get a proc on average down to approx. 40.1% every time a pyro merc used rapid shots unless my late night math is off. 17 divided by 216 is 7.9%, 48% minus 7.9% equals 40.1% or 216 times 0.48 is 104 possible states minues the 17 wasted ones equals 87. 216 times 0.4 is equal to 87 or a 40% chance.


    Who wants to calculate the chance for unload to proc now?

  8. Most people here are herp a derp PvP'ers that cannot perform simple math, PVP AAARRRRGGGGG!!!!!!!!!. They will come here and QQ when a min/maxer uses math to figure out how to make toons perform their best. Love it when healers complain about min/maxers and burst when they could be using the same tricks.


    Unless you are a healer or are being healed for your entire lifebar then Rakata will be better then Recuit gear. If you have close to 20k health in PvE gear then dropping 5k of health would be 25%. Does Recuit gear offer 25% more DR versus Rakata? No it does not. Damage wise they are comparable too.


    BM is better then Rakata by 5% to 10% when comparing total stats and is easy to get. Pre 1.2 I did not bother to grind PvP gear, it was not needed.

  9. Yea, I'm not a Sorcerer, I'm an Arsenal Merc.


    And there is your problem. If tracer missile gets interrupted you can still cast "Power shots", or any of the other instants that you have too. To say that if you get interupted you cannot do dps is B.S. If you want to PvP on a Merc Arsenal is the WORST choice. It is a turret that is made for PvE. You must stand still and debuff the target to do full dps, heatseeker and rail shot need tracer missile stacks.


    Since that does not happen in PvP why not try out a Pyro hybrid instead and stop QQing? Spec into arsenal far enough to get the knockback on rocket punch and then dump everything else into the pyro tree except for 1 point maybe (0/12/28). Then kite, kite, los, kite, kite, los, whatever you do, DO NOT FACETANK. Better to run away and rapid fire to proc the slow to create space while keeping up the dots.

  10. I think as much as I dislike "the stomp" I will enjoy it more then hearing healers QQ all the time about how they should be able to FACETANK at least one dps. They also want to not be interupted over and over again by the so called herp a derp dps while FACETANKING them. How they should be immune to stuns, CC, etc. and to "have a chance". It is impossible to be interrupted ot stunned if you are out of range or out of line of sight, STOP FACETANKING.


    What chance do I get as a dps when I get ganged up on by 2 or 3 people and they CC, stun, root, own me? Why did you not see those 2 or 3 people coming? Why are you not hiding BEHIND your team. Since when are healers frontline fighters that 1v1 people? They are a support/group class, and do not HEAL the enemy. This is not wow, healers are not PvP tanks, we have "tanks" in this game already.

  11. Also those big hitters need to be on 12s cd, hey, just like scoundrels backshot, which btw can crit for MAX 3500 or so, not 5-7k.


    Oh and obviously having 100% armor penetration needs to be nerfed to 30%..hey just like scoundrels as well.


    And your 99% 40% 20% drs? those need to go on a 10, 5, 2 minute cd. Not 45s.


    Oh and your 50% snare(which everyone in this type of topic IGNORE) needs to be removed. Utterly. Completely. OR put on same CD as sorcs/sages.


    See the problem is not really all the damage, its all the short CD crap you guys have.


    Lets compare. Operative vs marauder.

    Operative: closer: Stealth(useless in some situations).

    Target: one person, has best/worst AOE in game period. Best because of damage, worst because of the SIX seconds it takes to start doing damage.

    Weaknesses, being out of stealth-has no way to mitigate damage beyond a very minute force shield and 3 seconds of dodge, which is useless versus force attacks.

    Bonuses: has a 15% speed boost talent, can also get a 30% speed boost from stunning.

    One interupt, one medium ranged aoe CC, one melee ranged stun, one melee ranged slow/short root.

    Damage: on weak armor targets fairly competive, on hardened targets damage drops off considerably.

    Their major source of damage(Backstab) recently nerfed to a 12 second CD. Max crit damage about 3500.



    Closer: 15s CD 30m range leap.

    Target: depends on spec, but everyones a target, squishies die much faster.

    Weaknesses: being utterly stunned and primaried by half the team before they can activate their ******** 99% dr for 5s, slows, ranged that they are not aware of.

    Bonuses: Bioware seemed fit to give marauders/sents the only 99% DR for 5s. Tank force users dont even get this, and on a short 45s CD so you can keep using it.

    Bioware ALSO gave them a 40% range/melee defense boost, AND A 20% DR boost that can be maintained for 30s and up again 15s after it goes down.


