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Posts posted by Scelerant

  1. This is what you get when you hire a team "warhammer pvp" to do your pvp for you. They ruined pvp in warhammer and they imported it here. Unbeleivable.


    To be honest, at this point I'm starting to think they should fire everyone who has worked on a game and restart staffing from the ground up since every current game developer in the world seems to be emulating rather than creating.

  2. I'll just give you my current toolbar on my assassin:


    Bottom toolbar 1:


    Thrash/Voltaic Slash


    Saber Strike




    Electrocute (stun)

    Force pull/Low slash.

    Force Slow

    Spike (stun)

    Jolt (Interrupt)



    Bottom Toolbar 2:


    Force Speed

    Death Field


    Force Cloak

    Overload (knockback)

    Dark Ward

    Mind Control (Taunt)

    Mass Mind Control (AOE taunt)

    Force Shroud


    Crushing Darkness

    Throw Huttball.


    Left toolbar:

    Mark of Power

    Revive companion







    Dark Charge

    Lightning Charge (swapped to surging if deception)




    Right Toolbar:


    PvP heal consumable.

    PvP expertise consumable.


    Reusable medpack

    Reusable resolve stim

    reusable force adrenal.

    Squad medpack


    Overcharge saber

    Unbreakable will


    Mind Trap.


    Ideally, I'd like to have about half of the abilities on my right and left toolbars on a third bottom center one, because it works better with where my vision is during PvP,

  3. We have tons of damage that bypass armor, we have tons of armor pen floating around, shield doesn't work properly in PvP, from what I hear parry/dodge doesn't quite work on every ability and so on.


    If you want to make tanks, they need to be resistant to all damage not just some damage. This is just like Vanilla WoW where the difference between a fully geared tank in PvP and a regular person was that a pom-pyro mage had to actually use fireblast on the tank, whereas pyro alone was enough for a non-tank.


    The problem is that if they make tanks actual tanks in PvP, then all their warzones fail, since a tank would be able to stay up vs the zerg in both Aldaraan and VoidStar long enough to prevent doors being capped and could easily stay alive walking through the opposing zerg + fires in Huttball.


    Just my guess, but I would venture to say the real reason European costs are higher is because there are higher and more taxes in Europe than there are in the US. I would bet for most European nations for instance, Bioware probably has to add the VAT tax to the sub prices. The US does not have a VAT (national sales) tax. Actually, in the US if the transaction happens online, most states don't even require sales tax for the state be added to the transaction.


    While this is true, since Bioware/EA is a US company and operate servers/customer centers etc in Europe, they are not taxed on overseas income until they "bring it home" to the US. So that should offset the VAT quite a bit if not entirely since if they have to pay any taxes in Ireland (their SW:TOR operations center in Europe) it will be that extremely low corporate tax that is the reason for BW/EA setting up business there in the first place.

  5. For me there are just questionable decisions.


    - The UI is really poorly designed, everything from a lack of bottom toolbars, not being able to scale or move UI elements.


    - Flytext that doesn't show status effects such as roots, snares etc.


    - Hard to see who you have targeted.


    - Once you hit 50, there is pretty much nothing to do except dailies, PvP queues or repeatable flashpoints.


    - Copying everything about WoW combat except responsiveness.

  6. Problem being that if you want your game to grow and to prosper you need to appeal to more then just casual players. There are sooooo many competitive gamers out there, and while not ALL of the pvp needs to be competitive I think some of it does. The mmo does not need to be ENTIRELY competitive but lets face it, that is where WoW got most of its game from. Swifty, Athene, Wreakful, (spelt that wrong) all pvp men. All made the game grow.


    In my experience quite a few of the competitive gamers who have experience outside "competitive" gaming in MMORPGs look at E-sport MMOs with disgust for good reason. For one class balance, combo balance and so on become very important so unless the game can be balanced perfectly so that every combo is equally viable, the only truly competitive gameplay you could come up with would be mirror combo vs mirror combo.


    I'm not against a PvP ladder, but it needs to be done in a way where it doesn't require classes to be perfectly balanced because they never will be.

