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Posts posted by AmbientRaven

  1. lol No one you were fighitng was level 50 and you are all in pvP gear


    3/10 at most



    "This was a server event which took place 2/5/12 on server Veela. My name is Territo, I'm a top ranked PvPer and the most well known player in SWTOR"


    Sorry buddy, never heard of you. You're no one.

  2. people are missing a few things




    -Bubble (does the same as a Dark infusion heal, 2.5-3k roughly)


    -Extracation (lifegrip)

    -30m Stun

    -30m Interupt

    -30m 8sec CC





    -No Rescource cooldowns




    -Self Shield (10 seconds of no interupting and 25% less damage recieved)

    -Heavy Armour (every person I know of all damage classes rate BH as the hardest target to kill 1v1)

    -Strong single target heals

    -Healing on the move (It's not much, but something)

    -Rescource cool down

    -Instant heal Cooldown


    -30m 8sec CC

    -30m Stun



    -none of the mobility of a sorc



    Each class is good and bad in different situations, i prefer my sorc of my two though as i end up playing a lot of huttball

  3. Hi guys,


    My guild lacks raiding snipers...as in we have 0 Agents in the guild total.

    Was wondering, is it a funr aiding class? What is it akin to in other games?


    Looking for some info before i re-roll one



  4. There isn't one!


    Myself and every person I know has had full pvp gear by valor 60.

    The only time that people aren't having pvp gear by valor 60 is those grinding Ilum.


    Combining dailies with warzone games played gets enough bags to get gear.


    The real problem is people grinding Ilum for valor.

  5. Imperial's have no animation delay lag unlike their republic mirror classes, which is total BS in my opinion any DEV who needed these odd's stacked in their favor for PvP should stick to PVE.


    I am sick of seeing this.

    As soon as you start the cast/channel the damage starts, animation isn't timed in to damage done.

    My trooper and a bh friend sat at our pc's, side by side and started our channels. damage was same time, animations weren't.


    Also what about ilum? It's easier to farm the imperial base due to the way our walkway works, and that Pubs have a hill to overlook it.


    Stop using bad excuses as to why you are bad

  6. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#201GhrRrd0dGzZf00MZ0M.1


    I like the consumtion talent and revification.


    Depends on pre-made group. I have a powertech who I stick to like glue, and I have gone games where I am needing to use Consumption to keep force up (add in it gives a small HoT as well). Revification is useful for same reason, drop it down on us/doors at voidstar/a turret and its free passive healing. I find it very beneficial as I can also kite in my circle heal and get healed as I run.

  7. Operative/Scoundrel

    At present they are the OP class. They have long stuns, and hit incredibly hard. The changes coming in 1.1.1 will balance this class out and they will still be one of the stronger burst classes.



    One of the stronger classes. These guys hit hard. VERY hard.If they get the chance to free cast on you its GG generally. They can also run away and heal effectively and have a reduce damage self buff.



    One of the stronger classes. Sorc and Sages are very strong because of their periodic damage and their slow. I don't see why people complain about their slow though. Most melee classes have a closing skill (charges, leaps, stealth ect) so this shouldn't be a huge issue unless caught with in on cooldown. Interrupting this spell also inhibits a sorcs damage for several seconds, which is enough time to crumple one. They do have a lot of CC and Dot damage. But a smart player can outplay them, Stay out of range or rush in. Sorc's have light armour and crumple fast form focus fire. Any good player should be able to beat one in a straight up 1v1 fight. And yes they can heal, but, unless they spec for it a Damage sorc/Sage will NEVER out heal any ones damage. EVER!


    These classes are the stronger ones at present. But a lot of the time it comes to player skill, while with some classes gear helps a lot (I know a 500 Expertise marauder who can destroy anything in 1v1 because he is amazing at his class. Same with a Powertech)

    A lot of the people who complain about classes are generally less geared, focus fired (a lot of Sorc/Sage hate comes form a few classes hitting one person, but they only see the lightning/pebbles and cry fowl) or are just terrible at their class.

  8. Issues


    TL;DR Version.


    1. CC, Stun, Knockbacks etc.


    1. The amount of CC and durations is fine. The issue is the resolve system. Many times you can get stunned with full resolve because its refreshing a stun already on you.


    2. RNG Bags (no need further elaboration... )


    2. This is fine. Most people have every slot champ by valor 60, or close to it. PvP gear SHOULD NOT be easy to get


    3. Armor Skins are absolutely hideous in design and low resolution


    3. I think the designs are ok, but I dislike the level of detaiil and how the same base class has the same texture (ie. Assasin and Sorc)


    4. Same class, same look for everyone.


    4. as above


    5. All PvP armor from centurion to battlemasters is just a color change. 5 years of hardwork.


    5. As above


    6. Skills not activating, bugging out (ok nothing to do with the PvP dev)


    6. if you read 1.1.1 patch notes they are fixing this


    7. Open World PvP = Joke


    7, Ilum is actually rather fun now after the latest patch. on my server its normally a ops of Repubs vs a Ops of Imperial fighting at south or mid


    8. No progression - no stats, no titles, no basic creativity i.e unlock new pvp skin based on valor <-- Sounds neat? Dang 5 years can't think of that?


    8. Err what? You get titles every 10 valor levels. You get stats from progressing through the gear ranks (centurion->champion->battlemaster). no game unlocks new textures. look at WoW every level within a season is essentially the same with a differant colour. I think this is fine as is.


    9. Medal system is terrible. Objective points is broken.


    9. Medal system is fine, if biased towards tanks. I'm a full spec healer. Most games I can get 6 medals easily. Tanks can always get 2 more, and damage classes varies but the marauders i play with normally get same amount i do.




    Just a simple question, what's the point?


    First fundamental statement I would like to make about humans is that we enjoy progression. Progression drives many people, and can push someone who's unmotivated into a driven person if he starts seeing results.


    I find it amazing how you talk about no progression. but there clearly is, you progress through new titles into new gear at valor 60. You missed 1 of the two biggest issues with PvP and rewards in this game (the other being skill delay/not working mentioned above) which is wins not counting for the daily. Another thing being fixed in 1.1.1



    Red words are mine

  9. I think it's amazing the level of crying happening.

    The nerf is fully justified. no other class in this game can snap some one who has equal gear in under 4 seconds. Not one.


    No body likes to be nerfed, but most Ops' have biased PoV's about it.

    I have a v60 Op and a v35 Sage. Seen both sides and yes, op's need toning down massively. What they are changing means op's have to be more intelligent in what abilities they use instead of herpaderping button mash.

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