    Notice these are flat damage reduction boosts, not armor, not dodge and it counts versus EVERYTHING.


    Oh and the BEST part of all this. As a marauder you get a ranged attack that HITS HARDER than pretty much any ranged attack barring a cast ability or a procced ability.


    And most of it is not damage. Its movement related or simple avoidance(CC immunity, damage Immunity).


    I do not know anyone who has a non force user who is not working on one atm. Its blatantly obvious after seeing 1.3 patch notes that to be in the "untouchable" category you need to be a sent/marauder.




    The big hitters you speak of are on CD's, they are LIMITED by rage/resource. The ones that you say are easy to manage that start out empty. Which btw if you were behind a mara they do not have an attack that will auto turn them to attack you. If you can backhump one, you can rage starve them from the beginning.


    100% armor pen is just the one spec that most people do not even run atm. Maybe once rated come out and more healers figure out to cleanse off anni bleeds.


    Undying Rage is on a 1m30 sec CD don't know what you are smoking, set bonus reduces it by 15 seconds. Rage speced mara can have a 45 sec CD on it, but even LESS people play that spec. Seems like you as many others love to think there are maras running around with 31/31/31 specs that have EVERY talent.


    There is no 40% DR, it is called Saber Ward and improves defense by 50% and reduces force/tech dmg by 25%. It is on a LONG 3 min CD too.


    Juggs/Guardians have an aoe slow that can be talented to be free and can be spammed over and over. Sintanks have an aoe slow. Sage/sorc can get creeping terror, 2 sec root on a 9 sec cd, have a decent slow too, and can cleanse off some slows.


    Operative is a one trick pony atm, the healing hybrid spec that was killed in 1.2 was my favorite. I and others have tried to help out BW on that subject, but they refuse to listen to logic or the players at all. They do not understand how to rogue/stealth. They have not added a stealth bar, which then they could add some different openers instead of the "one does all" opener they have now. Make it a choice do I want to stun, dps, or silence/bleed, and they need a shadow step or sprint. Then they would not have to rely on the big opening burst and people would not QQ about it. I gave mine up about a month after launch and was caused mainly by spending to much time walking out of the pit in huttball.


    I am going to dust off my old pro hunter skills and bust out my merc until my gametime runs out in a couple weeks just to have some fun. I bet $ that I will make people QQ with it.

  12. Dps vs better healer = healer not locked down and can still heal his team although reduced in efficiency.

    Dps vs similarly skilled healer = Stalemate, healer can mostly only heal himself. Slight risk of getting killed eventually.

    Healer vs better dps = healer locked down to healing himself exclusively and in risk of eventually getting killed.


    Why play a dps class then if I cannot kill anyone? Tanks are supposed to beat me in the rock, paper, scissors game, and healers are supposed to beat tanks. The whole idea of being a "healer" is not for 1v1 now is it? Who are you healing, the enemy? By the very nature of being a healer you are a "group" player and in a 1v1 versus an equal gear/skilled dps you should lose.


    The idea of having a WARzone in which no dies it stupid, it is WAR people are supposed to die. If you cannot die without QQ'ing you should not play games.

  13. My names WERE ORIGINAL AND NO ONE HAD USED THEM. A customer service rep found three of my toon's names inappropriate. The one I could maybe see, but not the other two. I have only had two of those toons since launch so why have an issue with the names now? I was already ticked at them for wasting time "fixing" datacrons and other things instead of actually working on something that matters. Way to keep one of the few people left playing this pos game "happy".


    It is not my fault that BW lost tons of subs and had to do server transfers in the first place. I did not set the server limits, how many servers there would be, etc. Why I am being penalized for BWs mistakes? Who does not plan ahead and release a game without being able to transfer or create toons? Hard to get good testing data that way. I am done for at least 3 months, maybe BW will actually release some new content by then. My gametime runs out in 2 weeks and was hoping that server transfers would be a good thing, but BW found a way to tick people off once again. At this point I do not even care if they restore my toon's names, the straw that broke the camel's back.

  14. My names WERE ORIGINAL AND NO ONE HAD USED THEM. A customer service rep found three of my toon's names inappropriate or unfit. The one I could maybe see, but not the other two. I have only had two of those toons since launch so why have an issue with the names now? I was already ticked at them for wasting time "fixing" datacrons and other things instead of actually working on something that matters. Way to keep one of the few people left paying and playing this pos game "happy".