  7. That's fine, I don't particularly care about your opinion either tbh.


    My original post was aimed squarely at the developers because I have legitimate concerns about the design philosophy of Nar Shaddaa and the game in general, and giving feedback is one of the most important function of forums.


    I think if Bioware don't focus a little more on creating a compelling persistent world, rather than a linear story arc, the game won't have legs because there is very little in the way of exploration and discovery.

    That saddens me, because there is a LOT I love about this game and I want to enjoy it for a number of years, not just the duration of the main story arcs.


    The challenge is that it seems Bioware have completely neglected the concept of "huge open world" in favor of a series of very small worlds, tied together with loading screens. I felt like I was playing DA2 again, just going room to room to room.

  8. You know what would keep me around as a PvPer? Not having my days consist of "queue for warzones to get medals, so you can buy PvP gear, so you can get more medals and buy more pvP gear"


    How about "objective based pvp" where fighting other players didn't conflict with the objectives all the time. As a matter a fact, take the ****er who came up with the idea of "objective based PvP" and draw and quarter him. Huttball is one of those games where fighting the other players is secondary to carrying a ball and avoiding fighting with other players.


    I like Huttball, but seriously I can get 10 medals per game if I just hang around the combat, throw guards and taunts while doing damage or I can get 4 medals for carrying the ball to the goalzone, what am I going to do?


    Ability delay, I mean it helps me so bloody little that the animation is pretty if my character is constantly dying because I can't get it to do what I want according to the global cooldown Bioware came up with.


    I've played this game for a month and I feel the same way I felt when I quit WoW after 5 years of it, and years of non-stop MMORPG gaming before that. When I hit 50 in SW:TOR I literally felt like I was max level in WoW again, grind for gear, so you can get more gear, so you can get more gear. I get it, gear is a big deal in themepark MMORPGs, but honestly if getting gear is the primary motivation for doing anything, and the main motivation for getting gear is doing the same thing in a slightly different wrapping, what's the point?

  9. The problem isn't so much the performance issues and bugs, its that I find myself drifting away from the game as the question "Do I get enough enjoyment and see enough future potential to keep paying subs?


    Yesterday, I spent 5 hours doing PvP to get my daily done, during that time:


    - 4 wins did not count towards quest completion.

    - I spent the better part of 2 of those hours cursing and waiting for the "invite to char-screen" thing to pop.


    - I spent the remaining 3 hours, playing PvP inbetween having the floor and everything in that range of polygons disappear of my screen, half the huttball arena showing the outside of the building and thus had to relog quite frequently.


    Now, I like SW:TOR PvP in the current state, when I get to play it and when I get credit for what I'm doing, I do not enjoy it when I constantly get the fake-invites and various other things.

  10. What does that have to do with anything? So because some players are bad regardless everyone should be forced pre-50 to take it where the sun don't shine because you are god's gift to gaming? People like you are a disgrace. If you were as good as you think you are you would want the most even fights possible. At least then when you won you would 100% know it was because of your skill not the level and gear difference. Get outta KandyLand kid or whatever fantasy world you are inhabiting.


    This "disgrace" does quite well on his level 20 - 30 characters and that includes beating 50s in expertise gear, because I know how to play to my strengths and their weaknesses. If you find that you have to take it hard every game, then its probably because you play like the new meat on the block.


    If you, like most of the players I come across, stand around without your defensive spells like the Sorc shield up, are guarding a node solo when you're not a stealther, clearly keyboard-turn or click, etc then I will target you every single time, not because its a challenge, but because I know its easy damage that goes towards medals. I also know that the chances of having to run back, thus losing in-combat time are very small.


    Sure, the 50s who know their class well, use keybinds, have a decent FPS and less lag, are much harder, yet they are the most fun fights there are.

  11. Yeah, there is nothing I love more than being punished because the game kicked me to desktop, crashed, had a graphics glitch (which I seem to get more and more), stuck me with a bunch of people who let 1 guy carry a huttball past all of them and score.


    People leave because they view a game as a lost cause, why do they view at as a lost cause? Because the players they were put in there with and against are not in proportion to each other.

