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Posts posted by CraigPay

  1. Electrum Onslaught is actually yellow at 400 crew skill. Maybe it's just the roll of the dice? Saying that, I switched to crafting a Diatium Helmet and got a crit with that first time.


    I'm lining up another 5 Electrum Onslaught items, greaves this time. I'll post once I get more data.



  2. Been crafting Electrum Onslaught Helmets with my BH companions (400 skill level, capped affection) and not a single augment slot in a dozen helmets.


    I get plenty of aug slots crafting Custom weapons with an Armstech alt (an Agent).


    Is this just bad luck or do Custom Armormech patterns somehow work differently?





  3. I'd almost class this as a bug rather than a feature request, but it would be nice to see the same quest title tip listed for space missions as planet-side quests in the Galactic Map when one of the areas is hovered over for any space missions in my quest log.


    Would save on zooming in and out all the time.



  4. Would be nice to have a DropDown menu to allow filtering by yield: Moderate, Bountiful, Rich etc. I often find myself scanning through different levels hunting for a 'Rich' yield.


    This would obviously involve a change to the way in which the missions are grouped as it would be nice to see different level missions on the same screen. Perhaps a 'Group By' dropdown would work? 'Group By Level', 'Group By Yield'.



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