    1st toon Chiss merc "Chit", it is a noun and means, 1. a signed note for money owed for food, drink, etc. 2. any receipt, voucher, or similar document, especially of an informal nature. I changed his name to Blueball btw, much better.


    2nd toon "Herrtrigger", herr in German is Mr/mister and is pronounced "hair".


    3rd toon "Ekul", which was luke backwards, OOOOOOHHHHHH.


    It is not my fault that BW lost tons of subs and had to do server transfers in the first place. I did not set the server limits, how many servers there would be, etc. Why I am being penalized for BWs mistakes? Who does not plan ahead and release a game without being able to transfer or create toons? Hard to get good testing data that way. I am done for at least 3 months, maybe BW will actually release some new content by then, but until then there is no point in spending money on this game.


    My gametime runs out in 2 weeks and was hoping that server transfers would be a good thing, but BW found a way to tick people off once again. At this point I do not even care if they restore my toon's names, I am done, the straw that broke the camel's back.

  15. You only have to give up "Blade Barricade" and "Heavy Handed" to get "Sonic Barrier", and that is still with 2 points in "Unleashed" and "Intimidation" for a PvP build. In 1.3 Blade Barricade in will be even easier not to put 3 points into.


    For PvE you drop "Unleashed" and "Intimidation" to get "Blade Barricade" and "Heavy Handed" or just go full tank. I have not done any PvE tanking on this toon yet besides leveling stuff.


    Also unless I am in Shien form "Impale" eats rage leaving me rage starved, but I do not think you can beat the dps if you stance dance versus if you were to put those two points elsewhere.


    I am liking the Jugg/Guardian, they have a lot of utility in group situations, and are tough. The idea behind Sonic Barrier is to hide your health pool as much as possible, it does not have to last all 9 seconds, but if it is up for half the time you are taking half the damage since they are always having to burn through the bubble for example. If the bubble goes down you can CC or LOS until the CD is back up. You can still dodge, parry, resist, and shield attacks with it up too. I have seen some posts/complaints that tanks are not tanks in PvP too :p.

  16. Do people not understand what I said or English? That it absorbed for a fixed amount and that the only way to get it to absorb more in 1.2 is with DAMAGE REDUCTION.


    At level 50 a parser will report that it absorbed 850 dmg. If you have 50% damage reduction against that type of attack then the bubble will absorb 1700 before it breaks.

  17. As I have already stated in the "How good is sonic barrier" post. The amount show that is absorbed by a "parser" DOES NOT INCLUDE damage reduction. the parser will state that it absorbed 850 dmg or whatever if you are naked with 0% dmg reduction or are fully armored. The bubble will effectively absorb 1700 points if your damage reduction is at 50% for that type of attack. As the dmg reduction goes up and up the bubble gets better and better. Use charge for an extra 20% DR, 6% from Soreu, 4% from the middle tree, and then you can stack 40% or 15% more on top of those. You can get the 4 piece PvE set bonus for 20% more bubble too.


    The effective size of the bubble can be quite large if you stack dmg reduction abilities and cd's. CC or LOS when your bubble is down and you can keep using the free health that the bubble gives over and over. Use Enrue or whatever the free 30% health CD is in between bubbles too since the CD is so short.


    I would have to go back and look through tons of QQ'ing mara posts, but I thought I remember the avatar and name from one or two. I did put the silly emote too just in case.


    Just tired of all the QQ when Juggs/Guardians are quite good and have plenty of defensive CD's and abilities compared to a mara. Saber ward is shared and cloak of pain is only 20% (not my fault that you let it last longer then 6 secs). Most Juggs/Guardians have a higher natural damage reduction by 10% before they charge, can get 15% more DR, and health back at the cost of rage on a 45 second CD... Can we say that that is a wash or do you still think that cloak of pain is MUCH better? That just leaves Undying Rage which causes most of the QQ, yet Juggs/Guardians have an ability that gives them 30% more health on the same 1m30s CD and an ability that gives them 40% more DR. If you charged and stacked all you dmg reduction CD's you would not take any real dmg for 10 seconds. The problem is people do not stack DR with the bubble. Sorry to say, but the claim that a mara has the best defensive CD's in the game is B.S. The stealth CD, dmg, and healing debuffs that maras have are the trade off for not being able to tank, guard, and taunt.


    I like the 17/22 core build so far with my Guardian since I figured out that it was the dmg reduction that was causing the scaling I was witnessing in game, and not the dmg done by force scream. As I stated in the other post I got the idea from a post on torhead about how the the bubble scaled with dmg. Sorry as I try to spend the majority of my time playing and not being a forum troll.