  12. But there are a whole load of scary 50s is PVP gear dominating lower lvls...


    Dude, I could probably dominate 50% of the players in this game with half my gear off. The average player is so bad that if you were playing poker they are the guy going "guys I have 4 aces, is that good" right after they went all in.

  13. if you don't like areas cause you're a pubnub, then don't play them if they exist.


    there's no reason to NOT add content because a bunch of forum junkies get too butthurt by getting ***** from people with skill.


    What however is a good reason not to add content is because only the dudes that used to stand outside IF all day with a list of 10 things you weren't allowed to do in a duel. What is the return on equity for the content? If SW:TOR has 1.000.000 players and 10.000 play arena, then the return is pretty bad.


    WoW arena has been anything but a success and somehow I doubt that SW:TOR arenas would do much better.

  14. Full champ gear would net you -10% of that damage. Your still going to get *****. None of the stims stack, so I don't know why they allow the adrenal type buffs to stack.


    Well, full champ gear hopefully give you the competence needed to hit your CC break with less than 0.5 second delay, hit your heal pack and a def CD, since they are both of global you can get them off in under a second. Yeah, I just tested and I can get deflection and my heal pack off in under a second, meaning that if the gods are in my favor I get both off before he hits me again, if they are in his camp he gets a second attack in.


    We know that the Operative opener is a 3 second stun that fills the resolve bar, so just that alone negates any possibility of the OPs statement being true since it would take 4.5 seconds to get off 3 hits. So there is clearly a 1.5 second gap in the OP's statement.

  15. Ok, let me put it to you like this:


    1k Damage per hit.


    1 x Healer with Guard and a tank taunting anyone who attacks the healer:


    1k damage - 30% from taunt = 700, half of that moved to the tank, 350 damage done to a health pool of 15000, meaning that without any healing you'd need roughly 43 hits to take down that healer. With a global of 1.5 seconds that means a little over a minute to kill that one person. With no healing, this means you'd have to spend 8 minutes in a warzone just to kill everyone on the other team once.

  16. Not in cover, likely no gear. Nothing to see here, what you describe cannot happen to a lvl 50 in full pvp gear.


    Since the whole "Operatives are OP" thing seems to be coming from people in **** gear, who claim to be full battlemaster, low levels who claim to be 50 and a mixed assortment of other people with a lack of critical though and a very bruised ego, I will sum up the entire thing in a classic AABBA.


    Being a badly played lowbie left him dead,

    So please nerf everyone else mommy dev!

    Nevermind that I have no equipment,

    no experience or developed skill-set

    I should beat everyone, /END THREAD!

  17. Can't speak for everyone but I sure do at times. First off the visual target confirmation is just not visible enough on normal terrain, but then in Huttball that, plus the ground aoe target icon disappears in certain places such as the ramps.


    For my personal taste I wouldn't mind a WoW style Hunter's Mark arrow pointing at whoever I have targeted at that time. But to be honest, Bioware has completely and utterly failed at what is a very simple task, namely making a good GUI (Graphic User Interface).


    Its a failure on such a scale that it makes me want to go to Bioware's offices, use my fake press pass to get in and ask the GUI designer point blank : Did you or did you not draw up the entire UI plan on a cocktail napkin from Friday's a saturday when you, DE and Reid were busy trolling people via Reid's twitter account?

  18. I've been through Nar Shaddaa about 4 times now, and I still love it.


    The atmosphere and layout is spot-on when it comes to lore, and it forces you to kill most mobs on your way, resulting in lots of xp.


    The trick is to make sure you have all quests for an area, and don't go to turn in before you've done them all - then again, that counts for every planet and every zone.


    Part of the challenge here is that many times you will unlock additional quests at some point, or have a follow up which means having to reclear a whole heap of trash from a corridor before you can proceed. I can't remember the amount of times where I've finished an area, came back to my hub, found a new quest that meant clearing the whole area again.


    Fair enough, I feel like I'm running in corridors the whole game, but Nar Shaddaa just makes it obnoxiously obvious.

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