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Posts posted by Adficio

  1. eta 30 minutes came in at around 1100, 1 hour and 10 minutes later at 477.. - please just sort out the eta's it will move people trying to get on already full worlds


    also lvl 33 i will not just move server as you suggest i have already put to much time in and my guild is here

  2. I actually only want t play with my guild... is that so much to ask for.


    They (Bioware) choose a server for us - and now i have to wait over 2 hours to get in to actually play the game (that 2hr+ Estimated wait time is a very poor estimate. Its closer to 5hrs. FACT)


    I just want to play really....


    agreed, i;m waiting to get back onto the red eclipse now after a dc - joined at 12:10 it is now 13:21 queue estimate 55 minutes.. still 397 places to go

  3. lol because you play in a heavy server like fatman?


    Take it from me...move to another server right now while you can before you commit too much.


    Rakatta Mind Prison is a good server that I am on and queues are a BREEZE with not over populating players.


    why should i start a toon or another main.. bioware needs to open its servers up quicker

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