  18. edited* The parser does not lie and it says I am wrong >.<. It must have been the 20% extra dmg reduction after a charge that was fooling me. I tired out a couple different things, but my bubble only absorbed for 525 and I could not get it to change even running around naked. The amount of dmg reduction is not taken into account by the parser if I am not mistaken. If I am in Soresu form the bubble absorbs the same amount according to the parser even though I take 6% more dmg before it breaks since I am taking 6% less. The only way to scale the bubble atm is with dmg reduction.


    It is still not a "bad" talent, but it could be better. The best way to get the most out of it atm is to be in Soresu Form for the 6% dmg reduction, pick up the 4% out of the middle tree, and grab the 4 piece PvE set bonus for 20% extra.

    If you charge you get 20% more for 4 seconds, you can add either the 40% dmg reduction or the 15% one to make the the "bubble" absorb more before it breaks and health loss begins. Therefore with the extra dmg reduction and shorter cd, hybrid tanks get more use out of the talent then full speced tanks atm.


    I blame it on having to many toons and the torhead post that said it was based on dmg. It was after reading that post that I tried the respec and gear swap. I should have confirmed it with the parser or finished leveling my guardian before posting.

  19. Are you using DPS gear or TANK gear? I will have to fire up the parser to see but, my level 40 guardian bubble absorbs for 500-650. Which is the exact same amount that force scream does or whatever the guardian talent is called. I noticed a big change in the bubble by respecing from tank, to a hybrid, and swapping out gear. The bubble got bigger and scaled with force scream damage done.


    There are set bonuses that can greatly improve the talent, you can pop relics/adrenals, change forms, and get rid of the shield gen. for more bubble too. I cannot see why you could not get a 2k bubble easy, which on a 9 second cd would be better then the tanksin's ability to heal and it is an instant. I was thinking of PvP and not PvE when making this statement too.


    I cannot believe as slow as BW is that they hotfixed this in the last week.

  20. Good healers never left and are still hard to kill when a tank guards/taunts like they are supposed to. Nerf guards and taunts in PvP imo if you want more 1v1, but then that would cause tanks to QQ.


    The issue is since you are a "healer", you are not a solo class, but a group class. Who are you healing again? Being a healer means you should be playing with a group, not 1v1. For leveling you should have to go heal people and animals instead of killing them.


    BW should not have waited until 1.2 to make changes that should have been in the game at launch. That or to make the changes over a couple of patches and not all at once to give people time to adjust. I tried to warn them that healers and PvPers are the biggest bunch of QQ forum trolls that there is.

  21. It is only better then a tanksin's ability to heal themselves for 12% of their health when force scream is on a 9 second cd from the Vengeance talent. Unlike a tanksin channeling force lightning the bubble cannot be interrupted, CC'ed, stunned, knockbacked, etc. since it is an instant cast 10m ability. The bubble absorbs for as much as force scream does in damage. Therefore if you are wearing dps gear the bubble will be bigger since force scream will do more damage. You can leave the 2 points into Savagery by only putting 1 point into Deafening Defense with a 17/24/0 build to try and max dps.


    I love the bubble and use it all the time.

  22. Why does everyone miss or not take "Sonic Barrier"? It is only better then a tanksin's ability to heal themselves for 12% of their health when force scream is on a 9 second cd from the vengeance talent. Unlike a tanksin channeling force lightning the bubble cannot be interrupted, CC'ed, stunned, knockbacked, etc. since it is an instant cast 10m ability. The bubble absorbs for as much as force scream does in damage. Therefore if you are wearing dps gear the bubble will be bigger since force scream will do more damage. You can leave the 2 points into Savagery by only putting 1 point into Deafening Defense. Do I even have to mention the set bonuses you can use to improve this talent? You could also stance dance and swap out the shield gen as needed too.


    Why did you not get the free AOE slow? It is godly to be able to slow groups of people for free. You can play ring around a pole waiting for your force scream to come off cd. I know why you make qq threads about maras now :p.

  23. Issue is its the only DPS class that after you CC them 3 times they pop defensive CD's and need half your ops on them.


    The resources required to deal with them are too high in terms of time and players.


    The defensive CD's are too 'bursty.'


    Really what magic abilities do mara's have they reduce damage while CC'ed? How can 4 people not do 18k or so worth of damage to a target in the span of 2 or 3 CC's? If each one lasted 4 seconds that is 8 to 12 seconds for 4 players to do 18k worth of damage... Even if they used cloak of pain that is only an extra 20%. Smart teams just stun/cc focus me down if I am pestering their healers too much. CC break only has a 2 min CD...and I can be CC'ed again right after I used it too.


    Saber ward is on a long 3 min CD, which is 1 min longer then the sin/jug version.


    Undying Rage should be used near death or it eats life. When classes can do over 4k easy it is hard to use right. If I use it a 4k I lose 2k of health for those WHOLE 5 seconds and it only buys me 2 more GCD's since it cost me one to use it. No healing while undying rage is up...what you want me to use the health pot before? I wonder how many people that QQ about maras played a pally in wow...if only I could use undying rage while CC'ed, it broke all CC, and lasted 8 to 12 seconds. That or maybe activate all by itself like a prot pallies or rogue's cheat death...wow.


    Anni mara's do not have "roots" outside of charge, it is only carnage maras they get the root train, so many QQ'ers that do not even know what spec of mara they are fighting. They combine anni, carnage, and rage maras all into one "god" class since they cannot tell the difference. A smart healer WILL CLEANSE OFF THE ANNI MARAS BLEEDS killing 50% of the mara's dmg and taking away their ability to heal. An anni mara also needs time to ramp up the 10% extra dmg and 15% crit for their bleeds, by either not letting them build 5 stacks or letting the 5 form stacks drop off will also hurt an anni mara's dmg.


    Once rated warzones start anni maras will not be as good due to good healers cleansing. There will be more carnage ones for rated warzones, I bet money. Just like many other classes/specs that are good for most 1v1s will not be good for groups, and it was the same way with arenas too. Anni maras cause most of the QQ since they heal with bleeds. Of course they cannot heal if they are not attacking you and have bleeds on you.

  24. Yeah, I'm not referring to 1v1s really, that's a different beast. I'm talking about assessing a situation and how to be most effective. With the cover mechanic and abilities that can only be used therein, a lot more thought goes into positioning and what you are doing.


    Mara just has to make sure they have a LoS if they need and and jump right in. Hell they don't even have to that because we can just camo out if we misjudge a situation. Once again, I love my mara, but I think to play optimally my guardian and my shadow require more focus and skill as well.


    It is very easy to tell if a mara sucks, you can't be a keyboard turning if you want to be melee...lol.


    LOL, since when is being a "turret" hard? You do not even have to keyboard turn. Let me guess you die a bunch to ranged on your mara due to poor positioning? I have played plenty of classes that must stand still to do full dps, and standing still is not hard. Kiting and moving is harder.


    How is a sin hard to play? They require even less buttons then a mara in most, if not all specs. They also start with full resources and can hide/open from stealth...hard.


    I do not see that much of a difference between the playstyles of the two warrior classes. One has some better utility is all for group situations and the other is maybe better at 1v1s. Being able to guard, taunt, intercede, push, stun, choke without channeling, aoe slow, build rage/focus outside of combat, and have a higher natural DR are all quite powerful in group PvP. Being able to run around in tank stance without losing dmg while being full/hybrid dps spec is nice too. I rolled my mara back in Dec. for PvE, that fact that it was good in PvP was a bonus just in case you were wondering. I have a 50 scoundrel, a 50 mara, a 50 merc, a 50 sin, and am working on a guardian when I am bored.

  25. "Open World PvP" is code for "I am a skilless loser who can't win straight up fights against skilled players, so I want to be able to roam around ganking newbies."


    So open world PvP never happens between equal level players according to you huh? Being a "skilled" player I could never beat 2 people now could I? Even if I did that it could never be fun...I wonder why people do 2v1 arenas? I played Alli on a 2 to 1 server and enjoyed it for the most part. It was not static, there could be one of his buddies hiding in stealth, they can call in help, it was not the SAME EXACT piece of land/map over and over again. Some of my best memories of PvP are me overcoming superior numbers and figuring out how to beat them. I loved to crack the tank/healer holding hands group/team with just 1 toon (wonder why healers always qq about burst...).


    Someone sounds like a carebear to me. Let me guess people in WZs wait their turn to attack you huh? You never fight 2v1 or 3v1 in a WZ? Look up the "Elemental Plateau" and you will find plenty of open world PvP vids between players of the same level. The reason people went there was because it had mobs with the highest drop rate for mats that most of the crafting profession used, or you could just sell them too for gold. Groups waged war over the control of that area and it would swing back and forth.


    FPS games require skill and have short time to kills. Short time to kills are good for world PvP since people do not have time to run to guards or call in general for help. Short time to kills are good for numbers mismatches.

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